What is your favorite plug-in?

Well, since I haven't played very many plugs, I would have to say my fave is Mugabi and Destiny. I'm sure that will change with time. Anyway, please list your fave plug and then if possible say where you got it. Ex :plug-in archives.


EV Ultra .
Great graphics and stuff


1.Pale/EVGE-tie, they both really rock!
Some others in no real order-Spam and James Fond 3.0: Both have good storylines and LOTS of humor, Mugabi- good story, Eye of Orion-good story, Soul's{Pales creator} 1st plug- Altered States, and one from The Old Professor(I can't remember the name , I will put it in when I find it). All available from the Plug archive I believe.

"Laughter is in the ears that hear"-The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

Pale kicks and has incredible mission sets. However, EVGE has a bigger universe and perhaps less interesting or complex mission sets, but don't discount them - they are tough and involve quite a bit of depth and play. In terms of Universe, EVGE kicks Pale any day, however, in terms of missions...I'd have to side with Pale. I like both plugs...as you can probably tell. 😄


My Overall Faveroite plug is Galactic Scourage, maybe I'm biased cause I helped with it, but I like it 😉

Course there's always the Plugs you always hear about (the big ones); Pale, EVGE etc.

IMHO the best that isn't a beast of a plug is Bounty Plus, I liked the story to that.



I liked EV Ultra, but I like EVGE much more. The new intro music for Galactic Scourge was incredibally and totally awesome, and a lot of its graphics were good, but EVGE was a tad bit better (no offense to the maker of GS).

Alpha Consol was pretty good, VERY nice graphics.

P.S. Just a few questions:

1. What is the intro music used is GS?

2. What program was used to make the PICTs in EVGE?

3. How can I contact the maker of GS and EVGE?


(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 09-11-2000).)

The maker of GS's name on the boards is IonStorm. Check his profile to get his address.

Oh, and he works for NASA (not kidding), so he might be a bit busy. But he made some graphics for Great War (my upcomming plug-in) so you don't really know.

"Never...have we faced two contenders who are so boring and insipid." -Fidel Castro, on George W. Bush and Al Gore.
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost

EVGE is the best..........

"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

-Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov.
The best UT site on the net
The best macgamer site on the net
Email me at: (url="http://"mailto:psycho_e@excite.com")mailto:psycho_e@excite.com(/url)psycho_e@excite.com

When you exclude Frozen Heart, THE best plug for EV is EVGE. In my opinion it is by far the best expander plug for EV, with Galactic Scourge coming up as a strong second. For EVO the best expander plug out there is easily F-25, but in terms of both EV and EVO EVGE is #1.


My favourite plugins out of all of the ones that I've tried would be a tie between bounty hunter and Angels of Vengeance. Lots of cool new sprites, a few new governments, and sweet looking ships. My second favourite is Clavius & Beyond. I haven't played EVGE, Pale, Frozen Heart, and a bunch of other supposedly good plugins, so I can't say whether they stink or they rule.



Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
1. What is the intro music used is GS?
3. How can I contact the maker of GS and EVGE?

Try the Readme file:

1. "We stole the music from Sergei Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet Ballet performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Seiji Ozawa and recorded in 1987 by Polydor International for Deutche Grammophon."

2. "maxb@nono.com"

The same info can be found at the Galactic Scourge web site, which is listed in the read me as well as in the add-ons section.

What was it you wanted to ask?


I like the star Wars plug-in. Cool new ships and neat weapons.

Have the lambs stopped screaming yet?

Heh heh, delicious.....

AIM: Von Katmun or Viel Lord


Originally posted by SmasherOfPumpkins:
**I like the star Wars plug-in. Cool new ships and neat weapons.

Crappy EVERYTHING else...honestly...<=

I like Pale...it had some of the best graphics around, none of that cut and paste stuff from here and there. The plot was very interesting and it stuck. (almost like a book) The graphics were all original and it had a great storyline to fit with it. Well, ColdFusion will back me up on this one...=)



"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

AIM: Kwanzar26

Kwanzasoft Graphics

I'm gonna have to agree with Kwanzar here, Pale was a great plug in taking the civil war plotline and expanding it in such a great way. There was a great balance of ships and weapons, without making super ships that unbalance the game. The graphics were well done making this already good plug better,

From an instructors comments on a paper written by a student who had repeatedly used the word burro instead of burrow.
"Dear sir, it appears you do not know the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground."

(url="http://"http://boards.gamers.com/messages/overview.asp?name=jivesboard")Official Resistance Webboard(/url)

The thing I found most striking about Pale is the deep background. Soul didn't just expand the EV universe, he gave the depth and quality of a true galaxy; with history, technology, everything. EV, standalone, is a remarkably shallow game; Pale transforms it into a masterpiece.

"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"http://www.votenader.com")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

3. Quantumire Trillogy
4. Empire
5. Gallactic Scourge
Sad that noone was able to beat the first two, in what 3-4 years.


so, nobody likes New Horizon? I just started playing this plug yestarday and so far its pretty good. What do you guys find thats bad about this one.


Originally posted by whocares:
so, nobody likes New Horizon? I just started playing this plug yestarday and so far its pretty good. What do you guys find thats bad about this one.

Nobody said it was bad, they just didn't put it up in their list of favorites. Just because it wasn't listed doesn't mean people don't think it's a good plug. I have not tried that one yet.

General Hammond: I have a report here, Henry, from your chief nurse, Major Houlihan. Now, she makes some accusations, Henry, I find pretty hard to believe.
Lt. Col. Henry Blake: So, don't believe them, then. Thank you, General, goodbye.
--MAS*H, the movie.

Mine would have to be Oreste. Then Final Battle. Then my plug.
Posted Image

(This message has been edited by Kryptauros (edited 09-07-2000).)

yeah, well try it. Its decently good so far.