Five or six days

Just letting y'all know that I'm off to get some cool mountain air and a healthy sunburn for five or six heavy-pack bearing days.

Be good.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

You lucky dog.

Enjoy your trip!

Ne Cede Malis Sed Contra Audientor Ito

I'll keep 'em in line :evil:


just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 10

Well, see you again when you get back.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."


Sargatanus, have you bought Quake 2 yet? w00t!

This isn't right. This isn't even wrong.


Originally posted by Sargatanus:
I'll keep 'em in line :evil:

Aha! I managed to burn your branding iron right under your nose! Wait...what's this? An electronic cattle prod??? :eek: Holy cow...I didn't mean... a loud thunder-like sound and a painful scream

Well, have fun Sundered. See you when you get back.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

Well, six interesting days have passed and I'm back with you. So much for my impression of Oz as a balmy, eternally warm land- with wind chill the temperature on one of the mountains I was on reached -17°C!

I haven't checked the boards yet, but no doubt Sargatanus and his electric cattle prod have kept order quite well.

Yes, your megalomaniacal moderator is back, so keep cool everyone and maybe he won't notice those little things you did while he was gone... 🆒

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy