What are good planets for commodity trade?

I have just started playing EV again, and was wondering what some good planets to trade commodities between are. I need to make cash in the game without cheating. Tahnks.


When I played EV, I made enough for a Kestrel by trading, and I think I also had a few planets paying me tribute. Anyway, it was a few years ago so my memory may be a bit distorted, so here goes.

  • squinting in an extreme effort to remember... *

Start at Lethe Prime, something there is either low or high. A system two jumps away has the same commodity in the other extreme. Buy and sell accordingly.

Well, that's all I remember. I had an entire fleet of Light Freighters(including myself) going back and forth between those two places. You can experiment with that and try and build your own trading route.

rebellion forever

better dead than confed!

Thanks a lot.


Try finding a planent with low medical supplies like Mars, and then sell them to one of the following:

New Cydonia
Murphy's World

These places are always buying at 750 and if your in luck, a causlity usaually happens at one those worlds, raising it to 1100.

Hope that helps.

Commander Whitehawk

Freedom comes at a cost. One must be willing to make that sacrifise for freedom.


Originally posted by coreyblue64:
**Start at Lethe Prime, something there is either low or high. A system two jumps away has the same commodity in the other extreme. Buy and sell accordingly.

The other system is Adhara. Medical supplies are high (or if your lucky, very high) on Lethe Prime and low on Adhara, so buy on Adhara and sell on Lethe Prime.

Also, (not entirely sure this one will work) try buying metal at Pegasus and sell at Blackthorne.

No one is listening until you make a mistake.

Murphy's World -- Adhara, Medical and Industrial

Lethe Prime -- Adhara, Medical and Industrial

Darkstar -- Capella, Industrial and Luxury (When Equipment gets really cheap on Darkstar, take it to Dune and hurry back for another load.)

These are good, but my favorite is a four-way which is very safe.

New Japan to Plateau -- Food

Plateau to Tabletop -- Luxury

Tabletop to Enyo Fuel Refinery -- Equipment

Enyo Fuel Refinery to New Japan -- Industrial

Another three-way that is a little more adventuresome is

New Japan to Murphy's World -- Medical

Murphy's World to Adhara -- Industrial

Adhara to New Japan -- Luxury

Hope these are helpful. I have found many more, but trade gets boring in a couple of hours.


"Good mathematics is not how many answers you know,
but how you behave when you don't know the answer."

The Old Professor Houston, Texas

(This message has been edited by The Old Professor (edited 12-21-2000).)

A good trading route i have found is to go to spica, and then from there, jump down one system, and right one system, and at that planet, buy medical supplies, as they are at low, and then go back to spica, where the supplies sell for high, or even highest, and here at spica, sometimes, metal is at lowest, costing only 5 credits a ton, fill your whole ship, and jump back to the other planet down one right one system(sorry, i cant remember it's name) there you can sell your metal at low, for 140 credits a ton, a hefty profit. now buy more medical supplies, and repeat the process.


TOP ones are some of the best.

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