EV controls

i am playing EV through a mac emulator on my PC so im using a PC keyboard, i was wondering what key is used for the equivalent of the OPTION key on a mac keyboard, or if there is a way to change the commands so you dont have to use the option key

I'm using Executor and the right Alt is the equivalent of option, the left that of command.


If you do decide to change the default keyboard setup, you may do so by clicking "Set Prefs" at the EV intro screen (the same screen where you choose pilots and the like).

not drowning, waving

I had no idea so many people were playing EV on mac emulators ...

"...as we talked excitedly about shovels and precipitation..."

I have both a PC and a Mac, but when I tried to play EV with Executor, it just slowed down to a point which was irritating and the colors were very bad. Kinda strange since my PC is one of the newest. :frown: :frown:

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

That is very odd.. it runs pretty well on my PIII 450 with Executor. It even has sound although Override doesn't under Executor. Make sure you have screen update set to animation in the Executor options (press Alt-Shift 5), but I can't see what else would slow it down or mess it up :frown: indeed.



Originally posted by Rogan:
**I have both a PC and a Mac, but when I tried to play EV with Executor, it just slowed down to a point which was irritating and the colors were very bad. Kinda strange since my PC is one of the newest.:frown: :frown:

Try adjusting your game speed via the "Set Prefs" screen. Also, you should be able to double the game speed by pressing the Caps Lock key (I'm assuming that that feature works on PCs as well as Macs).

not drowning, waving

I already tried that last one...it didnd work, but Ill try MartiNZ` suggestion.

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.