The Origin of Basilisk


Pikeman wrote:
**JEEZ! Maybe I should just stop introducing topics of converstion altogether!;) Although I started this topic with an alternative purpose of arousing some international discussion, I didn't think it would turn into a full scale America vs. the world flame fest. I would just like to say that while America may be a very large, technologically advanced, and rich country, we ARE also the fattest, most ignorant, and most materialistic of all the countries in the world. We consume 95% of the world's drugs. Most Americans have forgotten what it's like to have to fight for your life every day (Kosovo, India, Somalia, etc.). And if we lose touch like that and become a distant superpower, large-scale corruption is bound to happen. If Americans think they are superior to the world, we are no better than Hitler's Nazis. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutley. It's all right to be patriotic, but it's not all right to think you are a better person just because your government is making alot of money and spending it on alot of expensive things.

-----Ever been to Japan 😃

As for WWI, America almost sided with Germany and her allies! The sinking of the Lusitania and Zimmerman's conspiracy with Mexico swayed the public opinion and we entered the war in 1916 with Britian.

-----Umm no. America thought WWI was incredibly stupid. Why in the HELL would we ally with Germany, when the allies owed us more money? Before we declared war on Germany, the allies owed us 2,700,000,000... while Germany owed us 26,000.000
Point is, we wouldn't of. Would you of wanted Russia to invade Alaskan territory? Oh that'd be great!

As for WWII, America stood by and watched as Hitler became more powerful and started conquering nations. We were going to stay nuetral. It was only when FDR let the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor that we finally entered the war. Yes Pearl Harbor was a conspiracy. I won't write all the details about it, except that the night before the attack, all 4 American aircraft carriers were suddenly ordered out of Pearl Harbor with no reason given and no escort.

-----Umm American didn't declare war on the axis powers all at once. You declare war on nations seperatly. Britain and France stood by and wrote TREATIES with Germany to allow them to "have the right to declare war" on other nations. It was only with Poland that they declared war. If you noticed, America was not exactly ready for a large scale war at that time, notice how our military GREW during the war....

Anyway I think we should stop with this pointless and counter-productive flaming right now. America has it's faults, so does Australia, so does England, so does New Zealand, so does Scotland, etc. If anyone has anything to say about the game called "Escape Velocity" by a company called "Ambrosia Software", I think it would be very refreshing to hear right now. Thank you for humoring me while I went on this all-noble tirade.

----- I just dont like being called "fat, lazy, stupid and arrogant...."



ColdFusion "You know, mikee, there's a little something called diplomacy. . ."

Coldfusion I don't know if you have taken high school history. When you say diplomacy that was called appeasement. Look what appeasing Hitler did before he finally invaded Poland. We would have tried diplomacy until there was nothing left for him to take.


Yeah, we really ought to kill this topic - but just as a parting shot: I don't feel proud to be an American - I feel embarassed.

And Ace, I wasn't referring to diplomacy in a historical context; I was referring to it because of mikee's patriotic tirades - he could use just a little tact in defending the US. Of course, right now I'm training to be a Russian ambassador to a simulated UN

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove


mikee J wrote:
**What are EARTH are you talking about? America is the richest, most powerful and most technologically advanced country on the planet. By going to the moon we got rocks and samples, which have helped our understanding of the Earth and moon.
Food and water doesn't exist on Mir or Antarctica either. Mars has water, and its air can be chemically changed into oxygen, hydrogen and water. Scientist have already done this. Food can also be grown in small areas, you could grow some food even on a space shuttle, though it wouldn't be enough the feed the crew. Many Astronauts have spent 180 or so days aboard space shuttles, even more in little Mir. You could get to Mars within 6 months if you left on 2005...

Your total lack of historical knowledge and plain ignorance is amusing. The US was damn near fighting Japan alone, it had little help from China. The reason Japan was "running out of pilots and will" was because WE WERE THE ONES CAUSING IT. Do you have any idea how big Japan's navy was? Or how much of the Pacific they controlled? America fought the Japanesse Empire all the way back to the two main islands, before the bombs were dropped. It would of taken A LONG time to take the island otherwise.

