Boozerama Bar V

So Arookee is following (url="http://"")in Luke's footsteps(/url)...(post #7)

(Shade, you knew this would happen.) Corey shoots the orb. "I'm gonna regret this, I know..." But nothing happens (yet) so he sits and sips his Cream Soda.

(edit - Lyra's on at the same time as me. She posted something regarding Shade's orb :mad: Oh well...)

Coreył (Cubed)

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 08-28-2001).)

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 08-28-2001).)

No, because Luke is dead, and Arookee is not. And I alreay know that, I've been watching all the bars since #2. I just didn't do anything. And, uh, Insano? Could ya' put Arookee up there too?


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
No, because Luke is dead, and Arookee is not. And I alreay know that, I've been watching all the bars since #2. I just didn't do anything. And, uh, Insano? Could ya' put Arookee up there too?

oh, 'k then. Wanna play chess?

Coreył (Cubed)

Roll 1 (all numbers are total number of feet advanced at that time)

Froederick: 5 Record
Zen Masta Duck: 5
Arooke: 2 Froederick: 0-0-0
Zen Masta Duck: 0-0-0
Roll 2 Arooke: 0-0-0

Froederick: 11
Zen Masta Duck: 11
Arooke: 3 Ouch, Arooke has had some bad luck.

Insano gets really close to the orb that was just shot. "Ooo, pretty..."

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

The ball blows up. Insano thinks, "Oh no, I'm gonna die again," but very calmly. His life flashes before his eyes (it was the most boring movie ever created) and then, he doesn't die! He is encased with some sort of electric blue Aura, and is shot up into the sky. After traveling up a few miles, ge realizes he can fly at will, and he can control it by simply thinking which way he wants to go. Then, unfortunatly, as he is gliding around, free as a bird, WHOOOOOOOOOOOP! He hits an airplane. Insano thinks, "Oh, they're all laughing at me as I die again..." However, he doesn't die! He finds that this blue aura gives him protection against anything. He flies down, and starts punching evreyone who has killed him. Afterwards, when he is flying around, trying (unsuccesfully) to hit unsuspecting aircraft, Arookee notices this from down below and temporarily leaves the track, changes to a monkey, and nails up a new sign-

------------------------See the flying Insano! Only 500,000,000 credits!-------------------

People come from far and wide to see the spectacular sight. More and more people come, and all see Insano flyig high above (their pocketbooks considerably lessend). After the crowd leaves, Arookee splits the money between him, Lyra, and Insano, and walks back to the race track, dodging the falling Northwest™ airplane that falls beside him. He changes back to a duck, waiting for Insano to bore of buzzing the F-16's + Flying Saucers that come after him (NOW you know what they're REALLY doing in that so-called "harmless patch of desert", AKA Area 51). In the meantime, Arookee strikes up a friendly conversation about alarm clocks with Froedrick, who is 5 (I think) feet ahead of him.

Sorry I didn't remember this before. I'll answer now.

Upon the registering buisness-


Originally posted by coreycubed:
And there is a good reason you haven't registered, right?


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**oh, 'k then. Wanna play chess?

Sound's GREAAAAAAAAAAAAT! Just tell me how to get Chessworks™ "working" (ha, ha) and I'd love to play you!


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Uh, Mac, which one did you mean? 6. Nd5 or 6. Bg5?

Well I'll be damned, I guess I did post two different moves. Makes sense, sorta, I had a hard time picking between those two, they're both good. Anyway, the correct move I eventually settled on is 6.Nd5, the first one I posted. 🙂

Macavenger gives rebel council his Nestea, and then decides he's too busy playing chess to be the tender for a bit. So he brings in hector the infobot from IRC to act as barkeep for him for a bit, after reprogramming a few of his soft drink commands. (At least he had pepsi right, that was pepsi < *. Maybe Skyblade got in there once?) hector is now the bartender until I take over from him. He's also a good little bot (hector: thanks, Macavenger 🙂 )

Macavenger tosses Arooke a bag of peanuts.

Macavenger also suggests the The Hunter and coreycubed play chess with each other on board #3, since they're both asking for games.

Oh, and Lyra, about the boads, I usually have ResEdit open while I'm here, and wor on my plug while I wait for the stupid page to load.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Insano is very excited about being able to fly and being invincible. He then goes and flies straight at a confed cruiser, rams through the cockpit, and destroys the ship from the inside.

Froederick: 16
Zen Masta Duck: 13
Arooke: 4 Man, if I didn't know better I'd think this was fixed, but it's not

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

So you've been up and around on that #ev3 then too, Mac? /me hugs hector...

Ah well, i just can't wait for the next move in this ever so exiting duck race. Who will be the champion of the lucky duck related dice!? I just hope i don't wet myself in exitment.

Apply When Wet

Shade shades his head at th poor shooting of Arookee and Thingymiwobble,can't remember his name,and laughs at Insano's drug-induced hallucinations.
I knew spiking his drink would be funny.
New!Extra funny-Insano,thinking he is invincible,rams into a Confed Cruiser and gets splattered over the hull.
The orb begins to glow more and starts spinning around.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
**Sorry I didn't remember this before. I'll answer now.

