enough of rankings already

ive had about enough of plug in ratings. There so pointless. People, im not mentioning names, keep rating there own plugs so much higher then killing everyone elses rankings, cmon, if we cant keep this civilized it shouldn't be there at all. Andrew, if you get the time could you just remove the rankings entirely, the alternative solution of allowing mods to keep certain people from voting would be to complicated and the process should probably just be removed entirely. Anyone with me post here.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.

I think a reviews section or a reviews site would be nice. Then we could still rate them, but the anonymity would be gone, and people would get a better idea of what people liked and didn't like about each plug.

"Whoever said that the pen is mightier than the sword was on something."
(url="http://"http://www.MSPlugDevelopment.n3.net")My Ares Website(/url)
Plug reviews are appreciated...


Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
**I think a reviews section or a reviews site would be nice. Then we could still rate them, but the anonymity would be gone, and people would get a better idea of what people liked and didn't like about each plug.

Kinda like the ones at Amazon, where we give it a rating out of 5 stars, and give our reasons why its a good/bad plug.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

Pyro has very good point here - there is atleast one person(s) who is logging onto about 50 different comptuers and rating good plugs '1' and bad plugs '5'. Because bigblobbing has been elevated to the top of the rating ladder twice (despite being reset 3 times in the past year) and certain plugs have been rated down, I conclude that the one who is ruining our lives is Eminem, for the following reasons.

  1. The downratings coinside with his temporary re-appearance in the Ares community.
  2. He is known to have posted alot with vastly different i.ps implying he has access to alot of different computers.
  3. Bigblobbing really sucks and it's his plug.
  4. Plugs of people he dislikes have gone down to almost 20 (like mine)
  5. Eminem is a really sad person, socially inept, stupid etc... and just lame enough to pull of a stunt like this.

I don't think we need to eliminate ratings totally - they give people a good idea of how excellent a plug is. But from now on, instead of entering a number and pressing a button, you get taken to a post-like screen, where you rate the plug and then write your reasons for it. Based on this, a mod will then forward to where it will be processed and the rating taken into effect. This has been done on many other sites, and the reasons they have accurate ratings is pretty much evident. I'll email andrew about this, and I advise all of you to do the same.


Originally posted by Pyro:
**ive had about enough of plug in ratings. There so pointless. People, im not mentioning names, keep rating there own plugs so much higher then killing everyone elses rankings, cmon, if we cant keep this civilized it shouldn't be there at all. Andrew, if you get the time could you just remove the rankings entirely, the alternative solution of allowing mods to keep certain people from voting would be to complicated and the process should probably just be removed entirely. Anyone with me post here.


I wouldn't count on any big changes on the site at this time, and certainly not because one little crank can't seem to keep from messing everything up. I've seen a total of about three seriously tampered with ratings, and they've been reset each time. Simple.


Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
**I think a reviews section or a reviews site would be nice. Then we could still rate them, but the anonymity would be gone, and people would get a better idea of what people liked and didn't like about each plug.


Yes, indeed, it would be nice, but again, I can't see it happening anytime soon.


Originally posted by Avatara:
**Kinda like the ones at Amazon, where we give it a rating out of 5 stars, and give our reasons why its a good/bad plug


If you think about it, this wouldn't change anything. People could still post under false names and write whatever they wanted.


Originally posted by Count Altair:
**Various Insults to Eminem


If there is a person logging on to 50 computers at once, instead of changing the system to fit around him, why not just kick him off the system. Instead of reworking all the add-ons pages (note: all of them would have to be changed) it would be much simpler to just e-mail the culprit involved. Which I guess I'm going to have to do, since you've all brought this up.

I'd also ask that you don't go and bug andrew with all of this, if he thought the problem justified changing anything, he'd change it.

Just as another note, who's going to program all this new stuff?



Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:

Actually, it's because Eminem has a static IP, which means it changes a lot. The ratings only check a person's IP, so they are fooled by him every time his IP changes.

"Whoever said that the pen is mightier than the sword was on something."
(url="http://"http://www.MSPlugDevelopment.n3.net")My Ares Website(/url)
Plug reviews are appreciated...

So what do you suggest we do gentlemen? According to this discussion, EMINEM has pretty much got the ability to ruin the ratings no matter what.

we could just ban eminem :rolleyes:

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.

actually... in hind sight we could just start karma slapping for rigging the ratings.

me glances at mods(well sarg anyways, since hes the only one here)

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.

It would be very easy to add a plugins rating system to the magleague.com Ares ladder.

A Resource page that has a polling script similar to the front page poll we already have and favored plug-ins and utilities for download.

Looks like we can use more than one admin on the MaG Ares ladder to cover all the topics and requests. Contact Jimmy page or leave a message for me here.


(Directed to McBorg)

How about another kind of ranking?

President (Marshal)
Admiral (General)
Rear Admiral (Colonel)
Commodore (Major)
Commander (Captain)
Captain (Lieutenant)
Lieutenant (Sergeant)

Ares ‚ Star-tego

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "


While we're off the subject, I'd like to announce I'm temporarily leaving the boards. I didn't feel fit to post a whole new topic about this, because I may come back quickly if I get very board.


Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
**Actually, it's because Eminem has a static IP, which means it changes a lot. The ratings only check a person's IP, so they are fooled by him every time his IP changes.


OK, couldn't let that one slip... static means something doesn't change, stays the same. Therefore, Eminem does not have a static IP address.

Does this invalidate anything said in any way? No. No indeed. Not at all. 🆒

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

I was thinking the same thing SA. However, we get mag's meaning so no harm done...

I say we ban EMINEM!


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
I say we ban EMINEM!**

Fair comment. However, without a static IP, only a name ban is possible, which is likely only to aggravate him. Unless this "no new registered users" thing continues...

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Ahh, forget to mention. Nice to see you back SA. You know Footstep's of Pyrrhus? Well me was thinking that if I gave you the most recent SETR beta, maybe you could, I don't know, let me help test footstep's? Idle banter, nothing more...