As for the European theatre, we played a large role. The Soviets did most of the work, at the cost of 50 million soldiers....
Britain? Please. France fell within six days. Though fierce they were, without American aid they would not have even kept their own skies. American, English and French/Italian forces worked together along with the Soviets on the East to defeat Germany. Look at who invaded France (from Normandy and Omaha), how many of the Allies there were American?

America deserves credit for defeating Japan, there was some help from Australia (+ a few British ships) and China, but when looking at the battles, and seeing who won what... we did it all 😉 As for Germany, it took all the allies to do that, the Soviets did about 1/3 of the work, America another 1/3 and England, France and Italy the last 1/3...
If it weren't for America, you would be living under communism or nazism...


First of all, compare the expenses of carrying food and other supplies to Mir with the cost of carrying those to the Moon or Mars. As for your claim of scientists changing certain gases to a breathable atmosphere, I would like to see the day when they change the entire Martian atmosphere to an Earth-like environment. Another issue is pressure, which is much lower on Mars. And finally, there is gravity.

Historic matters now. Which was the country that resisted Luftwaffe´s stampede for several months and survived? England, I think. While they were suffering a crude war with Germany, the Americans were just mass producing weapons to enter the war when Germany was somewhat weakened. If your country had entered the war alongside the other allies, when you were as prepared as them, the result would have been different. Hitler´s mistake was spreading his forces too thin. Had he left Russia alone until later, he could have focused on Western Europe. Italy abandoned Germany in Europe. They were weak. And Japan, why, if Germany was already on war with Russia, why the hell did they bomb Pearl Harbor? That was a very bad mistake.

Another little thing, some of the most important scientists were not Americans. Examples: Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein (yes, he nationalized as American. but only because he was fleenig from the war. He was born and he grew up on GERMANY), Niels Bohr, Stephen Hawking, etc.

Which one is the country where teenagers carry weapons to their schools and shoot everything that moves?

This is all for now. Thank you for reading this boring thing.

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.


mikee J wrote:
**What are EARTH are you talking about? America is the richest, most powerful and most technologically advanced country on the planet. By going to the moon we got rocks and samples, which have helped our understanding of the Earth and moon.
Food and water doesn't exist on Mir or Antarctica either. Mars has water, and its air can be chemically changed into oxygen, hydrogen and water. Scientist have already done this. Food can also be grown in small areas, you could grow some food even on a space shuttle, though it wouldn't be enough the feed the crew. Many Astronauts have spent 180 or so days aboard space shuttles, even more in little Mir. You could get to Mars within 6 months if you left on 2005...

Your total lack of historical knowledge and plain ignorance is amusing. The US was damn near fighting Japan alone, it had little help from China. The reason Japan was "running out of pilots and will" was because WE WERE THE ONES CAUSING IT. Do you have any idea how big Japan's navy was? Or how much of the Pacific they controlled? America fought the Japanesse Empire all the way back to the two main islands, before the bombs were dropped. It would of taken A LONG time to take the island otherwise.

As for the European theatre, we played a large role. The Soviets did most of the work, at the cost of 50 million soldiers....
Britain? Please. France fell within six days. Though fierce they were, without American aid they would not have even kept their own skies. American, English and French/Italian forces worked together along with the Soviets on the East to defeat Germany. Look at who invaded France (from Normandy and Omaha), how many of the Allies there were American?

America deserves credit for defeating Japan, there was some help from Australia (+ a few British ships) and China, but when looking at the battles, and seeing who won what... we did it all 😉 As for Germany, it took all the allies to do that, the Soviets did about 1/3 of the work, America another 1/3 and England, France and Italy the last 1/3...
If it weren't for America, you would be living under communism or nazism...


