Boozerama Bar V

Uh, Mac, which one did you mean? 6. Nd5 or 6. Bg5?

Lyra, just because Luke was posting the rules doesn't necessarily mean that he thought you'd violated all of them. Right, Luke?

Coreył (Cubed)

Its amazing how everyone always seems to treat Mac as some strange alter ego when they speak about the bar tender. Mac IS the bartender! So with that said, I would appreciate another 100 million as well, out of fairness, and if you please cease your war with Luke, that would also be satisfactory.

Zen then decides to sit in a corner where it is most unlikely that anyone will attempt to harm him, and begins wondering what steps he needs to invoke in order to stay with the bar, namely killing Insano. (It doesn't count if I merely contributed to his death, does it?)

Apply When Wet

You see, I speant so long on that post, other people had already made revisions to it.

Lyra continues to make high pitched sounds on the rim of the glass.


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Lyra, just because Luke was posting the rules doesn't necessarily mean that he thought you'd violated all of them. Right, Luke?

Well, he could have said that, cuz he obviously implied that that I DID violate them all.

And, uh, Mac, I keep trying to be friends with you, and it isn't working. And I do agree with you on the POG tye-ups- Bring a book to have next to the compuer while waiting (prefferably The Amber SpyglassŠ/The Golden CompassŠ/The Subtle KnifeŠ, but I ain't God... And D**m happy I'm not, either!)

Oh, and uh, if Mac's the 'tender 9i guess that was set up in the beggining) that what's evreyone else? I'm pretty sure Skyblade's owner, but besides that...

OK< last post had SOOOOOOOO many grammer errors that I'm making a new one.

Oh, and uh, if Mac's the 'tender (I guess that was set up in the beggining) then what's everyone else? I'm pretty sure Skyblade's owner, but besides that...


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
I would appreciate another 100 million as well, out of fairness.

Out of fairness? I wasnt going to give you ANYthing, seeing as how Arookee only killed you ONCE (unlike many others), and he already bought yo uthat big a*s capslue thing you're sitting in as an apology, so why should you deserve more???


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
Please cease your war with Luke, that would also be satisfactory.

I already have. He's dead (For now, anyway). Great way to end unneccesary Flame wars, aint it? And luke- it IS a "qualified" one post battle, because killing you is needed/worthy of intrest/readonable/whatever you defined it as in your refined rule sheet.

Actually, I think Skyblade is the official in charge of hoarding all Dr. Pepper, which he thereby uses as a weapon or a tasty beverage. The rest of us all just sort of lurk about in no official capacity, though Insano has developed a special talent for being at the end of everyones wrath.

And I only wanted more fake imaginery money because you gave Mac that much fake imaginery money and I wanted to be as fake imagienry important as he is, even if he is the bartender.

Apply When Wet

No, I gave Mac and Corey so much imaginary $ because I used to be "friends" w/ Mac, and I was always on good terms with Corey, but, apparently, now they both hate me (for whatever reasons). I gave the mula as a peace offering, hoping to quail the tides of violence between us all, and now I'm waiting for both of their responses to my diplomatic actions.

My dying all started with me engaging in the epic soda wars with Skyblade and Mac. Then, they always enjoyed killing me.

Am I dead right now? Let's just say I'm not. Insano now worries that people will try to kill him for his 100 million credits. Not that they wouldn't if he didn't have the credits anyway.

I'm going to be host of the Duck Races. It's a 50 foot race. I'll roll one die. The number on the die is the number of feet that duck moves forward. I won't be participating, just managing, so you won't have to worry about me cheating. Do you guys want me to do one roll per post, or just do the whole race and report it? Ok, so who are our first two participants?

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
No, I gave Mac and Corey so much imaginary $ because I used to be "friends" w/ Mac, and I was always on good terms with Corey, but, apparently, now they both hate me (for whatever reasons). I gave the mula as a peace offering, hoping to quail the tides of violence between us all, and now I'm waiting for both of their responses to my diplomatic actions.

Nooonoonoo! I don't hate you. I just wish to enforce some semblance of order in this bar (by its very definition, a bar is a rowdy place, but still...). I think Cheez-Its™ are a fine peace offering, and I certainly shelled out enough of those. And thank you for properly capitalizing my name. 😉

And there is a good reason you haven't registered, right? It gets a little annoying when a user can't edit her (his?) posts. This is by no means your fault, of course.

Corey tells Lyra to quit making that noise. "It's getting on my nerves!!!" he says. Lyra complies, and Corey gives her a box of Cheez-Its™ for thanks.

Coreył (Cubed)

I will gladly partake in any officialy sanctioned duck races held within this bar! Zen quickly moves forward and places his special racing duck upon the track and glances about to make sure no sabetours are near.

Apply When Wet

Shade gets bored and drops a 50 kiloton toilet on Insano's head,for no particular reason.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Lyra, just because Luke was posting the rules doesn't necessarily mean that he thought you'd violated all of them. Right, Luke?

Yes. I show the complete rule sheet to anyone who is on my nerves (total so far: 2), not just those who have violated every law.

Luke shoots Insano for no particular reason and enters Froedrick in the duck race.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

I didn't get any money. :frown: 🙂

RC reincarnetes him self. Later than hour he sits at the bar and asks Mac for a Nestea(not iced tea :mad: )cool and lemony. Then he goes to the back of the bar to enjoy a Bouble Wopper and after finishing it he takes a little nap. Puting little locks on all his pockets and nicely asking Arookee<sp> to keep guard so no one steals his things. Also before he forgets he asks for Arookee to harn Insano in some way.


"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site or needs help with html please E-mail me at

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 08-28-2001).)


Originally posted by rebel council:
I didn't get any money.:frown: 🙂

Yes you did. I gave evreyone money, exept certan people, who were REALLY angry with me, i gave them MORE money.


Originally posted by rebel council:
Also before he forgets he asks for Arookee to harn (harm?) Insano in some way.

Arokee seriously considers this, then remembers he is not hurting anyone anymore, and immediatly joins up in a buddist/pacifist cult, for three reasons-

  • He wants to be spiratually reminded every time he tries to kill something.

  • He wants good Karma for the duck race

  • Even if his good KArma fails him, he can take an absence from the "pacifist" part and sacrifice the winner to buddha.

So now, Lyra and Arookee decide to enter the duck race. Arookee changes to a swan and tries to enter (If his neck crosses first he could cheat) but is repelled, so he changes to a mallard and enters the starting line.

Note: I rolled 2 different dice. You guys didn't tell me if you wanted me to post the whole race in one post, so i just did one roll.

Froederick: 5 of 50 feet advanced
Zen Masta Duck: 5 of 50 feed advanced


Froederick: 0-0-0
Zen Masta Duck: 0-0-0

Insano was wearing a very, very large hard hat so the toilet didn't affect him.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Hey! You didn't put me in there! Can you do a "re-roll" and put Arookee in too?

Shade groans and pulls a glowing dark blue orb from one of his pockets and puts it on the bar.
Noone shoot it,please!

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Shade:
**Noone shoot it,please!

Arookee, feeling drained from killing lately, pulls out a rifle (while at the starting line), and shoots it.