SA - please check the uploaded addons

I've recently submitted a plug (which I know doesn't happen often) so it should be ready to be posted.


"Humans are hicks."
- Paff's Law
It explains so much...

Sorry for the delay, board upgrades got in the way. Your plugin is now available to the public.

Ah, thank you very much.

People still play ares?!

You still exist?!

This post has been edited by Pyro : 22 September 2004 - 09:16 PM

Who's this "Mag Steelglass" fellow? Yeah, the guy with the long gray beard and cakes of dust.

Mmm, dust cakes...

I eat dust cakes for breakfast.

Not krusty kreme donuts?

I'm a bit late at getting this one (heh), but it's great. If only I could beat "Diplomatic Endeavors"! (don't tell me!) Your best plug yet, and it's actually beatable too (unlike certain others, cough The Rouge cough).
