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What the best weapon to use when trying to capture a ship? The more advice the better. 🙂


Umm, when you capture ships it's actually your crew that fights (with blasters or something i guess). In order to capture ships you must disable them first. As for good weapons, I would suggest primary and low yield secondary weapons when disabling fighters and shuttles and such. Use higher yield secondaries like torpedos and heavy rockets against large capital ships. 🙂

All your base are belong to us.

Sorry, what I meant was when I try to disable it.


Well,it helps to know what ship your in. I perfer raw fire power, and try not to use secondres to much.However,sometimes that ends up destroying the ship.Try to get a second that does little damage,and when your target ship is down to low armor,shoot it with that second.That will reduce the chance of destroying your target ship.

In three words I can sum up all I've learned about life;it goes on
-Robert Frost

What I usually do is simple: I use short bursts of fire after I take the sucker's shields out, assuming there is nobody else I have to deal with.

(url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url)

Once I've dropped their shields usually primary fire, but for things like Executive Transports, Shuttles, Lightnings and the like, once their shields are low I start firing Javelins, one at a time, until they're disabled.

FLOBBLEDEEFEE, that's what we said when we were mad or frustrated, we said it because we were idiots. A bunch of inbred, illiterate, cro-magnons, blowin' our noses on crusty handkerchiefs, waiting in line for our heads to burst into flames. That's the way it was, and we liked it!
-Signed, A Grumpy Old Man

If I want to board a freighter, I send out single proton blasts, as I don't
have to worry much about opposition.

Against warships, it's hard to go wrong, as they usually have enough armour
to make sure you don't blow it up by accident.

Fighters are the hardest, as you often have to be brutal with them. The best
idea is working out how many missiles you need from experience. 2/3 missiles can
disable a Lightning, but won't destroy it - I guarantee you that.

For things like Corvettes, early on use torpedoes or missiles until they're
at 10% shields, and then slowly finish them off when they try to run away.



Originally posted by Starkiller:
**What I usually do is simple: I use short bursts of fire after I take the sucker's shields out, assuming there is nobody else I have to deal with.


Me too.

"Live your life, not a slogan."

depends on the ship. if you are taking down a confed cruiser you might want to use proton turrets. but for a ship like a lightning you might want to use laser cannons. it all depends on the ship you are trying to case of a battle use your best jugment.

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth