Who would win? #2

1 Audemedon Gunship vs Eleejeetian Cruiser
2 Bazidanese Battleship vs Audemedon Carrier
3 Human Cruiser vs Gaitori Cruiser
4 Ishiman fighter vs Astrominer
5 Gaitori fighter vs Ishiman fighter

  1. The Audemedon gunship would win
  2. The Bazidanese Battleship
  3. The Gaitori cruiser, but it would be close
  4. The Astrominer if it was a laggy game, if not then fighter
  5. The Gaitori fighter probably

1. Depends entirely on luck and skill. The cruiser can fly circles around the gunship, and its weapons do extra spiffy stuff. However, the gunship is about 2.5 times as tough, so the cruiser would be relying heavily on its extra speed and agility.
2. The Audie carrier. Trazers shred capital ships very quickly, and the fighters can absorb the plasma fire well. Plus the audemedon missiles can confuse the plasma quite well, which would render the battleship's main weapon useless, and the beams on them aren't quite what I'd call up to par.
3. I'd go with the human cruiser, because even though its weapons are somewhat inferior, it's still at lot tougher, faster, and more maneuverable. Basically, the gaitori cruiser has weapons, but the human cruiser has everything else.
4. If players were flying both ships, it'd definately be the fighter. If the AI was in control, it'd definately be the astrominer.
5. Definately the Ishiman fighter. It's faster, more maneuverable, twice as tough, and has better weapons. The gaitori fighter wouldn't have a chance.

"Whoever said that the pen is mightier than the sword was on something."
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Plug reviews are appreciated...

Wow, Mag Steelglass selection was like hte oppisite of Altars.
1)Eleejeetian Cruiser
2)Audemedon Carrier
3)Gaitori Cruiser
5)Ishiman fighter

"Its imposible"
Time till impact:Never


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
**1 Audemedon Gunship vs Eleejeetian Cruiser
2 Bazidanese Battleship vs Audemedon Carrier
3 Human Cruiser vs Gaitori Cruiser
4 Ishiman fighter vs Astrominer
5 Gaitori fighter vs Ishiman fighter

1. I'd say the cruiser. If its a good pilot, the gunship would have a hard time hitting it.

2. I'm evenly split on this one.

3. Human Cruiser, it has more advantages.

4. The astrominer, it just needs to get in a few lucky shots, and it has more shields than the fighter.

5. Ishiman fighter, it has more advantages.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

You're forgetting something very important about the Gaitori fighter. It's weapons are better. Let's look at it with hera:

Ishiman PK beam = damage 30 Fire time = 20
Gaitori PK beam = damage 30 Fire time = 12

So the Gaitori can fire almost twice as fast. It takes 2 shots for an Ishiman gun to kill a gaitori fighter, and 4 shots for a gaitori fighter to kill the Ishiman. Still, I think having fast firing weapons would outway this, as the typical strafing run in human vs human would also end up with the gaitori winning, unless the human was lucky.

The Ishiman fighter has more range, and can dodge the Gaitori fighter easily. Plus, if the Ishiman fighter is shot when its shields have regenerated to 50%, it doesn't die, and can regenerate to 50% again. It can essentially be hit and regenerate until it runs out of energy. If the Gaitori fighter is hit at anything below 60% health, it dies. And one shot from the weapons bring it to 40%, and then it can only get back up to 50%. It can't take hits and keep regenerating. Plus, they suck badly at dodging fire, and the Ishiman fighter can get shots in from out of the Gaitori fighter's range.

"Whoever said that the pen is mightier than the sword was on something."
(url="http://"http://www.MSPlugDevelopment.n3.net")My Ares Website(/url)
Plug reviews are appreciated...

  1. Ele Cruiser wins because it just rocks, plus the serious reasons already posted...
    2)Bazidanese Battleship wins cause it can just kill the fighters then sit at a distance and blast the carrier with its plasma thingies.
    3)Hmmm don't really know for sure but the most i would put money on the human bacause of its higher manuverability
    4)No idea
    5)Ishman for reasons stated by mag

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

Ipvicus: the Audemedon gunship has a better gun, better shielding, and has a not indecent turn rate.

