BFS - Episode III: "The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way" pre-registration forum

I take it you've read the rest of the topic right? And sorry about the Alien thing, I just noticed that you had asked if the fleet command position was still open, and I hadn't noticed any responses.

I joined up with the HC, but then, I think you already knew that.

Apply When Wet

Me looks at Lyra Engels posts. Sure, you aren't flaming anybody :rolleyes: You keep it up and you probably won't be allowed into the story. Also stop with your pathetic attempt at sounding superior. You are making yourself look like a fool. KK and myself are the current pirates and there is no leader at the moment. I have the weapons and ship design at the moment however.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**Me looks at Lyra Engels posts. Sure, you aren't flaming anybody:rolleyes: You keep it up and you probably won't be allowed into the story. Also stop with your pathetic attempt at sounding superior. You are making yourself look like a fool. KK and myself are the current pirates and there is no leader at the moment. I have the weapons and ship design at the moment however.


Have you seen "her" doing in the BB series?

Coreył (Cubed)

Lyra, spl_cadet has a good point. If you look at your posts, almost all of them have an arrogant comeback if there was even a hint of a barb aimed at you, joking or otherwise. I'm forced to agree that if you can't cut back on that a little, we might not let you participate, much as we appreciate the players. Webstories can be a bit touchy, and I can easily see things degenerating into a flame war - we're already close here, and the story hasn't even started yet. So please, think a bit before you post.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

before I say anything, spl_cadet, I would like to point out that the basic point of this post is not to get engaged in a long, lengthly, Karma-degrading flame war, but to quell it before it starts.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
You keep it up and you probably won't be allowed into the story.

/me sighs. I NEVER said I didn't flame anyone. In fact, I apologized and said that I didn't mean to. So stop playing God and read all the posts.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Also stop with your pathetic attempt at sounding superior. You are making yourself look like a fool.

HOW? Tell me how I am humiliating myself. Give me one good example.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
KK and myself are the current pirates and there is no leader at the moment. I have the weapons and ship design at the moment however.

What does that have to do with anything?

So, please try to calm down, everything ws perfectly setteled before you made that last post.

And Zen- I didn't know that.

Lyra, I don't really want to respond to your last post in public, because it would escalate this. I ask that no one else do so either. I'd be happy to respond by e-mail though, Lyra, if you'd like to e-mail me so I have your address, and I'll try to answer your questions.

(edit) Correction - second to last post, you posted again while I was writing mine. (/edit)

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
Lyra, spl_cadet has a good point.

Well, if it has your seal of approval on it, then I'll believe it. Please notify me if I continue doing this, and please acceot my humble apologies.

ALSO- PLEASE NOTE that this post was directed DIRECTLY at Mac, and no one else. I do not wish to hate spl_cadet when I barely know him. The first thing he siad to ME was negative and rude, so I do not stand alone in my ex-rudeness. I know nothing about spl_cadet, and he knows nothing about me. He has no right to boss me around.

Mac, you're right. Lyra does have an arrogant remark for everything anyone says about "her". However, due to the timing, I presume she was composing her post while Mac made his. This happens...

(edit)Ignore the preceeding words if you want.(/edit) She doesn't have an email address. That's why she hasn't registered. Remember?

Coreył (Cubed)

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 09-01-2001).)


Originally posted by coreycubed:
Due to the timing, I presume she was composing her post while Mac made his.

Corey- You are absolutly right. I did posted at the SAME time Mac did. Once I saw that Mac had actually agreed with spl_cadet, I immediatly posted again (see above). And Mac- I would be happy to settle this via E-Mail, but it STILL isn't working. I believe the best way to talk privatly would be to arrange a time where we can both be in Chessworks, and we'll open a game, sort it out, and then play the game. Please notify me if this is good for U, and if it is, please tell me the possible times that U can be available. Thanx.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
Corey- You are absolutly right. I did posted at the SAME time Mac did. Once I saw that Mac had actually agreed with spl_cadet, I immediatly posted again (see above). And Mac- I would be happy to settle this via E-Mail, but it STILL isn't working. I believe the best way to talk privatly would be to arrange a time where we can both be in Chessworks, and we'll open a game, sort it out, and then play the game. Please notify me if this is good for U, and if it is, please tell me the possible times that U can be available. Thanx.

