Battle for Sol: Episode II - The Unfinished War -

The 589th Pirate Assault Fleet materialized in the asteroid field surrounding Blackthorne, in the Darven system. Only one HC ship was in the area, but it wasa carrier. 4 local pirate Kestrels were already dealing with this ship, hiding inthe asterroids that they knew well, and taking advantage of the carriers lack of familiarity with the asteroids. Lightnings poured out of the Kestrels as they, the Corvettes, and the Hawks aboard the Argosies flew in to take care of the 100 remaining HC Manta's. The X-Rapiers emerged from behind a asteroid in the Carriers blind spot to unleash a massive rocket barrage. Secondary explosions registered throughout the carrier as it broke up and exploded. Shortly thereafter, Blackthorne surrendered to the Pirates.
589th Pirate Assault Fleet stats
1 Superkestrel
50 Kestrels
23 Corvettes
24 Modified Argosies
87 X-Rapiers
Darven is now under Pirate Control

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(This message has been edited by spl_cadet (edited 08-06-2001).)

the x-cloak is invented.will cloak all x rapiers in one system if one has it.i need to know how much money we have.

I bet there darn tasty to.

Urgent Message to:
........Grunadulater, fleet #302
........Sattomax, fleet 463
........spl_cadet, fleet 589

Our encrytion computer is a pile of draxx! It's broken again. But this is potentially so important, we are sending it on this open channel....

On "inventorying" the shipyard here on New Istanbul, our engineers caught some HC engineers attempting to delete some warship plans you may find very interesting. (We tried to learn what version these drafts were -- and how far along the HC's production and distribution is -- from the HC engineers. Unfortunately, two of the three HC egineers "committed suicide" right in the middle of questioning. At that point however the remaining engineer could not talk fast enough.)

My engineers tell me this thing is BIG and POWERFUL. Maybe we can use some of its weapons ourselves...?

The attached files are the ship plans and our notes from the HC engineer's assistance. (We would be transporting the engineer to one of you for additional questioning. Sadly, he expired from some peculiar form of organ failure.)

I hope these plans prove useful.

- KK out.

“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 08-06-2001).)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**The 589th Pirate Assault Fleet materialized in the asteroid field surrounding Blackthorne, in the Darven system. Only one HC ship was in the area, but it wasa carrier. 4 local pirate Kestrels were already dealing with this ship, hiding inthe asterroids that they knew well, and taking advantage of the carriers lack of familiarity with the asteroids. Lightnings poured out of the Kestrels as they, the Corvettes, and the Hawks aboard the Argosies flew in to take care of the 100 remaining HC Manta's. The X-Rapiers emerged from behind a asteroid in the Carriers blind spot to unleash a massive rocket barrage. Secondary explosions registered throughout the carrier as it broke up and exploded. Shortly thereafter, Blackthorne surrendered to the Pirates.
589th Pirate Assault Fleet stats
1 SuperKestrel
54 Kestrels (4 local ones joined)
24 Modified Argosies
25 Corvettes
89 X-Rapiers (11 destroyed either by carrier or its explosion
Darven is now under Pirate Control

Two problems here:(list=1)
()Rules violation. There's no precedent for adding ships to your fleet like that, so unless Skyblade overrules me, I'm going to have to disallow the addition of those 4 Kestrels.
)You're massively underestimating athe power of a Human Carrier. Even with 4 potentially friendly Kestrels in the system to take some fire, you'fe going to lose more than 11 X-Rapiers. Carriers have 25000 shields. Let's say you also lose a couple of Corvetes and a couple more X-Rapiers. This assumes the other 4 Kestrels all died.(/list=a)
1 Superkestrel
50 Kestrels
23 Corvettes
24 Modified Argosies
87 X-Rapiers


Originally posted by grunadulater:
the x-cloak is invented.will cloak all x rapiers in one system if one has it.i need to know how much money we have.

I don't think that X-Cloak would fit in the reasonable category. I'm going to wait for Captain Skyblade for a final ruling there, but I'm going to ask you not to use it for now. The pirates have 150 million credits for buying ships.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

grunadulater buys 40 x-rapiers for him, 30 for spl, 30 for kk, and 15 for satto.any other requests?i have 2750000 left.
my fleet:
1 SuperKestrel
7 Kestrels
10 Corvettes
20 Modified Argosys
5 Rapiers
40 X-rapiers

I bet there darn tasty to.

