Obish VS Elejeetian plugin

I play gameranger and I was wondering if anybody played the Obish VS Elejeetian plug because nobody has it and i really want to play it. So if you play on gameranger and have this plug please tell me, maybe we can play sometime.

Watch out my karma will run over your dogma.

I have it but my connection is too slow.

He is no fool who gives what he can't keep, to gain what he can't lose.

I have it, but I rarely play on GR.

"United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair."

(This message has been edited by Mag Steelglass (edited 10-01-2001).)

I've never been able to use the plugin, since I have yet to find someone at Game Ranger who has a copy. Looks good, though...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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I've played more or less every multiplayer plugin on GR, and I have to say that SETR multiplayer edition is by far the most fun. I hate to plug my scenario, but it's true.

(Well, after you've played default Ares for 2 years...)

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.


Originally posted by Joveia:
**I've played more or less every multiplayer plugin on GR, and I have to say that SETR multiplayer edition is by far the most fun. I hate to plug my scenario, but it's true.

(Well, after you've played default Ares for 2 years...)


What is the full title of this plugin you are reffering to? I've played Ares for years, so I'm about ready for some different multiplayer action. 😉

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

SETR: Multiplayer edition lite is it's name. It's intended for multiplayer use only, but you can edit it with hera for some single player if you wish.

It's a fun TC, the first Ares-based TC out there.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.


Originally posted by Joveia:
**SETR: Multiplayer edition lite is it's name. It's intended for multiplayer use only, but you can edit it with hera for some single player if you wish.

It's a fun TC, the first Ares-based TC out there.


Thanks, I'll check that out. Do you know if this plugin happens to be popular at GameRanger?

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

While I'm on, there is only regular Ares, unless I'm not playing a Newbie, in which case we compare what plugin files each of us have. I haven't played half of the multiplayer ones yet.

American beer is like sex in a lifeboat. It's f*cking close to water.

  • Slug
    Prostitution is like Bungee Jumping. It's short, it's expensive, and if the rubber breaks you're f*cked. - Me


Originally posted by Talon Karrde:
**While I'm on, there is only regular Ares, unless I'm not playing a Newbie, in which case we compare what plugin files each of us have. I haven't played half of the multiplayer ones yet.


Which seems to be my case as well. Whenever I've tried using some of the multiplayer plugins, they either won't work or none of the GameRanger members have it...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

It had better be damn well popular, about half the time I spend in GR Ares games rooms is plugging my own scenario.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Which seems to be my case as well. Whenever I've tried using some of the multiplayer plugins, they either won't work or none of the GameRanger members have it...


so that is you thats always inactive when people join....

Newbie bashing = Tactical destruction of possible future threats = NATO
So why cant i do it?


Originally posted by Pyro:
**so that is you thats always inactive when people join....


Actually, I do have a tendecy to leave GameRanger (and an Ares game) running when I'm going about my business, which makes my username inactive. But I'm certainly not "always" inactive. Usually just the opposite.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Ahhh, can we get back to my topic please since I started this???

Watch out my karma will run over your dogma.


Originally posted by MusicMixer:
**I play gameranger and I was wondering if anybody played the Obish VS Elejeetian plug because nobody has it and i really want to play it. So if you play on gameranger and have this plug please tell me, maybe we can play sometime.


yes i have your plug, with every other plug. my gr is onii7 ask me to play sometime, we'll play it.

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
GR- Onii7