target object question


Can anyone tell me, when you send some of your ships to destroy something, and they are successful, what then gets assigned to be their new target? Is there any way to queue up their next target even before the first has been destroyed?


If you yourself send them and they destroy their target their target is just blank I think. No, without writing a plugin you can't give a ship multiple targets to go after.

Ares plugin writer and all around helpful guy... Except possibly when it comes to certain people...

If their target is a station, their target continues to be the station after they've disabled it.

If it was a ship, though, and the ship got destroyed (even if it was a friendly ship), their new target would be whatever target that ship had (so if it was a transport going to a planet, your ships would go to that planet after the transport was destroyed).

And there isn't a way to set up multiple targets for them to go at in succession. The method used for most people that I know of for directing fleets is just setting them all to follow your ship, and going where you want them to go when you want them to go there.

"Social lives are for the weak."

The best way to control the fleet is to use the Hotkeys to designate a carrier as the leader. Then you can move the entire fleet about in one mass with just one order. In my experience, this is more flexible than having them follow your ship and also tends to keep them alive longer.

look! its a signature!