The joys of GR

I was on Game Ranger today, for reasons of my own, when I was messaged out of the blue for this little gem of a conversation:


Stryder: whats sundered mean?
Sundered Angel: Shattered, broken.
Stryder: hahaha
Stryder: so your a broken angel?
Stryder: you poor baby
Stryder: hahahahahaha
Sundered Angel: Indeed.
Stryder: lame
Sundered Angel: Unaccountably so.

It certainly makes you wonder about the calibre of the people online gaming services attract, doesn't it?

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

I find them an endless source of amusement. Being the sadistic manipulator that I am, I often find it fun to spin intellectual and psychological circles around them until they're chasing their own tail.

(url="http://"") Dig a little deeper (/url)
As below, so above.

Well, as you can see, I was beginning to set up double meanings. Unfortunately, he must have caught wind of my plans, as he stopped there.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

It is indeed unfortunate that such folk waste the internet chatting with such stupidity and ignorance. It does amuse, though. It can be entertaining toying with them.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

(This message has been edited by Taeskor Cicion (edited 10-04-2002).)


Originally posted by Sundered Angel:
**Stryder: whats sundered mean?
Sundered Angel: Shattered, broken.
Stryder: hahaha
Stryder: so your a broken angel?
Stryder: you poor baby
Stryder: hahahahahaha
Sundered Angel: Indeed.
Stryder: lame
Sundered Angel: Unaccountably so.

:eek: wow thats just...stupid.

lala i need a sig...maybe i should put random snippets of code from my "undisclosed project" down here 😉

Very stupid.

On GR/AIM/MAGChat: Onii7
I Did it! I made it past 500!
The computer doesn't get slower, it's the newer computers that get faster. -Taylor

I find "chat" to be a place of mistakes, lies, cheats, and (unfortunately) bad grammar and spelling. 😛 But it's very amusing overall.

Disadvantage has its own advantages. - Commodore Vahrn La'harrh

Sometimes it is annoying too.

On GR/AIM/MAGChat: Onii7
I Did it! I made it past 500!
The computer doesn't get slower, it's the newer computers that get faster. -Taylor

This isn't anything to get annoyed over.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
opinion change 9/24/02: Human society is a complex metaphor for slavery.

Indeed. It should be regarded as a source of amusement. Or, more likely, bemusement.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

You don't seem the person who gets into many fights and I don't think yoru manner conveys an agent of 'insult me'. So getting insulted must be quite an impact for you.

I on the other hand almost REGULARLY get insulted by bastards when I'm not using the Joveia nick.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
opinion change 9/24/02: Human society is a complex metaphor for slavery.

It must be the fear he can inject into your mind merely by staring at his icon. People are too scared to insult him, unless they're too stupid to realize they're scared.

Annoying people on GR are easily dealt with, theres this thing, called the 'ignore' command. Completly unrelated however: I amuse myself by pasting 'heh' at different numbers of letters over and over again until a channel operator relizes I'm dodging the spam system, and kicks me off.

It's Difficult To Comprehend How Insane Some People Can Be. Especially When You're Insane.
(url="http://";=60&SUBMIT;=Go")just games or death,(/url) and were all out of death!