First of all, compare the expenses of carrying food and other supplies to Mir with the cost of carrying those to the Moon or Mars. As for your claim of scientists changing certain gases to a breathable atmosphere, I would like to see the day when they change the entire Martian atmosphere to an Earth-like environment. Another issue is pressure, which is much lower on Mars. And finally, there is gravity.

Historic matters now. Which was the country that resisted Luftwaffe´s stampede for several months and survived? England, I think. While they were suffering a crude war with Germany, the Americans were just mass producing weapons to enter the war when Germany was somewhat weakened. If your country had entered the war alongside the other allies, when you were as prepared as them, the result would have been different. Hitler´s mistake was spreading his forces too thin. Had he left Russia alone until later, he could have focused on Western Europe. Italy abandoned Germany in Europe. They were weak. And Japan, why, if Germany was already on war with Russia, why the hell did they bomb Pearl Harbor? That was a very bad mistake.

Another little thing, some of the most important scientists were not Americans. Examples: Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein (yes, he nationalized as American. but only because he was fleenig from the war. He was born and he grew up on GERMANY), Niels Bohr, Stephen Hawking, etc.

Which one is the country where teenagers carry weapons to their schools and shoot everything that moves?

This is all for now. Thank you for reading this boring thing.

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.

First of all, compare the expenses of carrying food and other supplies to Mir with the cost of carrying those to the Moon or Mars. As for your claim of scientists changing certain gases to a breathable atmosphere, I would like to see the day when they change the entire Martian atmosphere to an Earth-like environment. Another issue is pressure, which is much lower on Mars. And finally, there is gravity.

-----No, I said you can convert the Martian air to fuel and water. I didn't say you could teraform Mars. By adding certain chemicals to the air there, you can make the extra fuel and water you need to get back home....

Historic matters now. Which was the country that resisted Luftwaffe´s stampede for several months and survived? England, I think. While they were suffering a crude war with Germany, the Americans were just mass producing weapons to enter the war when Germany was somewhat weakened. If your country had entered the war alongside the other allies, when you were as prepared as them, the result would have been different. Hitler´s mistake was spreading his forces too thin. Had he left Russia alone until later, he could have focused on Western Europe. Italy abandoned Germany in Europe. They were weak. And Japan, why, if Germany was already on war with Russia, why the hell did they bomb Pearl Harbor? That was a very bad mistake.

-----Um Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Japan and Germany were 'neutral allies', they didn't share ideologies, only agreed not to fight each other. Japan was fighting in the Pacific, they didn't give a damn about Europe. In fact, both Japan and Germany knew if they won, they would only end up fighting each other... so why help your future enemies out? Actually, the only reason England survived was because they bombed German civilians. This tactic made Hitler VERY upset, and in return, he had his forces bomb English civilians. This allowed the English military enough time to rebuild their forces.

Another little thing, some of the most important scientists were not Americans. Examples: Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein (yes, he nationalized as American. but only because he was fleenig from the war. He was born and he grew up on GERMANY), Niels Bohr, Stephen Hawking, etc.

-----I am not talking about past scientist. America is young, but a great number of scientist came out of America. We couldn't have as many as England or the rest of Europe has simply because of thsi. Where was Stephen Hawking from? I forgot.... 😃

Which one is the country where teenagers carry weapons to their schools and shoot everything that moves?

-----You are a complete idiot, I can say that without regret now. I have NEVER seen a gun at my school, nor any schools I attended. I went to a High School with 1500 students. My elementary and Middle schools were also large. I know ALOT of people and have never HEARD of anyone getting shoot or killed. The only person to die at my old High School in the last 10 years was from a car accident.

All these people that think America is some horrible dangerous place are nuts. There are ALOT more violent and corrupted places in the world. Go anywhere in the Middle East, southern Europe and even India and see what I mean. Or Africa, dear... thats just one big war zone. You are alot more likely to die in a car accident or something else stupid then to been robbed or killed. I feel ALOT more safe walking around Manhattan at midnight than at the same time in downtown areas of any European cities. (cept for Swiss ones...)

