The Origin of Basilisk

sigh What have I done, what have I done? :eek:

This topic should come with a surgeon general's warning.


(This message has been edited by Pikeman (edited 03-06-2000).)

Wow, and yet we:
Discoverd nuclear energy for power and weaponry
You mean Einstein was AMERICAN???
Are the richest country
So would we be if we sat out two world wars until we had the rest of the world in hock

Are the 'leaders' of the internet (look were most servers are) BIG DEAL. You certainly are the leaders in Internet porn.

Probably produced most of the software on your computer, which was most likely made here 😃 TRUE
Have the largest and toughest military
Then why didn't you send them to Vietnam instead of the wimps??

Bailed out just about every country one or more times -WWI, WWII-
Protecting your debtors

Held back and helped end the Soviet union
Have been to the moon

Produced most of the space probes
And were SECOND into space

Have some of the most intelligent and richest people on earth
Not around here!

I could go on, but modesty and hunger prevent me 😃


Well gee, and here I thought this topic was dead. HOPED it was dead anyway. mikee J is going to have a fit with you Kevin Jordan, when he comes back in a few days. I'm not responsible for the consequences of refuelling this debate, it all on your head. You'll be lucky if mikee J doesn't see this and doesn't unceremoniously and quite unpolitically chew you out for your America bashing. Even though I'm an American and some of your remarks are QUITE untrue, I'm not going to re-enter this debate or try to fill in for mikee J in the insult department. Let's just say you've been warned.


(quote)Kevin Jordan wrote:

Wow, and yet we:
Discoverd nuclear energy for power and weaponry
1. You mean Einstein was AMERICAN???
Are the richest country
So would we be if we sat out two world wars until we had the rest of the world in hock

2. Are the 'leaders' of the internet (look were most servers are) BIG DEAL. You certainly are the leaders in Internet porn.

Probably produced most of the software on your computer, which was most likely made here 😃 TRUE
Have the largest and toughest military
3. Then why didn't you send them to Vietnam instead of the wimps??

Bailed out just about every country one or more times -WWI, WWII-
Protecting your debtors

Held back and helped end the Soviet union
Have been to the moon

Produced most of the space probes
4. And were SECOND into space

Have some of the most intelligent and richest people on earth
5. Not around here!

I could go on, but modesty and hunger prevent me 😃


1. Well, he was a German, but obviously fled after being identified as a Jew. It was here that he urged nuclear research. He also died as an American.

2. Proud to be American. Besides, I haven't exactly noticed anyone but us using the gov suffix. I should probably point out: More Servers=More stuff stored online in America.

3. Ouch, sorry we're not perfect. I suppose noone else has ever had a bad war....wait....well, I guess there is at least one that went somewhat poorly for a while. Y'know, that one being mentioned a lot here, I belive it is called World War II. Our military sucked before we were militarily invoved, but look where we ended up.

4. Sure, but we produced most of the space probes. Oh, and coughcoughWent to the mooncoughcough. Second place isn't the end of the world.

5. Ouch, please, that hurts. Well, there are a, I almost got it.....oh yeah, a lot of Americans here. We're not all stupid. Sure, you may have a coughcoughracistcoughcough view of American EV players, but what the hey, we don't care about views like that. WARNING: Stupid is a strong word, use sparingly.

Micah L , (url="http://"")

5. Ouch, please, that hurts. Well, there are a, I almost got it.....oh yeah, a lot of Americans here. We're not all stupid. Sure, you may have a coughcoughracistcoughcough view of American EV players, but what the hey, we don't care about views like that. WARNING: Stupid is a strong word, use sparingly.

1. Not racist. Just findthe original claims somewhat excessive.
2. Nowhere did I use the word stupid. You introduced that piece of wisdom 🙂


Yet another topic full of spam.

Mikee, USA isn't perfect. You aren't the pinnacle of human evolution. You are... a nation. A nation that has problems just like all the other nations: violence, drugs, crime, pollution, racism, lack of good education for all people, the list goes on. You still have death sentences. You have slums. Social services? Minimal. Standard of living? Hmm, sure most people are well, but what about those who aren't?

Sure, USA has its good sides. Good industry, good economy, strong military, ability to go to the moon, yes.

However, I think your point of view is somewhat limited. USA has the best scientists in the world? The strongest economy in the world? Look at Japan. Just because you won them once in a war doesn't mean you're superior to them in all respects. Also, in many European countries, social services are far superior to the ones in USA.

As for USA's people, you're not giving me a particularily good picture. Mikee, you're patriotic, you have more than your share of national egoism, you're more than a little rasistic ("German? What can you say. NAZIS!"). Listen, I've LIVED in Germany, and the people there are all right.

As for USA having a lot of the most smart people in the world, there are a lot of smart people elsewhere too. Linus Torvalds who you happened to mention in some other string earlier, happens to be Finnish for example.

You are eager to to point out that nations such as those in Afrika are doing worse than USA. However, just because USA isn't the WORST nation in the world it isn't neccessarily the best.

