Attention Fellow Confederates!

In the (url="http://"")imperishable words(/url) of many nameless Imperial officers and troopers in the Star Wars films...


if you lived here, you'd be home by now

Poor Confederates. They have purchased Steves' Reality distortion field, and do not even realize what it has done to them. It almost makes me pity them. Almost.

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.


Originally posted by Cotton Moose:
**The CONFEDERATE TYRANTS, whoever they may be, can die.
The CONFEDERATION TYRANTS, however, will rule all.

The "Confederate Tyrants" and the "Confederation Tyrants" are the same thing!

Down with the tyrants!! Down with the Confederation!! Long live the Rebellion!!!


To My Fellow Confederates:

As much as we despise our rebel adversaries, we must admit that they are an interesting case study of desperation. Their cause is lost. They no longer have any reasonable hope of success. The reality looms before them and that reality is not pretty because that reality is the Confederation's eventual triumph.

Therefore in order to continue to cling to the remains of their reality, they have created absurd hopes of success to lull them on. Their delusions of grandeur has twisted their mind.

I will be reporting back to the Confederate High Command about this interesting phenomenon. I will also be sending them a sample so that our geneticists and psychologists can get an opportunity to study this strange illness first hand.


Loyal Confederate

Long Live the Confederation!

P.S. The sample will be labeled "Begemotike." And yes, the sample will also be marked with a warning sign: "Warning!
Do not approach too close. Subject is mentally unstable and deluded. It might bite!"

(All in good fun, of course. - htjyang)

The Rebellion will eventually win!!!!! I support anyone who will back the Rebellion, like Begemotike, Whurp, and Kryptauros! LONG LIVE THE REBELLION!!!



We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.

{Blows the heads off of Kryptosaurus, Begitomatikee, and alphabetical order just for fun}

That should fix them!

{begins going into a sezuire and foaming at the mouth, eyes, nose, ears, and butt}




Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The Rebellion will eventually win!!!!! I support anyone who will back the Rebellion, like Begemotike, Whurp, and Kryptauros! LONG LIVE THE REBELLION!!!


All right now, back to reality.

Confed loyalists like Planet Phil, Cotton Moose, Dsalk, and myself will enjoy tearing those rebel ships apart. Their crews will be chopped into pieces and served Peking duck style on a silver platter.

Rebels are cute and fuzzy. Confederates are fat and squishy.

"Your momma's so fat she eats wheat thicks." — Bungie's Soul

Calling all Rebel sympathizers! If there's a web site for the Confederation, shouldn't there by a web site for the Rebellion?

Just a thought.


rebel ships are fast and lightly armed while confed ships are slow and heavily armed also confed ships are never junk they are actually WRECKAGE BEFORE AND AFTER THEY ARE BUILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how do I now . SUPRISE im a confed defect.THE REBEL SHIPS ARE SUPERIOR!!!!!!LONG LIVE THE REBBELION!!!!



Originally posted by Grapper:
**SUPRISE im a confed defect.


You're a defect alright. That is why the Confederation threw you out. The Confederation throws all its defects out. Now those defects become deluded and call themselves the rebellion.

Any Confederate who even comes CLOSE to the Mighty R.S.S. Lev Evanavich is going to eat horrible electric death from my multiple turbo-charged turrets. The only reason the Rebellion allows the Confederation to live on is so we can have some fun on weekends.

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.


Originally posted by Begemotike:
**Any Confederate who even comes CLOSE to the Mighty R.S.S. Lev Evanavich is going to eat horrible electric death from my multiple turbo-charged turrets. The only reason the Rebellion allows the Confederation to live on is so we can have some fun on weekends.


To My Fellow Confederates:

After hearing the unnecessary boasting of a rebel captain about his ship, the R.S.S. Lev Evanavich, the Confederate Fleet Command dispatched a cruiser with orders to capture that ship. After a short and glorious battle, I am pleased to inform you that the vessel in question, as well as its crew, is now in the possession of the Confederation. Fleet command plans to display the vessel's broken hull in the Confederate Fleet Museum on Earth. We believe that the sight will inspire loyal Confederates for generations to come. The crew of the ship will be sent to re-education camps where, we believe, after a few months of re-indoctrination, they will re-emerge as productive citizens of the Confederation once again, atoning for their past sins. The captain of the ship has been placed in a cage with warning labels and sent to our labs where our geneticists will study its genetic defects and our psychiatrists will document its behavior. After a thorough study, the captain will then be dissected by our physiologists to check for any biological anomaly.

Thank you for listening to the latest update on our current war against the pathetic rebellion. Before we return to music, let us not forget...

Long Live the Confederation!

(signing off)


Htyjang's news was just ALL WRONG!!!!! The Rebel ship R.S.S. Lev Evanavich was easily able to BEAT THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF THAT PLASTIC CONFED CRUISER!!! The Confeds responded by sending another four Confed cruisers, but the R.S.S. Belleraphon came to Begemotikes rescue and ANNIHILATED the Confed fleet! The Rebels are now preparing a massive offensive against the Confeds, which they believe will quickly bring an end to the Confederation. And they are right, THE CONFEDS JUNKY SHIPS DON'T STAND A DYING CHANCE AGAINST THE MIGHTY REBEL WARSHIPS!!!

P.S. Go Begemotike!!! Long live the Rebellion!!!


Christ people I posted this message simply as an announcement to EV pilots of the possible creation of a new website that would make Confed plug-in files and help files more readily available, also to try and get help with the construction of this website, not as a Confed/Rebel board war, now if you don't have anything constructive to add please do not continue to post useless messages.

If I fly the ship, shoot the guns, and work the hyperspace, what the hell does my crew do?


Originally posted by Dsalk:
**Christ people I posted this message simply as an announcement to EV pilots of the possible creation of a new website that would make Confed plug-in files and help files more readily available, also to try and get help with the construction of this website, not as a Confed/Rebel board war, now if you don't have anything constructive to add please do not continue to post useless messages.


Agreed. I'm leaving, never to return.

After the rebels in their glued-together ships attack the confederation, a great battle ensues. The Rebels use their most advanced technology, however, the rocks they throw at the Conffeds do no damage.

A Wing of mantas vaporizes as they accidentally steer into into their own missiles. The Confeds win and destroy the rebellion, executing the neanderthal leaders.

Rebel warships easily tear apart Confed vessels! Rebel Mantas easily blow apart Confed Gunships and Patrol Ships! The Confeds watch in terror as the Rebels one by one vaporize the pathetically slow Confed frigates and cruisers! The once mighty Confed navy is reduced to space debris in minutes!

Long live the Rebellion!


The confeds (which aren't even worth capitalizing) are the greatest power the world has NEVER seen!HA! HA! HA! THEY WILL BE CRUSHED!I mean, come on, I've taken over sol (which isn't worth capitalizing either) in a Rebel Criuser.The Rebellion will rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I've killed a confed dreadnought in a shuttlecraft (ok, ok, I had one plug-in, but I could do it without).By the time the confeds knew they were being attacked, they would be disabled, not like they ever were abled.