Some tips for a new player?

Greetings, Ares boarders. I am a long time EV player, but I recently downloaded (well, this morning) Ares 1.20. Anyone have any tips for an Ares newbie?

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?

Well, the Ares AI works much better than the EV one, and works very differently, so be careful with that.

Secondly, you'll catch on and learn new tactics as you go along, and making a plan up on the spot works very well.

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Thirdly, check a large number of posts with the same general topic. You can find topics for "general strategy," specific levels, or netplay here. Maybe there should just be some central system for redirection... oh well, maybe someday.

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  1. You're screwed if you lose a station and/or flak drone. (well, not really. You can still beat the level but you're going to be under par for everything).

  2. Your EV piloting skills will come in handy.

  3. Brute force is the most effective tactic in the game, but nearly impossible to come by. Go for efficiencey. Strike fast.

  4. ALWAYS control the lead ship in a big assult.

  5. Salrilians rule.

  6. When facing enemy capital ships, keep moving. Their pulses hurt, but are usually slow and easy to dodge.

  7. When in doubt, sneak a transport in through the enemy's back door. (Or better yet; an attack fleet)

  8. Gaitori suck.

  9. When human, the only offensive ship you build should be gunships.

  10. WATCH YOUR ENERGY LEVEL. This can really bite you in the ass in long solo missions.

That's about it for now.

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Also when attacking big ships, try and stay at as long a range as possible when firing on them.

Another tip for attacking smaller ships like crusiers, the AI will turn away and start dodging if you fire near it, so if they are about to kill you and you don't have a clean shot, just fire a couple rounds near them and they will abandon their shot.

We will not change unless we survive but we will not survive unless we change.

When attacking big ships, the best strategy is not always to stay away - HVDs have long range weapons and you don't. Carriers can nail you from any range you can nail them. Therefore, unless you're in a gunship or and HVD, the best method in to circle around a carrier and fire at it the whole time.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
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In net play when defending a planet always make your fleet follow a Carrier instead of the HVD. Not oly will your carrier last longer your ship wont have to worry about following your fast HVD and fighting at the same time.

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when you understand a
species' art you
understand that species"


Originally posted by Vice Admiral Ipvicus:
**In net play when defending a planet always make your fleet follow a Carrier instead of the HVD. Not oly will your carrier last longer your ship wont have to worry about following your fast HVD and fighting at the same time.

I disagree. The HVD is handled dreadfully by the AI and often lasts much longer and inflicts more damage in the hands of a human pilot especially if you are attacking large ships like carriers or bunker stations.

'Take the piston rings out of my kidneys,
The connecting rods out of my brain.
Take the cam-shaft from out of my back-bone,
And assemble the engine again,'
-Traditional airman's song

I think his point was more along these lines:

Fleets don't handle well when they're following a fast-dodging, quick-firing HVD.
Tell them to follow a carrier, and they'll behave a lot better.

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Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
**When attacking big ships, the best strategy is not always to stay away - HVDs have long range weapons and you don't. Carriers can nail you from any range you can nail them. Therefore, unless you're in a gunship or and HVD, the best method in to circle around a carrier and fire at it the whole time.

I said stay as far away as possible. If you get really close you might bump into them, which stops your turning and allows them to fire on you, unlike in EV where you go right through them.

We will not change unless we survive but we will not survive unless we change.

I still say as close as possible - unless of course I'm flying my ship of choice, but that's another matter.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
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Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
**I still say as close as possible - unless of course I'm flying my ship of choice, but that's another matter.

Obish escort?

We will not change unless we survive but we will not survive unless we change.

That's right, you haven't been here long enough to notice my character 😉 Yes.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
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