"I don't say yes or no, more like the other way around"

Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:
now i'm not going to start trashing other countries, because they're all humans just like me, but overall, america is better. our economy is better, our technology is better, our layout is better, our freedom is better, our democracy is better, our beliefs are better.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

America is full of arses.

Japan's economy is better.

Umm Australia's military tech. is better.


What freedom?

Democracy? Hah! More like a communism if you ask me

Umm all beliefs of the planet are equally good.

Andrew M, fleet admiral of the Na'jan'té interstellar fleet.

"Vessel Identified. Federation Starfleet, Intrepid class. 143 life forms. Prepare for assimilation."
-The Borg

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 03-15-2000).)


Andrew M wrote:
**Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

America is full of arses.

Japan's economy is better.

Umm Australia's military tech. is better.


What freedom?

Democracy? Hah! More like a communism if you ask me

Umm all beliefs of the planet are equally good.

I agree completly except for the Australia's military technology is better, were using American subs from about the second world war.

But Americans are worse than the Russians, they can do whatever they like and get away with it e.g dumping a lot of agent orange on 'Nam, bombing the crap out of people just because they wouldn't show them how many bombs they have. America has more bombs than anyone else but no one dares question them. I also agree that this should be in banter and brawl but it is here now and were stuck with it

Fear is not owning a baseball bat

Damn, I don't want to have to get started on my opinion of America's international relations.

Anyway, Americans seem to be more stupid (that's both uneducated and/or plain folly) on average, and stupid Americans are in high government positions and get more publicity on average. I'm sure other countries have stupid people too, but I haven't heard from any of them.

Lock this topic. Please.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

Frandall, get your butt in here and help with the military tech debate. I don't know much about that, so I'll leave it to you to set things straight.

Let me give every country on the planet a grade, 1 being crap, 10 being great. Ready? I'll do it all at once.

Earth: 1

There. It's because of arguments like this that I think humans are nothing but idiots. I'm not calling JUST you guys idiots, I'm calling everyone idiots. How dare anybody say I copulate with animals because I live in Australia. Like Frandall's, my eduactional standards are probably pretty high as far as ANYONE else is concerned (maybe not top 1%, but high).

Economy in America is no better than Earth's. Sure on the surface we think our countries' economies are good, but none of them are.

And now I come to the matter of the Americans and their so called tech breakthroughs. WRONG! You guys have the money, not thte brains. You can buy the materials needed, and the minds. The guy that made the atom bomb was BRITISH!

And the best thing to come out of Australia is: (basilisk MIGHT care)

we discovered the CURE for (breast) cancer! Ha!

And to all those people warning each other of Mikee J's wrath, he's no better or worse that the rest of us, and I don't think many people realise we're all the same. Not Americans, australians, poms, the only differences in humans are skin colour, and they are things I, personally, don't care about.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Every country has its good points and bad things. America, for example, has very advanced technology, strong economy, powerful military; but on the other hand, you have drug problems, immigration problems( I mean the trucks filled with Mexicans that flee there), pollution, overpopulation, etc. Australia might be good for several reasons(which I do not know), but the country is so damn big and relatively underpopulated that every person there could have his own acre of desert.

Now, in my opinion, some of the best countries to live in would be Switzerland, Iceland, Finland, or Germany.

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:
**america is full of arses? and i suppose you've been to america? and i also suppose you've been to every single country out there so you can have the right to call america's people asses.
**--It's true! Look at Clinton, and Gore, and mikee, and blah, and blah, and blah **

australia's military tech is not better...period.
**--Umm they can detect our stealth aircraft easily while ours struggle with Boeing 747s. **

yes layout...
**--No comment, I don't even know what you mean by layout. **

freedom of speech, freedom of religion, why do you think everyone's moving over here buddy?
**--US allies have more of the same freedom, besides, this country is biased against itself. All the people are moving here? Hah! Explain why the US doesn't have the hugest pop. in the world, then. Because of the people who live in it, this country has worse freedom than Kosovo, except you don't get shot in the head for speaking your mind, which, IMO, is even worse. **

ok, this is really stupid... now what is our government called... democracy...ah yes, once again i'm correct.
**--Yeah, yeah, you're correct just because you say you are, quit being so arrogant.:p Why it's a communism: see above.

Andrew M, fleet admiral of the Na'jan'té interstellar fleet.

"Vessel Identified. Federation Starfleet, Intrepid class. 143 life forms. Prepare for assimilation."
-The Borg

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 03-15-2000).)

That's it. I'm going below the belt. I mean, I'm an idiot, so what does it matter?

Australian kids don't go around killing each other. Period.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:

That wasn't something meant to be taken offensively. You must understand I was just proving a point nothing more.

Sorry. I didn't take it that offensively. I only took the fact that you were arguing my fact offensively. (if that makes sense.) Because mankind, and Earth, and everything else humans get in contact with, gets f***ed.

And i notice you didn't mention your kids killing each other. Sorry, I know it's unfair, but it IS true, and I've never been one to shy away from the truth.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:

OK, i don't know where you were taught, obviously not a militarty academy. our stealth carriers cannot be detected by australia, or anywhere else for that matter.


