Various mission, strategy, etc. questions

OK, this probably exists somewhere but I don't have the patience to go and dig it up. Anyway, here's my question. Are the alien missions the last in the rebel string? This of course being seperate from assassination and such. Anyway, ask away.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

If you have the Tractor beam, you've reached the end of the string. Otherwise, keep looking for new missions. The tractor beam series can come before or after the Alien sequence.

You can get the tractor beam before or after the alein missions, but I suggest before.

Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door.
-The poster formerly known as The Catacomb

I have another question. Underneath a lot of peoples names, where member is supposed to be, they have something different. Like Skyblade has superhero. What is that?

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Originally posted by Insano:
OK, this probably exists somewhere but I don't have the patience to go and dig it up. Anyway, here's my question. Are the alien missions the last in the rebel string? This of course being seperate from assassination and such. Anyway, ask away.

Either the alien or tractor beam missions are the last. After that, there is only reoccurent missions. i.e. assasination


Originally posted by Insano:
**I have another question. Underneath a lot of peoples names, where member is supposed to be, they have something different. Like Skyblade has superhero. What is that?

I believe it is a joke by the Ambrosia team and Andrew.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence


I believe it is a joke by the Ambrosia team and Andrew.

Ooh, close!
Board Moderators have 'Moderator' listed, and their karma becomes blessed.
Andrew is listed as 'Administrator', and is 'Divine'
Mods and members can have that line changed if Andrew thinks of something funny to change it too. Take that 'Superhero' line, OctoberFost's 'Deposed Despot' (He used to be the moderator of the EV B+🆒, etc.


There will come a time, when the curse of the One above will not be tolerated further when the Lineage of Caine will be weak, and there will be no Embracing for these Childer for their blood will run like water and the potence in it will wither Then you know in this time that Gehenna will soon be upon you.
- The Book Of Nod

And a warning; Don't ask for a title. Moki will give you something you don't want, trust us.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**And a warning; Don't ask for a title. Moki will give you something you don't want, trust us.

Yeah, I had two before this. The first was "ballerina" and the other was "serial killer". I'm surprised he never set it as "Teletubbie Extrordinaire".

Look at the stars, that's your life. Look at the dirt, that's your life too. Look to all sides of yourself and see what really isn't your life, but a fantasy dreamt of by others and forced upon you in whole.



Originally posted by Anatole:
**Mods and members can have that line changed if Andrew thinks of something funny to change it too. Take that 'Superhero' line, OctoberFost's 'Deposed Despot' (He used to be the moderator of the EV B+🆒 , etc.

Actually, moderators can't have a special title, as it might cause confusion.


(This message has been edited by hawk (edited 08-06-2001).)

Another question. Is it possible to actually align with the pirates? Meaning that they give you missions, and pirates don't attack you anymore?

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Originally posted by Insano:
**Another question. Is it possible to actually align with the pirates? Meaning that they give you missions, and pirates don't attack you anymore?


Only in EVO and plug-ins. The best you can get with pirate missions in EV is transporting a fugitive, and delivering kestrel sub-assemblies.

Try: Empire of Crime and the entire Empire series. They have quite a few pirate strings. Not to mention special pirate only items and ships.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence


Originally posted by General Rak:
**Only in EVO and plug-ins. The best you can get with pirate missions in EV is transporting a fugitive, and delivering kestrel sub-assemblies.


Not entirely true. There are other missions, such as drug pick-up and delivery, and locate weapons cache and bring the weapons back. Also, after doing a lot of those missions, pirates in pirate systems won't attack, and you don't have to bribe your way on to the planet. Of course, they will attack everywhere else.

This is the end of my post.


Originally posted by forge:
**Yeah, I had two before this. The first was "ballerina" and the other was "serial killer". I'm surprised he never set it as "Teletubbie Extrordinaire".

Erm, not that I really know anything about the way you "ins" deal with each other, but you may want to be careful!
Just mentioning the Teletubby title could be enough for you to suddenly get it - sounds just too appealing to someone with Andrew's sense of humour!

Btw, are you based in Europe, or is that horrible piece of TV sh*t one of the few bits of British ... erm ... "culture" left that's still exported all over the world, along with gin, cheddar cheese and football hooligans??


But, he's already a mod, so he can't get one, and he isn't asking for it besides, just mentioning it. Besides, I don't think andrew reads the old EV board anymore. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")