i was just thinking...

ares needs to get updated. Ares 2.0 would be cool. The new one could maybe have..hmm...4 player abilities maybe. Or maybe it could have team missions. New ships would be cool to have standard without having to dl a plugin. more standard levels would be cool too, i've kind of gotten sick of the standard multi levels. New solo levels would be a plus as well, since the ones they have are way too easy. That techno music drives me crazy too, maybe they can get some zepplin music or somethin playin. oh well i'm just rambling on....

ramble on..
--Jimmy Page

I seem to recall that Nathan Lamont was working on another game set in the Ares universe, though quite different to Ares. Then again, I doubt that will be coming out any time soon.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Yeah, a game 'on a different scale' as I recall.


yup yup

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10


Originally posted by Laguna:
**Yeah, a game 'on a different scale' as I recall.


Now, that could mean two things, couldn't it-

1. A game on a larger scale ( huge fleet commanding)
2. A game on a smaller scale (single ship management, not ships at all)

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Of course, it could be both.

"Why do we have to mow our lawns? What's wrong with the 'natural' look?!?"
Visit my site, if you're interested:
Email me at vertical_file@yahoo.com with a review and a rating (out of 100) for an Ares plug, and I'll put it on the reviews section.

Sounds like a better version of EV... 😄

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.