I see my mistake now, the Ishiman fighter would indeed win. But in capital ship battles, where the carriers weapons do 200/100 damage apiece, the Gaitori's fighter's weaker shielding would not be significant.

The battleship, on second thoughts, would not win - the Audemedon carrier fighters would give too much cover.

(This message has been edited by Count Altair El Alemein (edited 07-18-2001).)

The Audie fighters can only absorb damage for so long before they are all desroyed. After that the carrier is at the battleships mercy.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

  1. Gunship. No Questions here.
  2. Battleship - it can save its R-Plasma when the fighters are nearby and use Z-Beam.
  3. Gaitori. In the hands of a human pilot I think the Gator could maneuver in for a couple shots, which could well be enough.
  4. Astrominer. It's got -w a r p-. The pulses are better, and you can hyper in to get a couple shots off vs. the fighter.
  5. Hmmm... I'd say Ishiman, but then again I'm not too sure without Hera/Ares on hand. Can anyone post the stats?

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Not sure about 1,2,3,or 5 but the human cruiser would win easily. It is faster and tougher and has better handling.

Gaitori -
Health 650
Max speed 3.5
Turn 1.5
Concsv Pellet Gun
Damage 30
Fire time 5

Human -
Health 1000
Max speed 5
turn 2
Magneto Pulse
Damage 50
Fire tim 18
Laser Cannon
Dammage 15
Fire time 20

the humans clearly have the advantage.

Creator of the great new plugin for ares "Earth's Journey Back To The Stars". Have a nice day.

I suppose you're right on that one.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

I'm going to accomplish 2 things right now:

Work out which is better using my Technically Perfect™ mathematic program
Prove that my mathematic program actually works

Now let's see...

Fiddles around with calculator for some 3 minutes

The concussive pellet has a range of 22.5
The human cruiser laser: 22.5
Human cruiser pulse: 30

Gaitori concussive pellet (for cruiser) total stat: 213.4537
Human cruiser laser: 35.5756
Cruiser pulse: 150.4547

Total Gaitori ship worth: 372.4847715
Total human: 431.3122998

The human cruiser is 115.7932707% better. End of argument.

Here's another one for you: Aud fighter vs Salrilian fighter

I don't dare place any bets on this one, and I'll wait for a while before actually testing which is better on my calc. I have a feeling it's the aud one.

Thats a close one. I think the Aud would win just because it is hard to hit a fighter from far away. The Aud would close in and kill the Salri.
Here are the stats.

Aud Fighter
Max vel 6
Price 600
Health 600
Energy 600
Build Time 600
ASB Cannon
Fire Time 20
Energy Cost 10
Range 360000
Damage 80 - Over twice the damage

Salri Fighter
Max vel 600
Price 600
Health 600
Energy 600
LRPK Cannon
Fire time 16
Energy Cost 10
Range 1562500
Damage 30

Creator of the great new plugin for ares "Earth's Journey Back To The Stars". Have a nice day.

I'm thinking of putting it through my calc, but that would spoil all the guessing because then you would have EXACT knowledge of which was better....

Are you reading this darkk? 🙂

"War? I'd better go and get the washing in!"

Ehh... I'd say the Sal Fighter would win. The 'LR'PKs are quite useful, and the stats don't factor in the Sal Fighter's reduced profile.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

True... I'd say it is pretty close to even then. I still think the Aud fighter might have a slight advantage.

Creator of the great new plugin for ares "Earth's Journey Back To The Stars". Have a nice day.

  1. This is a close one, because of the Gun's relatively fast turn rate. It depends on the piloting.

  2. The Aud Carrier. The Aud fighters and the Carriers' A-Missile would damage the battleship enough for the Carrier to close and Trazer it into oblivion.

  3. The Human Cruiser wins by a mile.

  4. I'd say the Astrominer. The Astrominers' a lot tougher than the fighter, plus it has FTL to get out of a hopeless situation.

  5. I suck at piloting fighters, but I think the Ishiman would win on this one. Versus capital ships I'd rather have a squadron Gaitori than a squadron Ish.

'Is that what I think it is?'
'A big orange swirly thing in space!'

  • Red Dwarf

It's not 'miles better' Talon, it's 115.7932707% better.

Here's another one: Gaitori carrier vs Cantharan gunship