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 08-05-2001).)

General Rak's fleet entered the SGS-9758 at precisely 8:00 PM. There were a handful of X-Rapiers, 10 corvettes, and 1 SuperKestrel guarding the system. He immediately launched waves of torpedoes at the SuperKestrel, destroying it outright. His fighter quickly dealt with the x-rapiers, but not before 10 mantas and 2 star cobras were lost to the corvette fire, and the X-Rapiers unleashed fire. As soon as the barrage of torpedoes impacted, 2 M5s were destroyerd. 3 more were heavily damaged. At that moment, his force of Ospreys were decimating the corvettes, with only 1 osprey lost. The 2 carriers parked on top of the planet and the resulting oribital bombardment caused the planet to surrender.

SGS-9758 (Under Agena) is now under Human Confederation control
--- --- ---
21st Human Confederation Warfleet
ID Tag: GR
2 Carriers- HCS Visionary (Flagship) and HCS Tristar
1 Heavy Cruiser
5 Supercruisers
10 Battlecruisers
1 Destroyer M6 Gunship
22 Ospreys
23 Destroyer M5s
23 Star Cobras (Carrier)
25 Dragonflies (Carrier)
15 Mantas (Carrier)

Grunadulater, you have a slight bit more credits left then that. X-Rapiers cost under 1 million credits each. Therefore, you have about 45 million left. And I'd like some Starscreamers. You probably need ships a bit more then I do.
1 Sabre (sorry about that KK)
5 SuperKestrels
40 Corvettes
81 X-Rapiers (16 docked)
75 Lightnings (20 docked)


They were finally done in Alta. The 463rd warfleet was finally going to make their move. A course was being set for SGS-4902, which was fairly close to the Zigra system. (The three jumppoints of Alta are Orban, SGS-4902, and SGS-6783, which is near AAAG. I'm just saying that so nobody thinks I'm cheating with Alta.) The ships were soon leaving.

Some time later, in the SGS-4902 system

Admiral Vaten and his Lieutenants were meeting in the command room of the Sabre. Ma'ose suggested splitting the fleet into a few wings. Commander Karl Wilk had shown that that works extremely well. "Ok then," said Vaten. "Here's what we'll do..." The ships later left the system, to pursue their course of action.


C'mon, pirates, we really need a graphics guy.

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.

Siege Carriers are now in production.


And they went in. Two wings of ships assaulted Zigra. There wasn't much in there, just the defense fleet and a few HC fighters...and a Heavy Cruiser, being repaired. The first wing was commanded by Lieutenant Ma'ose and the second by Lieutenant Tasina. The battle was on.

The wings immediately split from each other and encircled the planet, demanding tribute. Soon waves of Rapiers and Dragonflies were coming out, 10 at a time. "I want that Cruiser," called Vaten. "I need to test my weapons on it." The cruiser was soon lumbering out into the battlefield. It was, of course, no match for Vaten's Sabre. The scorpions were starting to seriously disrupt the shields of the Heavy Cruiser, and the captain was clearly baffled as to what they were. The Cruiser was equipped with four quad turbolaser turrets and fifteen flak turrets. On the other side, the Lightnings and X's were making balls of iron out of the HC's fighters, having no problem at all in destroying them.

The Carrier was soon down, then destroyed. "Report?" called Vaten. "55% shields, 27 propulsion mines left," was the answer. He decided to go in to the fray with the fighters.

The outcome of that was fairly predictable.



5 X-Rapiers
7 Lightnings
2 Corvettes

1 Sabre
5 SK's
38 Corvettes
76 X-Rapiers (16 docked)
68 Lightnings (20 docked)

And on to the next.

Vaten's fleet entered the Gamera system, and dispatched one wing to clean up and get control of the system. They also had instructions to dominate the Canopus system, then return to Guiron.

Tasina's wing:
3 SK's
20 Corvettes
25 X-Rapiers
35 Lightnings (12 docked)

The remaining ships went on to the Guiron system, which was similarly defended.
There were a pair of Cruisers there, but that was it, excepting the defense fleet, which was Rapiers, Dragonflies, and a few Star Cobras mixed in. The Sabre and a SuperKestrel went after the Cruisers, while the rest took care of the assorted fighters.

