Yeah, but what's your FAVORITE?

I'm just curious, what is everyone's favorite thing about Escape Velocity? Mine is that I can blow up any one ship at any time (except aliens). So, what's yours? The ships, the weapons, trading, what?

Would someone please give me the title "swedish chef"? PLEASE?

My favorite thing about EV is the game it self! I like the ships and how fly them also the out fitting option to make your ship better, and I love the missions which are very challening and very fun to play. Almost every thing abut the game is good. The conflicts in the game are grate , and you gotta love hyperspace jumping from one system to onother.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

I like the storyline, and the way you can choose your cause and follow it through to, well, nearly the end. The only way it could have been better was if you could actually single handedly bring about the downfall of the opposite cayse. That would be... excellent.

I choose to believe that the glass is half empty.

There is nothing that I like more than another part. EV is great. Period.

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. " - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

i really like the option to create your own missions and ships. and playing other peoples plug-ins. it makes the game that much more interesting.

We are all dead people on leave.

My favorite part about EV: It can be a completely different game depending on my mood. If i need to work off some anger, I buy a warship and lay waste to some fleet or other. If I am bored and want some entertainment, I do mission strings. If i feel adventurous, I buy/hire some freighters and trade in the fringes, and do exploration type missions.
