What is your favorite plug-in?

Well, New Horizons isn't all that popular since it's a rather hefty download; it has little to do with the merits of the plugin itself.

And if we're going into self-promotion...
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(url="http://"http://www.meowx.com/quantumire")Quantumire: Special Edition(/url)
Coming soon from Meowx Design.

"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"http://www.votenader.com")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

(url="http://"http://www.meowx.com/quantumire/")Quantumire: Special Edition(/url)

star wars: the new republic is the best star wars game ever made. period. i have played them all. it has everything i could want in a plugin -- several distinct governments, none of that stupid single plotline crap from empire 3 or new horizons, dozens of original ships created from scratch and remarkably well-balanced, and a completely reworked universe. indeed, it is the benchmark by which i rate all other plugs i play -- why didnt EVGE replace the original universe if it was going to just ignore it? seriously. the thing that makes star wars the best ever is the fact that it was so professionally done, and not some weird, obsessive "fan art" piece like so many conversions. Kris Hauser didn't even like Star Wars.


Originally posted by anarchy:
star wars: the new republic is the best star wars game ever made. period. i have played them all. it has everything i could want in a plugin -- several distinct governments, none of that stupid single plotline crap from empire 3 or new horizons, dozens of original ships created from scratch and remarkably well-balanced, and a completely reworked universe. indeed, it is the benchmark by which i rate all other plugs i play -- why didnt EVGE replace the original universe if it was going to just ignore it? seriously. the thing that makes star wars the best ever is the fact that it was so professionally done, and not some weird, obsessive "fan art" piece like so many conversions. Kris Hauser didn't even like Star Wars.

I'm sorry to say that is the most incredible piece of bull**** I have ever heard in my life. Kris Hauser's Star Wars plugins are generally regarded as some of the worst plugins ever made, with poorly designed and buggy missions, a story that wildly deviated from the books (hell, Hauser openly claims he never read the books themselves, just summaries) - a mediocre, rather dubious reworking of the SW universe in general that takes a rather hefty amount of RAM to run. The only thing that redeems it are the extraordinary graphics.

"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"http://www.votenader.com")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

(url="http://"http://www.meowx.com/quantumire/")Quantumire: Special Edition(/url)

EVGE, Pale, and Eye of Orion are my favorits

Those who stand, will always fall.

Frozen Heart is definitely one of the best... haven't played Femme Fatale, yet, though. But, after the Frozen Heart, EVGE is definitely my favorite.

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

Frozen Heart is definitely one of the best... haven't played Femme Fatale, yet, though. But, after the Frozen Heart, EVGE is definitely my favorite.

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.


Originally posted by IonStorm:
Try the Readme file:

1. "We stole the music from Sergei Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet Ballet performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Seiji Ozawa and recorded in 1987 by Polydor International for Deutche Grammophon."

2. "maxb@nono.com"

The same info can be found at the Galactic Scourge web site, which is listed in the read me as well as in the add-ons section.

What was it you wanted to ask?


Simple: Great Plug-In and great intro music!! I must have replayed that music one hundred times using resorcerer. Anyway, the Graphics are cool, and so is just about everything else.

P.S. I personaly think that the GS Intro Music would work great for EV3.


Well, New Horizons is really cool, but here are some cool ones:

1. Arena Plus 😄 😄 <--- I'm making it, e-mail me for the address/password

2. Empire 2 and 3 <--- I helped fix some bugs, the last 2 or so updates on Empire 2 are due to moi!! (me)

Max B-H
owner of Skywalker wing
'Feel the Force, but don't forget the weapons controls!'

maybe it's just that it was the first plug i've started or finished (yes, finished. all plugs run out of missions eventually) within the last year, but mugabi and destiny was really well done. probably the best three days of playing games i've had since my ex left me. seriously i'd put it at least in my top 5 if not the top 2 or so. gs is probably up there too, and i'm still trying to decide whether i really like frozen heart or really don't like it (there comes a point when love and hate are indistinguishable). maybe someone'll make a really good plug off of that story somewhere down in the posts here. i'd do it but school, work, and the human chronicles are taking all of my time. naja, enough off-topic ranting. m&d;, gs, and perhaps fh. maybe even some of my earlier series, though it never got far enough to be really good

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?