Upon the personal info buisness-

Originally posted by coreycubed:
her (his?)

By no means will I reveal my name, sex, age, and/or address over the internet. E-Mail's OK, cuz I can always get a new account and nobody'll be the wiser. But, ye never know. I could be a 14 year old girl from alaska or a 75 year old man from Peru. Ah, the wonders (and horrors) of the Internet. You'll just have to guess at it, won't you?
(However, I've dropped a couple hints, some people have picked them up (I think). Cough, cough, MAC! cough, cough, cough...)**

No one asked you to. I just meant that you were the only one who seemed to be able to go either way (male or female). Frankly, I really couldn't care less (and I don't think anyone else does either). The only "reality" any of us have on these boards is the few Kilobytes of text we create. It doesn't truly reflect the person who created the posts. I like to think of the message boards and chats as two or more characters each being controlled by a person who inputs the data they speak. The thoughts, moods, and intentions of a person can never be 100% of the user's intended effect on the reader (until such time as mass webcam chat becomes easy and affordable). The truth is, none of us are who we seem to be. I only put both because I was referring to the person controlling what "Lyra" said, and not the character herself. Not that I couldn't figure it out, though...but I'm not telling. 😉

And as for a chess game, you can play the same way that I'm doing (posting your plays) or get Chess"works" going and play Mac, because I don't have an Internet connection on my Mac (that's right, every single one of my posts has been on a PC :eek: ).

Mac - ouch, that smarts. I don't see that I have any other choice... 6. Qd8

Coreył (Cubed)

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 08-29-2001).)

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 08-29-2001).)


Originally posted by Mac-
I ususlly have ResEdit open while I'm waiting.

That'll make it take longer, ye know.

Insano, splattered against the hull of a cruiser (see below), pulls himself off and realizes that this blue orb thing must have limits. He goes down, buys a coupla hundred of them off Shade, and reffils. Turns out, each ones good for 1000 refills.


Down below, Arookee now changes the topic of discussion (with Froedrick) to lightboulb wattages, now having to talk slightly louder because he is 10 feet away.

Insano splattered on the hull of a cruiser: (hope this turns out right...)
Wati, no, this won't turn out right, cause I made it, I didn't get it off the internet. If anyone would like to see it, please tell me how to post my own images, withOUT having them on the net.


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Not that I couldn't figure it out, though...but I'm not telling.;) **

Like what? Give me your best.

Thanks Macavenger, I got a little lost. Anyway, 13...Be6.

The Hunter orders a Root Beer and watches the various explosions happening all around him

So coreycubed, you want to play on #3?


The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!

So, Corey, ya wanna play? Alright. I'll go first.
(so obviously I'm white)
1.- E4.

Ah ah ah...I said I'm not telling. It shall remain a mystery...

Sure, Hunter. Only, can you define "#3"? I know it's probably something obvious but I don't exactly understand it...

I'm going on a (small) vacation and probably won't be able to post while I'm gone...

Lyra - 1. d5

Coreył (Cubed)

Macavenger sees Arooke losing badly in the duck race, so he goes over and feeds him some peanuts. The peanuts help him to go faster, so on his next turn, he gets two rolls of the dice, instead of one.


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
That'll make it take longer, ye know.

Nah, ResEdit isn't that much of a resource hog. With dual G4 533s, I'm pretty sure I've got processor power to spare, and ResEdit really eats a lot of my cable modem's bandwidth, of which there's plenty to spare from loading the boards anyway. 😉


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
Wati (sic) , no, this won't turn out right, cause I made it, I didn't get it off the internet. If anyone would like to see it, please tell me how to post my own images, withOUT having them on the net.

You can't post images on the board without having them somewhere on the internet. If you have some webspace through your ISP, you can use that. Also, you can use Apple's iDisk service, 20 megs should be enough to post a few images now and then. apparently also has free webspace available, but I don't have any personal experience with them, so I can't tell you much there.


Originally posted by coreycubed:
Sure, Hunter. Only, can you define "#3"? I know it's probably something obvious but I don't exactly understand it...

We're referring to the number of a chessboard in the bar. For example, I'm playing Hunter on #1, you on #2. At this point, you'd probably play Hunter on #4, since it seems you're playing Lyra on #3. I also think Corey should get white against Hunter, since he's got white twice. Also, anyone want white against me? I was going to be black against Skyblade, but that didn't pan out...

OK, now, for the all important chess moves -
Dammit! Why'd you both have to play the best move? :mad: Now I can't do any of my fun lines... er, anyway:
Corey - 7.d4
Hunter - 14.Nd4

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Mmmm, low rolls today in the duck races. But fairly even.

Froederick: 18
Zen Masta Duck: 16
Arooke: 6

Insano keeps refilling his shield and keeps trying to ram confed cruisers. He succeds about once a re-charge so he now has a very large fleet of the hated ships. In order to remain alive he repaints them all in rebel colors.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Hey, Maaaaaaaaaac! I got Chessworks working! Ready to go run in fear? I'm logged in now, and I'll try to be all day (as "Lyra Silvertounge"). I'm open for a game, unless you're to chicken...

Gonna cry to yo ma-ma?
Posted Image

Or just hide in shame?

Face me like a man! You're going down!
Posted Image