Which goverment is beter?


Touch to touch.

Both are good, both are fun to play. Many people will say the Rebles, but I really don't care. If you would really like to know what people think, there is a chached topic that was really good on this subject. I don't remember where to find it though.

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon


Cotton Mouse
Ares Webboard Moderator with a fuse shorter than a mouse's tail

Or Independent. I prefer the Lethian to the Cydonians. Rebles and ConFed are too big to matter. Besides, the aliens could beat them both. :rolleyes:

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon

depends on what your looking for. a particle beam and a huge ship with massive sheilding, then the confeds are where its at. tractor beam, cloaking device, faster ships, and the clear conscience of helping the underdog, the rebels are the way to go. of course, going independant, and trying to take over the universe completely on your own is an interesting challenge. i like to play all sides at least a little bit.

"it is better to be silent and be thought a fool, then to open ones mouth and prove it."

I prefer the Confederation to the Rebellion - peace is more valuable than concerns of the past. But, as has already been mentioned, there are plenty of "Confed vs. Rebel" topics around, including the eight-page one on the "Best of Escape Velocity Posts " page. Just for variety, let's turn this into a debate on minor governments.

I prefer New Cydonia to Lethe Prime, and UGE & Starbound Shipping to ConEx.

David Arthur
Long Live New Cydonia!

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 05-02-2001).)

I like your sig Cottom Mouse, very fitting 🙂

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy | zergess@yahoo.com
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

for GOOD missions Rebellion is the way to go. besides, the ships are cheaper and can run circles around the 'feds. the rebellion also has better items to get(cloaking device, tractor beam), vs. a particle beam that wastes fuel faster than an afterburner. oh yeah, the missions are a little easier. 😉 and the cruiser doesn't cost a freaking 20 million credits!!!! :mad: only a mere 14 million. 🙂

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

I like the rebbelion better, because you can shoot and kill anything other than the rebel ships with out hostility.

I'm a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up!--Rogan

the people who are evil are good. Yay pirates!


Originally posted by NNNormal:
**I prefer the Lethian to the Cydonians.


LETHIAN!!!! No way, man! Cydonian is much cooler. But, I took both planets over anyway. 😉

Would someone please give me the title "swedish chef"? PLEASE?


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**"Best of Escape Velocity Posts " page.

Where is this "Best of EV Posts" page?

UGE is best among small govts-- they pay far better than anyone else, and they uphold some standards of decent behavior (which undoubtedly will annoy the pirate types).



Originally posted by magicianeer:
**Where is this "Best of EV Posts" page?


At the bottem of the Ambrosia Software, Inc. web board page. Hope you can find it!

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon


Originally posted by magicianeer:
**Where is this "Best of EV Posts" page?

It can be found at the bottom of the popup menu for switching boards, or by following (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=A%3A000001&SUBMIT;=Go")this link(/url).

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")http://members.aol.c...thur1/talon-ev/(/url)


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**LETHIAN!!!! No way, man! Cydonian is much cooler. But, I took both planets over anyway.;)


Lethian is better. the "deffend stellar system" mission pays more, and they have better items and a shipyard.

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

For the love of.... they are both week, pitiful and hold a gruge for a reason even they cant remember(if some one knows it please tell me). Plus they are both planets I have efortlessly crushed in my conquest for the galaxy.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth


Originally posted by rebel council:
For the love of.... they are both week, pitiful and hold a gruge for a reason even they cant remember(if some one knows it please tell me). Plus they are both planets I have efortlessly crushed in my conquest for the galaxy.

The war is over water rights.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")http://members.aol.c...thur1/talon-ev/(/url)

Really? They are on different planets, whats the point!

Join Starbase Delta at


Originally posted by rebel council:
**Really? They are on different planets, whats the point!


Judging by the planet pictures and landing pictures, cydonia is dry-- marslike, and lethe is earthlike. So I imagined that it went like this. Sometime in the past, Lethe agreed to supply Cydonia with water to help with terraforming. Later, Lethe cut off the agreement, and the war began...
Or maybe, early on, Lethe was not able to do anything about Cydonians taking their water, but when they got stronger, they began fighting it.


I think that this kind of topic has come up many times in the past, and has just ended up in huge flame wars that would destroy the world if it was real flame. 😉 My point is, this topic is probably just going to burn up in flames completely.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM