Ares music is out of this world!

Hey y'all!

Just downloaded the Ares Music folder...think it's absolutely fabulous! Who are the musicians and do they have any other music other than for Ares?

Happy New Year!
Ace 😉


I don't know if there's actually musicians that made the music, but it is some damn fine tunes.

Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change.


Originally posted by El Spamo:
**I don't know if there's actually musicians that made the music, but it is some damn fine tunes.


I agree, El Spamo. Didja download the file? I'm sitting here w/my headphones on listening to them...over...and...over...and...over,etc.
Well, someone had to have made the tunes. I'll bet that info is on the opening credits...
whatcha think? It'll probably turn out to be Matt Burch, who knows.

Ace 😉


Are you talking about the music that came with Ares, or an external music for Ares? If your'e talking about factory music, then yes, the music is pretty 🆒. If your'e talking about external music, where do I find it? Or is the music available as an MP3 file? Call me The when replying 😄

(quote)Originally posted by The Journalist:
**Are you talking about the music that came with Ares, or an external music for Ares? If your'e talking about factory music, then yes, the music is pretty;)


I believe that NL wrote the music himself.

Sign up for the Ares ladder
GameRanger/MagChat SN: Col. Patrick (EL)

In the credits, it says it was based on the music from Doom Troopers Unite or something along those lines.

"Cleanliness is evil. Embrace the mess!"

He's ALIVE!!!!! 😄


Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
**In the credits, it says it was based on the music from Doom Troopers Unite or something along those lines.


flargh: slank - you realize, of course, that you've just dragged about 40,000 volts of static electricity off the tip of your vacuum cleaner attachments over your CPU.
-The Construct, Gameranger

Obviously, miracles are still possible.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

I havn't been by here since the beta, but if I get you're meaning, you can extract the music pretty easily. Just open the "Ares Sounds: file in the "Ares Data ƒ" folder using ResEdit ((url="http://"")Info(/url)) ((url="http://"")Download(/url)). There are nine "MADH" resources; each one is a song. Open the one you want, copy the hex (center column), then make a new file. Using Forker ((url="http://"")Download(/url)), paste the hex into the data fork of the new file. As a last step, go to "File" --> "Get info for (New File)" and set "Type" to to "MADH" and "Creator" to "SNPL". You can then use PlayerPro ((url="http://"")Info(/url)) ((url="http://"")Classic(/url)) ((url="http://"")Carbon(/url)) (shareware, $69) to play them.

As for their authorship, yes, it's Nathan's work. I used them to help me through a few all-nighters freshman year - cranked the subwoofer and let the rhythms drive me. When I told this to Nathan and expressed my admiration for his techno composition skills, he told me he thought they sucked and that I had to be some kind of masochist.

Take it for what you will.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs

(This message has been edited by Regulus (edited 01-03-2002).)

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Regulus:

That's wonderful, Regulus! Hey, if you're a masochist for listening to the stuff, then he must be a sadist for "creating" it, right?
But it is great music. 'Course it has to be great, Ares is a great game!
BTW: How was y'all's (how's that for punctuating a word?) holidays? Also, welcome to 2002, the year of (whatever word it is that means something that reads the same forwards as backwards)!
Hey! I see by the tote board that I now have 69 posts! Ya know 69 is my lucky/favorite number?

Ace 😉

Ask me about my new computer. Go ahead...ask me!

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 01-03-2002).)

You really layed on the subtlety there.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.


Originally posted by Joveia:
**You really layed on the subtlety there.


Oh, ya think so, eh?

Ace 😉

Ooops! The tote board reads 70 (this post would be 71). There goes my lucky number! Maybe I should make my l/f number me something to shoot for, huh?
Ask me about my new computer. Go ahead...ask me!

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 01-04-2002).)

Whatever you say Mr. Ace Harddrive.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

It also gives us something to shoot you for as well. 😉

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."