Sorry to rant, but this stupidity about America is starting to bother me...



mikee J wrote:

-----You are a complete idiot, I can say that without regret now. I have NEVER seen a gun at my school, nor any schools I attended. I went to a High School with 1500 students. My elementary and Middle schools were also large. I know ALOT of people and have never HEARD of anyone getting shoot or killed. The only person to die at my old High School in the last 10 years was from a car accident.


And when did I mention the stupid schools you attend/have attended? Sincerely, I do not care about those. But, have you ever read a newspaper, or watched TV news, or something else? Every person with a television knew that American students killed classmates with guns and planted pipe bombs in their school.

bangs head on table

You said 'where TEENAGERS carry...'
Meaning that it implied to EVERY teenager in general. Not "Where a few teenagers carried..."
Just because there are a few nuts doesn't make a country any more inferior or worse off.

There are 300 million people in this country, 99% of whom descended from people who were deported, socially kicked out of or other from their homeland and came to america. Don't you think a few of those people were a little nuts or crazy? It is no wonder that there would a few more crazies here than in other countries.

Its not ALL americans that kill people. Only a few nuts in school decide to kill their classmates and you find that that is a legit attack on America...
There are murderers and nuts in every country, including your's.


Calm down, everyone. Imagine having this kind of outburst in the UN

Anyway, I think this bickering is stupid and pointless. America is a dumb country. Why? Because people are stupid. Are there people in other countries? Yes. Then logically, other countries are also stupid. Of course, America seems to have a higher percentage of stupid people than other countries and stupid people here get much more publicity than stupid people elsewhere.

And that brings us around to my original point. People are incredibly stupid.

What was this topic originally about, anyway?

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

Hmmm. All this reminds me of something Skunko said ages ago:
"Humans are stupid. Americans are idiotic."

I hope I got that right


"Fake cheese? What is the world coming to?"

AIM: EVBasilisk

Geez, such a topic (developing from a Australia/New Zealand error talk to an argument about America) should really go on the banter or even Ambrosia "Just Chat" board.

But answering an EV-related question buried somewhere here, the Confed Gunboat bay is on some Confed Cruiser personalities.

As for my personal opinion, I do agree with that negative description of Americans, although it is stereotypical (but yes, it holds true very often from my point of view) and I do live in the U.S. But I shouldn't have said that because it's not EV. Oh well.

Mike Lee (Firebird)

Well in that case everyone else is a complete dumb ****!!!

What the hell is wrong with everyone? Calling people of a nation idiots and stupid? That is VERY wrong and completly unsensitive. I take it personally when you call Americans idiots and stupid. In case you didn't know -I- and others here are Americans, so go shove it you ****ers of underdeveloped backwards *** countries.

English are a bunch of ***holes who like to kill people of other nations like India, Pakistan, just about anything in Africa; nothing but smelly trash and idiots in Britain.

French are VERY lazy and smell even worse. They have absolutly no idea what science even IS and are complete cowards, they gave in to Germany after 6 days.

Germany, what can you say... NAZIS!

New Zealand and Australia and backwords *** countries full of stupid people. They spend all their time ****ing their own animals and are about the most uneducated MORONS in the entire world.

I could go on about the rest of the stupid world, but they are all COMPLETE IDIOTS and TOTAL ***HOLES!


Yeah yeah, very funny Mikee. You aren't exactly one for the subtle approach, are you? 😛


"Fake cheese? What is the world coming to?"

AIM: EVBasilisk


mikee J wrote:
**Well in that case everyone else is a complete dumb ****!!!

What the hell is wrong with everyone? Calling people of a nation idiots and stupid? That is VERY wrong and completly unsensitive. I take it personally when you call Americans idiots and stupid. In case you didn't know -I- and others here are Americans, so go shove it you ****ers of underdeveloped backwards *** countries.

English are a bunch of ***holes who like to kill people of other nations like India, Pakistan, just about anything in Africa; nothing but smelly trash and idiots in Britain.