I would just like to point out that you pick up a stealth fighter/bomber but they only show up as if they were the size of a golf ball. So there probably would be a lot of birds blast if any went by this. I just thought i would point out there is no such thing as complete stealth

Fear is not owning a baseball bat


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:
OK, i don't know where you were taught, obviously not a militarty academy. our stealth carriers cannot be detected by australia, or anywhere else for that matter.

Umm whatever. :rolleyes: Go ask Frandall, he's a member of the Australian army, he probably knows. 😛

Andrew M, fleet admiral of the Na'jan'té interstellar fleet.

"Vessel Identified. Federation Starfleet, Intrepid class. 143 life forms. Prepare for assimilation."
-The Borg

Drew's plan to settle this off-topic disscusion: Everybody shut up.

Now, that wasn't so hard was it?

Still want to bitch and complain? Go somewhere else.

Out like a fat kid in kickball.

Iecheewawa. I was going to stay out of this debate, but some things just have to be said. Maridian, yes, there are pyscho kids in our country that kill people. There are also psycho kids in YOUR country that kill people. Why not as many? Because we have alot bigger population and our shootings get televised more because alot of the major TV networks are American.

STOP THIS HATEFUL SAYING THAT AMERICANS ARE MORE STUPID THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD!!! There are stupid people EVERYWHERE!!! There's the same ratio of psychos and stupid people in our country as there are psychos and stupid people everywhere else in the world. If there are so many stupid people in America, we wouldn't be one of the world's leaders. Whether you like it or accept it or not, we are. It is fact. I'm not saying it's the best leadership, but it's true.

I'm not going to brag about our achievements to much or criticize them to much because I don't want to be hateful. America has had alot of great achievements, and we've had alot of bad screw-ups. The rest of the world has had alot of great achivements and alot of bad screw-ups too. American, Australian, British, Japanese, whatever. We are all human. We all have the same genetic structure, the same brain pathways, and the same pain. We have the same great artists and the same horrible monsters. We all share the same destiny.

I guess human nature suggests that we will hate, but we don't have to do it here. I value this community very much, and we don't need seeds of hate and distrust planted with this pointless flaming. If you want to take out your anger or agressive feelings, take up boxing or see a psychiatrist.

I've said my share of stupid things here and on banter ("Screw those PC hippicrates and Bill Gates") that I wish I could take back. So have all of you. It's okay if we chide each other about superiority (humor is part of being human too) if it's all in good fun. This topic is not. Lock it. Enough of this. We all lose our temper, but there's a fine line between losing our temper occasionally, and making a habit of putting other people down.

Let's all just cool it with this topic, lock it preferrably. We've all said enough bad things about each other, let's not make it worse. Now I'm glad I introduced this topic. It gave me the chance to say this to you. Thank you all for your time, and esta noche. (good night)

There is no anger, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no death, there is the Force.


(This message has been edited by Pikeman (edited 03-16-2000).)


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:
Umm Australia's military tech. is better.

A couple of people have been talking about this point. In some ways it is true, and others it is not. Yes, our radar can detect US stealth aircraft, only last year I ran into an officer who had recently been on an exchange with the US Marines, and apparently one of the things they were getting him to do was request info on what exactly Australian radar was able to do to pick out stealth craft from naturally occurring flying phenomena (birds, etc) with similar-sized radar returns. He didn't tell me the specifics, but he thought it was vaguely amusing (bloody officers - you would have to be in the army to understand that).

On the other hand, we have less wizz-bang tech overall. We don't have you-beaut targetting gizmos that enable a soldier to target a sparrows fart from 47 km away simply by smell (that's an exagerration by the way, I have yet to hear of such a device yet, it was meant as satire only). The US tanks for example are far more advanced than ours, with some excellent laser communication systems they can use, and we don't send out machinery to dig our pits for us, we do ours by hand. This sort of situation is true whenever you make comparisons between the Australina and US armies for nearly all corps.

So is Australian military tech better? I would actually say in general no, but for a few specific items, yes.

For us, the basic level of training is where we outperform the US.


well if arguments like this are idiotic, then how come you take part in them? in other words, you're calling yourself an idiot, therefor, none of your arguments are true. therefor, your whole idiotic argument is completely bogus.

Just as an aside, as someone who studied a little philosophy (and therefore logic) at university, the above statement is not logically sound. Just because an argument is ridiculous does not necessarily mean that all points of view in an argument are also ridiculous. The English language is not that precise in meaning. An argument can be ridiculous because one side of it is sill for example. Of course, that's not to say that either side of this debate (and I think that there are at least 5-6 people who all seem to be arguing against slightly different parts of each others statements - which makes for a very messy argument) is foolish or ridiculous in any way. If you want my view, read my post on the first page of the topic.)


Pikeman, the reason America is a world superpower is because of our incredibly talent for doing stupid things (take US imperialism ). What's hateful about saying Americans are more stupid on average? Americans may be better informed, but the majority are certainly lacking in intelligent perspective of the world.

Now, let's talk about EV for a change. Guess what - all Confeds are stupid. 😉

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove