EV/EVO Ship Poll Results!

I've been doing an EV/EVO Ship Poll for a while, and now I'm going to publish the results. Here they are:

Rebel Cruiser - 5 Votes
Corvette - 1 Vote
Rebel Destroyer - 2 Votes
Confed Cruiser - 4 Votes

Azdara - 2 Votes
Zidara 1 Vote
Voinian Dreadnaught - 1 Vote
Igazra - 2 Votes
UE Cruiser - 1 Vote
Azdgari Warship - 2 Votes

I am however still open to more votes. So you can still vote if you want to.


(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 07-22-2000).)

No ship-poll will ever be complete without mentioning the Kestrel!

Upgraded it's very fast, can take out any other ship and still has enough cargo space for plundering.

- Marko

Those are the only votes I got. I said anyone could still vote so do you want me to put you down for the Kestrel?



Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Those are the only votes I got. I said anyone could still vote so do you want me to put you down for the Kestrel?

Yes, please!
And I know at least one other person who shares me opinion. Right Andrew, "Captain Killdozer of the good ship 'Lovely Lulu' - A Kestrel" ?

I don't check this place very often, maybe I missed your poll.

- Marko

PS: Oops, I just realized that it was just another thread. Anyway... Kestrel, definately!

(This message has been edited by Marko (edited 07-04-2000).)

Updated EV/EVO ship poll results:

Rebel Cruiser - 5 Votes Azdara - 2
Corvette - 1 Vote Zidara - 1
Rebel Destroyer - 2 Votes Voinian Dreadnaught - 1
Confed Cruiser - 4 Votes Igazra - 2
Kestrel - 1 Vote UE Cruiser - 2
Azdgari Warship - 2



Originally posted by Marko:
No ship-poll will ever be complete without mentioning the Kestrel!

Upgraded it's very fast, can take out any other ship and still has enough cargo space for plundering.**

Dude, the Kestrel sucks. If a stock Corvette can take an alien cruiser out but the Kestrel can't under average pilot skill, it's got problems. What's with the obsession with big ships?

AIM: evandrewm / xaeomega

How do you take an alien cruiser with a Corvette? Never managed to do it with anything else than a Kestrel.

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

As the corvette is a fast ship, it is easier to destroy the alien cruiser because it has a slow turning rate and with the corvette you can surround the alien cruiser and keep firing but be careful with the beam. Oh and don't try to destroy the fighters.


Right on CaptainG3 and Andrew M! I've attacked a FLEET of alien cruisers using a Corvette (In one of my private plugs, and I didn't modify the corvette) and I took out an alien cruiser with laser cannons only! And they I escaped alive! The only thing you have to worry about is getting in front of the alien cruiser, then it can really beat you up with its heavy fusion beam.


EV confed criuser EVO igazra


EV: I'll go with the Kestrel from 1.0.1
EVO: The Igazra

EV: Rebel Destroyer
EVO: Zidara

forge: You've been posting a lot since Starlight went down...that's good 😃


"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

AIM: Kwanzar26

Kwanzasoft Graphics

best EV ship: shuttle!

best EVO ship: shuttle!




I have this strange suspicious feeling that someone deleted my post

Anyway, I LOVE the Kestrel. It's like my baby. I always loved the thing. When I had finnaly saved up enough money for it and when it said name your ship when I bought it, I completly froze for fifteen minuetes. Seriously, not kidding.

I just couldn't beleive I was finaly able to purchase my dream ship! (it had taken me over half a year for me to get ten million credits). That's the sign of a true EV addict.

And the kestrel CAN take on the alien warship. all you have to do is cricle around the bloody thing (literaly- if you refer to the color :D) and fire your turrets, of course you need all the speed upgrades thoguh.

Unfortunetly, I've learned of an evil thing called "editors." Now I can purchase any ship at my very whim, and I lost respect for the mighty warship.

I hope that EV3 will restore that sense of respect and perfection--I'm not going to use any editors on it. I'm just gonna play it straight through.

(and if anyone deletes this, I can repost it anyway ;))

for the EVO vote though, I go for the Igadzra

Best Ev Ship: Rebel Destroyer
Best EVO Ship: Azdgari Warship


Yes, there are many many chocolates. No, you cannot have one. Go away! Away I said!

Kwanza: SL is back up, Kevin got the new logic board for his G4. He still doesn't have the hard drive or the 6500 up since they are off for repair. You should've come to EVula's, it was up the whole time SL was down.

Also, SL has jack **** on it now. Kevin lost all the "gifts" and MP3s when the HD died. Damn Western Digital.

"Never let rape come between you and a friend."

Newly updated EV/EVO ship poll results:

Rebel Cruiser - 5 Votes
Corvette - 1 Vote
Rebel Destroyer - 4 Votes
Confed Cruiser - 5 Votes
Kestrel - 3 Votes

Azdara - 2 Votes
Zidara - 2 Votes
Voinian Dreadnaught - 1 Vote
Igazra - 5 Votes
UE Cruiser -2 Votes
Azdgari Warship - 3 Votes

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 07-15-2000).)

EV: Manta
EVO: Igazra

don't fück with me fool.

Rebel Cruiser by far. It's the best overall ship if you were to mix EV and EVO

All things are possible
except skiing through a
revolving door