The Sabre immediately went after the Cruisers' launched fighters, which were quickly destroyed by Scorpion fire. The SK was engaging one Cruiser with torps and missiles, as well as its complement of turrets. The Admiral went after the other, firing propulsion mines at it with no end in sight. They did so well that that Cruiser was destroyed even before the first one was. The SuperKestrel was now at 37% shields, with 20 torps and 6 missiles remaining.

The fighters were more numerous, and the X's were taking losses...until Tasina's wing got back from Canopus. Vaten greeted him. "Tasina! Good to see you. We need some mopping up with this battle." It all went downhill for the HC from there. Akio soon surrendered, and the Pirates had a few more systems.


Total losses (three fights):
7 Corvettes
9 X-Rapiers
12 Lightnings

1 Sabre
5 SuperKestrels
31 Corvettes
67 X-Rapiers (16 docked)
56 Lightnings (20 docked)

Vaten's fleet then landed for refueling, and to plan their next move.

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.

Wait a minute...You pirate players really need to slow down! I haven't even visited this topic today (much less the Ambrosia forums), and you guys are about to conquer all of the southern Human Confederation worlds. Make sure not to move along too far into the topic until players of another government have posted.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

Sorry...we just need a foothold here.

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.


Originally posted by Sattomax:
**Sorry...we just need a foothold here.


That's alright...Just be more careful with posts of related importance next time.

grunadulater buys 1 siege carrier, and 3 starscremers.he buys everyone else 4 starscreamers.
1 SuperKestrel
7 Kestrels
10 Corvettes
20 Modified Argosys
5 Rapiers
40 X-rapiers
1 seige carrer
3 starscreamers

I bet there darn tasty to.

Ahh, i'm back.
**** my fleet is gone? (well almost gone)
After Checking the damge reports in the vulcan system Tycho orders his fleet to the Sol system to be rebuilt.

I cn'at write stories ok?

Tycho Maudd

I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.

grunadulater sends an code-13 message thats in a365 encription to spl, satto, and kk:
we need to at alta.satto, send us all coords in the highest encryption you can find.

I bet there darn tasty to.

"Admiral, our reinforcements have arrived." a young ensign reported.
"Very well. Carry on."
589th Pirate Assault Fleet stats
1 Superkestrel
50 Kestrels
23 Corvettes
24 Modified Argosies
117 X-Rapiers
4 Starscreamers

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon:GW Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)

Update on Fleet Admiral UE Crusader's forces:
2 Carriers
7 SuperCruisers
12 BattleCruisers
1 Heavy Cruiser
20 Cruisers
13 Ospreys
22 Destroyer M5's
1 Destroyer M6
11 Frigates
11 Destroyers
90 Mantas (aboard Carrier)
115 Star Cobras (aboard Carrier)

Current system position: Saden


The HC attack on Saden was quick and immediate; UEC's fleet came down upon the Pirate stronghold like a storm. Within moments all carried fighters were launched, and an all-out battle was underway.

The Pirates put up a fierce battle, and they were many. A dozen SuperKestrels lead the way alongside well over a hundred other ships, from Kestrels and Corvettes to modifed Argosies and X-Rapiers, to simple lightnings.

But even the strongest Pirate ships were found wanting against the Human Confederation warships. Cruisers of all classes were tearing through the larger Pirate craft; even the SuperKestrel had but a third of the shielding of a single Super Cruiser, and a fraction of the firepower. That alone was bad enough for the Pirates, but the presence of two full-blown HC Carriers was simply too much. What the slower warships couldn't hit, the zipping Mantas, Star Cobras, and Dragonflies did. After an hour of intense fighting it was all over, and hundreds of HC personnel from the mighty warships forced their way into Saden's base and subdued all resistance. The crown jewl of all Pirate strongholds was no longer.

Crusader was very pleased as the carried fighters came back aboard, but knew his job wasn't done. There were Pirate forces to subdue elsewhere, and time was precious. After a few moments of thinking, he resolved to go after the nearest Pirate fleet and destroy them one by one until they were finished, or he was. The first act has ended, and now the curtain raises in the second. We'll be busy.....

Saden is now controlled by the Human Confederation!