French are VERY lazy and smell even worse. They have absolutly no idea what science even IS and are complete cowards, they gave in to Germany after 6 days.

Germany, what can you say... NAZIS!

New Zealand and Australia and backwords *** countries full of stupid people. They spend all their time ****ing their own animals and are about the most uneducated MORONS in the entire world.

I could go on about the rest of the stupid world, but they are all COMPLETE IDIOTS and TOTAL ***HOLES!

I'm not impressed Mikee, for although I will defend staunchly your right to stand up and be proud of your country (I might have had my disagreements in the past about whether or not America did certain things in various conflicts in history, but nobody can doubt that USA products, philosophy, economics, science and politics have had anything other than enormous effects on the world), I would suggest that you tone it down a little. Like any nation on Earth, the US does have a few people in it who are stupid, lazy (add long list of adjectives here), but that should not reflect on a nation as a whole. The USA is the predominant superpower in the world today, and it could not have gotten there because it is filled with stupid ignorant people.

However, that does not mitigate your comments regarding people from other countries. I resent being told that because I live in Australia I am uneducated and that I copulate with animals. My education standards are probably in the top one percent of people on this board, and I do not even have a pet. I might disagree with you over details regarding the involvement of the USA in certain historic events (most notably wars), but I cannot argue that in all of those events, the US played a MAJOR role, without which the world might be very different today.

So I would ask you in particular, and everybody in general, to tone down the language, and if we could stick to EV, that would probably be for the best on the EV board. Perhaps an admin could move this to the B&B; board?



ColdFusion wrote:
**Calm down, everyone. Imagine having this kind of outburst in the UN

Anyway, I think this bickering is stupid and pointless. America is a dumb country. Why? Because people are stupid. Are there people in other countries? Yes. Then logically, other countries are also stupid. Of course, America seems to have a higher percentage of stupid people than other countries and stupid people here get much more publicity than stupid people elsewhere.

And that brings us around to my original point. People are incredibly stupid.

What was this topic originally about, anyway?

This is what you call diplomacy? I would hate to be on the end of a verbal tirade from you when you weren't being diplomatic.



That was a while ago, and I dont recall the exact thing, but I think it was something along those lines. If not that. Who knows, who cares?

Oh, as for the rest of the string.. I'm a born american, and I like the..uh..hmm.. I cant say I like anything particularily here. It's not exactly free, except I dont get shot, I get insulted by stupid "peers".

Yeah. I'd rather live on the moon than in the US. With a 50terrabit link to UUNet..G5-2ghz..Plenty of food.. Rather, a replicator thingy..



"All power corrupts, absolute power..."
" even more fun!"

"The meek shall inherit..."
"...what they're bloody well given. And be thankful for it."

-BOFH, Simon talking to his PFY.


Skunko7 wrote:

That was a while ago, and I dont recall the exact thing, but I think it was something along those lines. If not that. Who knows, who cares?

Oh, as for the rest of the string.. I'm a born american, and I like the..uh..hmm.. I cant say I like anything particularily here. It's not exactly free, except I dont get shot, I get insulted by stupid "peers".

Yeah. I'd rather live on the moon than in the US. With a 50terrabit link to UUNet..G5-2ghz..Plenty of food.. Rather, a replicator thingy..



I also hate the US, I'd gladly live in the UK or AU or anywhere but here.

Maybe I should change my quite to 'Je deteste Amérique!'?


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

Join #dragonmac on SorceryNet!


mikee J wrote:
**I take it personally when you call Americans idiots and stupid. In case you didn't know -I- and others here are Americans, so go shove it you **ers of underdeveloped backwards *** countries.

Oh? You think I ****ing like America? Just a dictatorship

Je deteste Amérique!


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

Join #dragonmac on SorceryNet!

Um....we invented Eggos.

All work and no beer make Homer something something...


Mister Spiffus wrote:
Um....we invented Eggos.

So what?


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

Join #dragonmac on SorceryNet!