#1 for me: Pale all the way! The only problem is that I've done all the missions quite a few times, and it's getting boring. But it's really well designed and balanced. He did a good job of working old and new things together (Capital ship cannons, military versions of civilian armaments, pirate-modified vessels, etc.). But now, because of all the little tweaks Soul has made, I get less enjoyment from other plugs.

Other good ones: Final Battle (fun but buggy), New Horizons (nice missions), EVES (not done yet but great so far), EVGE (good all-around).

I don't really like Frozen Heart as much as most people do. That's mostly because it's so similar to the original EV universe while trying to be different. The ships themselves are almost all exact copies, as are their weapons (ie Rigellian Gunboat=Confed Gunboat). It's a good plot, if hard to pick up on sometimes, but the mechanics are equal to those of EV. I prefer ones that either completely change the galaxy's layout or use the existing one, but not a "warped" one.

About the Star Wars plug-ins: They are very inaccurate, as people have mentioned, and very buggy as well. Well, you can't expect much from it, considering Kris Hauser used it only as a means to show off his amazing 3D skills to the EV community.

Luca Rescigno
"And may not every one of the stars or suns have as great a retinue of planets with moons to wait upon them as has our own Sun?"
-Christiaan Huygens

empire, hands down (still can't get over all the damn brute action you get in that game! probably looking for a deeper meaning eh? too bad, aint got one :))

Jeremy Woodruff as,

Pale v1.8 was really really good, but I haven't played v1.9 yet.
EVGE u2 was good (when I could get the spin graphics to show up right, which is hard to do) The problem is that alien motherships pop up WAY too often in polaris space.
Clavius was good
Clavius and beyond was good, but it took way too long to get a ship good enough to do the missions. i.e., the curve was too steep. There weren't enough missions or large enough payments to build up my fleet nearly as fast as the level of combat difficulty increased. Pale is much, much better in that aspect.
I haven't been able to play NH or GS yet, but i'll try them at school sometime soon. (my mac at home is royally fvcked).
Remember Foundation? That plug was released in early 1997. It was ok, but I didn't get into much of the missions. Who made it?
SW: ANA was buggy, but otherwise ok.
The unfinished version of STEV released in 1998 was ok, even if it did only have graphics and not much else. I love my pimped out Bird of Prey.

I am convinced that if STEVO is ever finished, debugged, and released with decent missions, it will be the best plug of all time.



Originally posted by: Yoda
I am convinced that if STEVO is ever finished, debugged, and released with decent missions, it will be the best plug of all time.

Not for EV players don't like Star Trek 😉 .

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

Personally, the best one I've seen is New Horizons. Too many of the other ones that might otherwise rate highly use a tilted view of the ships, or worse yet, both tilted and top down views. I have no real arguments with a tilted view per se, as long as it is done right. And nobody has done it right yet. The problem is that the EV engine is designed for top down views, and if you simply rotate the vessel around the y axis (as everyone does), where EV thinks your ship is pointing does not match up with where the picture appears to be pointing. This could be fixed by applying some simple trig (well, complicated trig) to calculate how to spin the ship, but nobody seems to have done that yet. Also, if using a perspective (as opposed to orthographic) camera, a ship in a tilted view can appear to change proportion dramatically as it spins. Hmm... I think that's quite enough of a rant for now.

(Insert Signature Here)


Originally posted by skyblade:
**Not for EV players don't like Star Trek;) .

Don't descriminate!

I'm waiting for Troy to finish the graphics before we go through final debugging and release the TC without missions, than we're going to concentrate on making a storyline for EVN. Since our graphics are very portable it won't be too hard to move them from one machine to the other.

"Don't steal. The government hates competition."

Star Trek Escape Velocity

The only plug I really ever got into was Pale. I've only played 1.8, and I was just wondering if anyone knew the differences between 1.8 and 1.9...?


Yeah](http://www.crosswinds.net/~pshep/page<br />
Yeah), so what if I'm an Emo Nerd?

Brainboy, you've got it right. I don't post much, but i have played every plug worth playing (and many that aren't). Mugabi and Destiny is hands down the most infectious storyline i've ever read in a plug-in. It's more like a short novel or a long movie, with three times the amount of writing than other plugs. And it all happens so fast, where other plugs manage to stretch a days worth of excitement into weeks. The artwork is nothing short of brilliant, and the ship spins are perfect. M&D; was the most glued to my computer I've been since I first played EV. Sorry about the rant boys (and girls; there's even a female version of M&D;) but I am a BELIEVER.