New Uplink Universal Crashes.

Message : ChangeSecurityCodes: ComputerType is not recognized

So I nuked all my previous Uplink data and installed the latest/greatest Uplink only for it to be unplayable. Crashes are abound. I have yet to play for more than 15 minutes without it crashing. I am running this ona MacBook Pro+Leopard 10.5.2.

Here's the crashdump.

NEW GAME 16:36, 7/5/2008

Version : 1.6.0
Mac OS X Build
Version 1.6.0 (RELEASE)
Compiled on May 1 2008 at 17:55:05

Loading uplink options from /Users/Matt/Library/Application Support/Uplink/options...success

Successfully loaded data archive data.dat
Successfully loaded data archive graphics.dat
Successfully loaded data archive loading.dat
Successfully loaded data archive sounds.dat
Successfully loaded data archive music.dat
Successfully loaded data archive fonts.dat
Compiled with SDL_mixer version: 1.2.7
Running with SDL_mixer version: 1.2.7
Loading profile from /Users/Matt/Library/Application Support/Uplink/dilema.usr...success
Saving profile to /Users/Matt/Library/Application Support/Uplink/dilema.tmp...success. Moving profile to /Users/Matt/Library/Application Support/Uplink/dilema.usr...success
Saving profile to /Users/Matt/Library/Application Support/Uplink/dilema.tmp...success. Moving profile to /Users/Matt/Library/Application Support/Uplink/dilema.usr...success
Saving profile to /Users/Matt/Library/Application Support/Uplink/dilema.tmp...success. Moving profile to /Users/Matt/Library/Application Support/Uplink/dilema.usr...success

Uplink has been forced to Abort

Message : ChangeSecurityCodes: ComputerType is not recognized
Location : /Ambrosia-uplink/sources/3rdparty/uplink/source/uplink/src/world/computer/computer.cpp, line 343
============== B E G I N C O R E D U M P =================
============== E N D C O R E D U M P =====================

Hello dilema,
Sorry for your frustration. Is this with a new user or an existing one? Try quitting Uplink and deleting the "" and "Uplink License" files from your Home/Library/Preferences folder. Do you have the same problem?

@evan-smith, on May 9 2008, 01:14 PM, said in New Uplink Universal Crashes.:

Hello dilema,
Sorry for your frustration. Is this with a new user or an existing one? Try quitting Uplink and deleting the "" and "Uplink License" files from your Home/Library/Preferences folder. Do you have the same problem?

I followed your instructions and nuked all relevant data. The problem still exist. I can however run Uplink(UB) in Rosetta and it act as intended. (i.e. no more crashes) Obviously this is not ideal.

This post has been edited by dilema : 09 May 2008 - 01:52 PM

I'm having exactly the same problem. I'm running the program for the first time (in trial mode) and creating a new user. Deleting the license and plists doesn't fix it either. I'm running OS 10.4.11 on a PowerBook G4, so opening with Rosetta isn't an option.

A similar problem here as well... Bit disappointing that it's an unstable build.

NEW GAME 14:55, 12/5/2008

Version : 1.6.0
Mac OS X Build
Version 1.6.0 (RELEASE)
Compiled on May 1 2008 at 17:55:05

Loading uplink options from /Users/kael/Library/Application Support/Uplink/options...failed

Successfully loaded data archive data.dat
Successfully loaded data archive graphics.dat
Successfully loaded data archive loading.dat
Successfully loaded data archive sounds.dat
Successfully loaded data archive music.dat
Successfully loaded data archive fonts.dat
Warning, no available video mode for width: 0, height:0, flags:-2147483646
Compiled with SDL_mixer version: 1.2.7
Running with SDL_mixer version: 1.2.7

Uplink has been forced to Abort

Message : ChangeSecurityCodes: ComputerType is not recognized
Location : /Ambrosia-uplink/sources/3rdparty/uplink/source/uplink/src/world/computer/computer.cpp, line 343
============== B E G I N C O R E D U M P =================
============== E N D C O R E D U M P =====================

Oh and as an addition; it crashes under Rosetta also.

This post has been edited by CJM2 : 12 May 2008 - 09:01 AM

I'm really curious if any of you guys who are getting these crashes may have used software on your systems such as TrimTheFat and Xslimmer as well as Monolingual. I don't have the Uplink source code available so this is just a hunch based solely off of the "ComputerType is not recognized". I'm just trying to find a common denominator and the question I posed seems as good as any. shrugs

That's Computer as in, 'a system represented within the Uplink world', rather than anything to do with the OS.

I have encountered the same problem recently~
I've used xslimmer, but it was long ago~
i think many mac users may have used that~

I have reinstalled the game, it seems well till now~