Fleet Admiral UE Crusader's current forces:

2 Carriers
6 SuperCruisers
9 BattleCruisers
1 Heavy Cruiser
18 Cruisers
12 Ospreys
22 Destroyer M5's
1 Destroyer M6
9 Frigates
10 Destroyers
75 Mantas (aboard Carrier)
100 Star Cobras (aboard Carrier)

Current system position: Saden



Admiral Rak's fleet entered the NGC-9758 at 6:00 PM. Before that, there had been relative peace. There were very few ships in the system, most had gone off to defend Saden.

In the system were-
10 Argosies
1 Kestrel
5 Rapiers

It was over almost before it even started. Missile and torpedo volleys sprayed forth from the HC warfleet. Only 3 Dragonflies had been lost to argosy fire.

NGC-9758 ( Two Jumps Under Agena) is now under Human Confederation control
--- --- ---
21st Human Confederation Warfleet
ID Tag: GR
2 Carriers- HCS Visionary (Flagship) and HCS Tristar
1 Heavy Cruiser
5 Supercruisers
10 Battlecruisers
1 Destroyer M6 Gunship
22 Ospreys
23 Destroyer M5s
23 Star Cobras (Carrier)
22 Dragonflies (Carrier)
15 Mantas (Carrier)
--- --- ---
Now all planets from Agena to Saden are in HC control

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-06-2001).)

-Incoming Message From High Command-
Encryption Type EX16
To: Fleet Commander ErsadtSF

"Commander, Ill keep this brief. We need to recover Apollo. Four transports carrying marines and our newest planetary defence weaponry will be entering the Vulcan system shortly. I know your fleet is no match for the aliens, but if you can land and power up the defensive weapons, you can shred the alien fleet." <End Message>

The commander just finished informing his fleet when the transports arrived. Upon questioning one of their captains, the commander found that the marines needed five minutes to set up on the surface.

"Five minutes?? This battle will be over in five seconds!"

"I doubt that, commander," said one of the captains."a deep scan revealed that the majority of the alien fleet is on the extreme edge of the system, hunting for escape pods from commander Tycho Maudd's fleet."

"I see...prepare to jump."


The commander's fleet entered the Apollo system. Fortunately for them, their intelligence was correct. The fleet made short work of the 6 fighters guarding the planet, and the transports desended into Apollo's atmosphere.

"Commander, the alien fleet has seen us. They're coming fast...."

"Power up weapons and shields. Move the fleet around Armstrong. Make sure nothing hits the planet."

"Sir, we have landed," said one of the transport's commanders."Good luck up there."

The alien fleet closed in and fired everything they had. ErsadtSF's fleet outnumbered them, but the aliens simply cut straight through the lines of fighters.

"Oh %#$@! Take us down to those fighters!"

The carrier was new to the alien forces, but, with 2 minutes left, 16 alien fighters swarmed over it. Heavy turbolaser fire reduced them to rubble, but not before they lowered the carrier's shields to 75%.

"Alright, get us back to...(explosion)"

The H.C.S. Infusion quickly figured out where the fighters had come from. An alien battlecruiser was right behind the massive carrier. It easily shrugged off the carrier's turbolasers.

"Shields at 55%,sir."

"Turn us into our fleet. Keep firing. Route all power to weapons and shields."

The carrier hoped to lose the battlecruiser in the combat between the other fleet ships, but it was pursued into its own lines, which were about to fall...

"Sheilds at 30%, 20%, 10%.."

A huge explosion rocked the whole ship.

"Shields down! Commander, we're about to-"


The battlecruiser was blown into a nearby asteroid. Another shot incinerated both the ship and the asteroid.

"Commander, the new defence grid is online. We have taken the planet."

The remaining enemy ships either retreated, or were destroyed by the remainder of the fleet.

The Apollo system now belongs to the Human Confederation
My Fleet:
1 carrier
1 supercruiser
8 destroyer M5's
14 ospreys
45 mantas
3 star cobras
Macavenger's Fleet:
2 battlecruisers
27 cruisers
49 heavy fighters

Ill put it this way - I dont write novels.

UE Crusader, see my protest in the Discussion thread.

- KK

“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**UE Crusader, see my protest in the Discussion thread.

- KK


Please keep this kind of discussion in the "Discussion" thead, thank you 🙂

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence