free money

hey everyone. i heard about this free money plugin and i was wondering if there was one and if wso then how can i get it. thank you much.


Originally posted by johnjohn:
hey everyone. i heard about this free money plugin and i was wondering if there was one and if wso then how can i get it. thank you much.

Welcome to the boards!

It may not have the exact one you want, but there is a large selection of similar plugins on the ASW site, right (url="http://";=cheats&display;=date&page;=1")here(/url).

You can knock, it you can rock it, you can go to Timbuktu
But you'll never find a Nessie in the zoo
You may see an anaconda, a giraffe and kangaroo
But you'll never see a Nessie in the zoo.

Yes, welcome! You can also find it hey how come myne dosent do that! Rats! 😉

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

ive been experiencing some problems with the mega cheater plugin. after a while it seems that all the ships in a system disapear and when i travel to another system nobody's there. I dont know what mightve caused this buty i would appreciate it if someone would help me out. thanks!

One word of advice: don't cheat. The only time you're ever really stuck is when you have 0 money and 0 fuel. I'm sure some other veterans would agree with me. But welcome, anyway!

I don't care what the moderators say, my nickname is swedish chef.

thats true but is very nice having some cash in your poket

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth


Originally posted by johnjohn:
ive been experiencing some problems with the mega cheater plugin. after a while it seems that all the ships in a system disapear and when i travel to another system nobody's there. I dont know what mightve caused this buty i would appreciate it if someone would help me out. thanks!

You have become to powerful( sell some weopons)

Will that help? I say dont cheat, though it hard to get uesd to a shutle after 3 years of a Rebel Cruiser.

Join Starbase Delta at


Originally posted by rebel council:
**Will that help? I say dont cheat, though it hard to get uesd to a shutle after 3 years of a Rebel Cruiser.


I guess. My cousin got some plug-ins similar to those and when he demands tribute
from a planet, they only send out 1 ship. So I played his game, sold some weopons and
BOOM, All of a sudden there are 2 Confed. Cruisors. I bought the weopons back and nobody
is there anymore. Amazing HUH?