OK, I was hoping that was the case...

And it's really weird trying to have a conversation in two different boards at the same time!

Coreył (Cubed)


Originally posted by coreycubed:
She doesn't have an email address. That's why she hasn't registered. Remember?

Good point. See above post for answer.

Unfortunately, Chessworks isn't the best plan right now, since I'm devoting most of my time toward working on my plug. I can take little breaks to post messages like this or send e-mail, but I really don't have time for an extended chat room style conversation right now, sorry. I've already got people demanding a release date and I'm not even half done yet. :frown:

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
**before I say anything, spl_cadet, I would like to point out that the basic point of this post is not to get engaged in a long, lengthly, Karma-degrading flame war, but to quell it before it starts.
/me sighs. I NEVER said I didn't flame anyone. In fact, I apologized and said that I didn't mean to. So stop playing God and read all the posts.
HOW? Tell me how I am humiliating myself. Give me one good example.
What does that have to do with anything?

So, please try to calm down, everything ws perfectly setteled before you made that last post.

And Zen- I didn't know that.**

Umm, you act like you are better than us. Following the spl_cadet's Law: Those who boast the most suck the most. People know that there is no reason to act better than someone else.
And I was giving some info to Zen. He had earlier asked who were the pirates and if there was a leader.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**And it's really weird trying to have a conversation in two different boards at the same time!

I know. Especially because were both o"on" right now, and flood control is activated.

OK, can everyone please stop now?! We don't need any more inflammatory material here right now. Just stop. Times like this I wish I was a mod, so I could just lock this for a few hours and let everyone calm down....

No further posts here not directly related to BFS III, please. This goes for everyone. Violators may be kicked from the webstory.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Umm, you act like you are better than us.

We are all the same. Just peices of text, RAM, and bandwidth floating around on each other's screens.

As something mildly off topic (though that very well may be a good thing) I would suggest to anyone that hasn't, to go back to page six f this topic and look through all the topics of past BFS's that Mac posted links to there. I went through and read them all, and I think it gives you a better perspective of, not only what to expect from the story, but what to expect from your fellow players here on the board.

And thanks for the info Spl_Cadet

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by Macavenger:
Unfortunately, Chessworks isn't the best plan right now, since I'm devoting most of my time toward working on my plug... I really don't have time for an extended chat room style conversation right now, sorry.

S'ok. I don't mind at all. Its just that when I first "met" you I thought of you as a friend, and you're probably the person I'm closest to (on the net). So, when something like this arises, it puts our friendship at stake, takes up valuable bandwidth on Abrosia's already overworked servers, and makes us all go through lengthly problem solving trials and debates. None of us want any of those, so I want this over ASAP.


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**I've already got people demanding a release date and I'm not even half done yet.:frown:

That's understandable too. I'm STILL working on Mega-Mula, and I've got a lot of work ahead of me. I REALLY want mine done before I start college (day after labor-day) Just to know- What will your plug do?

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. I posted that big long post while you were doing yours (hate it when that happens). I will make everything relevant now, please except my apologies.

To make THIS post relevant, I must post this:

Thank you for the info, Zen, I've never done a webstory on the Ambrosia boards, so I will definiitly look into that.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
That's understandable too. I'm STILL working on Mega-Mula, and I've got a lot of work ahead of me. I REALLY want mine done before I start college (day after labor-day) Just to know- What will your plug do?

/me points to it's new website - (url="http://"")http://members.home....aders/main.html(/url)

I also have a (url="http://"")thread(/url) about it, where any further questions should go - see my above post. Though this type of stuff is a most welcome change from what has been going up here. 😉

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")