AI Ship Weapon Counts

Just wondering if anyone had noticed this. It could be limited to me, cause I've heard the AI varies from (computer) system to s, but I've run EV on 3 of them, so I doubt it...

Anyway, I've noticed that AI ships have more ammo than the ammoload for that weapon. Specifically, 175% of what they're supposed to, rounded down. I've boarded Confed Cruisers that I disabled that never fired a torpedo, and they had 24 torps (which I stole :)). Also, my fighters only have 50%, also rounded down. :mad:

Anyone else ever noticed this? In threads I've read where AI ship ammoloads are being discussed, they always use the normal value.

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I had noticed that about AI ships, not the part about the fighters however. But I rarely use fighters. I noticed it in Pale, when I'd board Cargo-Haulers, which had 7 VLS missiles, though they were supposed to have 4.

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Freedom is slavery.
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Yeah, I noticed that. When I always thought I had dodged all of a frigate's heavies, I'd move in, and he'd blast me! I got so mad! :mad: "bleep YOU!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Then, kaboom! Hahahahaha!

See ya!

I don't care what the moderators say, my nickname is swedish chef.

This is true. AI ships do generally come equipped with a bigger ammo load. They also have higher shield levels—from 50% to 75% over standard. So be careful when you taunt them.

if you can't be free, be a mystery

I've never noticed that. Maybe because I blow them up before they use their secondaries. 😉

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Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
They also have higher shield levels—from 50% to 75% over standard.

Are you sure? I always thought that they had less if anything, because 1 missile will run a Defender to like 1% shields, and missiles shoundn't do 10 damage to shields. Also, what can you compare that against, since they would all be the same? It doesn't show shielb points left. I only figured out the weapons because I can compare ammoload to how much they have when I board them.

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Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Are you sure?

You know what? I'm thinking of many of the përs ships, not AI ships in general. USS Oppressor, Taciturn the Evil, et cetera. Sorry for the mistake.

if you can't be free, be a mystery


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Are you sure? I always thought that they had less if anything, because 1 missile will run a Defender to like 1% shields, and missiles shoundn't do 10 damage to shields.


The missile does 10 damage, and the torps do 12 damage. They just gave a little extra to the defender so it wouldn't be taken out in one hit.

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Um, missiles have 50 EngDmg and 100 MssDmg, so (EngDmg + MssDmg/4) would be 75, drop a zero = 7.5 damage to shields. It shouldn't do 10. Torps are double missiles, so they should be 15.

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