I recall reading that Coldstone and PoG would be updated after Wiretap Pro is released. Wiretap Pro HAS NOW been RELEASED! Does anyone has good evidence that updates are being worked on? Or any information at all? I should probably have waited for a week or more and then checked the "upcoming" page in the "news" section before posting this, but I just chacked and it's not there yet. I'm probably losing my patience too soon.
CS updates after Wiretap Pro release?
WireTap Pro has just been released. The update is bound to take a while. Allow some more time for testing. Ambrosia staff is probably about to go on winter holiday till January. Yes, you are losing your patience too soon. I'd say check back in about six months.
(RD wonders why he didn't just lock this thread, and vows to do so if it gets out of hand.)
warning taken, but I don't think it needs to be locked if nobody posts until they have some evidence of action. I'll check back every now and then and won't post about it again.
From what I understand the update was about 60% done when Carm left (I'm assuming that fixing most of the major bugs took 60% of the work here ).
Though RD is right, Ambrosia are gonna be going on breaks over Christmas and they will need to finish up the last problems then test it and release it. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw the update around February/March. I'm also assuming that they are testing it with Tiger as well.
Progress Report??
David Dunham, on Feb 7 2005, 11:22 AM, said:
We will be working on the update in house shortly.
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No Comment.
That's the sweetest peice of quote I've seen in a long time. My heart started to beat faster as I read it. Thank you. My hope is renewed. This is the best Valentine's day gift I received. Of course, it's the only one I got, but that's beside the point.
I look forward to the fix with great anticipation.
Rubber Ducky, on Feb 8 2005, 09:38 PM, said:
Progress Report??
This might be of interest: From this post over on the Escape Velocity Developer's Corner Board:
pipeline, on Feb 24 2005, 05:03 PM, said:
I can't say too much (not my place), but I will say that Windows Nova is on the to-do list for Ambrosia's coding team, but there are other things that take priority at the moment -- number one a ColdStone/PoG update that has been very long awaited.
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(Incidentally, the update for Windows Nova had to be moved in house after the company responsible for the PC port decided that they didn't want to make an update....)
Lit Nerd, who's looking forward to playing PoG in Panther without Classic.
Just created a new account here... had one over a year ago but can't remember the name and password...
I have been checking in, about every other month, for what seems like years now... waiting for Coldstone to get fixed. It's a great product and my high school will drop big bucks on multiple copies of this thing the second its fixed. I was thrilled to see this thread suggesting it'd be fixed soon. Please, Lord, PLEASE let it be soon.
Hi i'm new to this forum. I'm a realbasic,html, and javascript programmer; also a novice to C++. I have used coldstone for 2 years and have found how fast and easy it is to make games. But like everyone else, it doesn't work on Panther. The newest update, 1.0.1, says on the splash screen that coldstone was made in realbasic. With this information I have found out how coldstone works, from the gui, to the coding it's self. I noticed that you don't need the classic version because the OS X version already works on both 9 and X. This is where I think the problem began. This same problem has effected many programs. So it seems coldstone was made on realbasic 3 or 4, and the only thing to do is to open it up in realbasic 5 and build it as a
Mach-O file(OSX native). Now this is just a guess, for it not working.
I have heard that coldstone is going to have many more features, so that could be another reason.
P.S. Can't wait til Realbasic 2005 comes out about june.
RealBasic Programmer, on Mar 19 2005, 07:32 PM, said:
Hi i'm new to this forum. I'm a realbasic,html, and javascript programmer; also a novice to C++. I have used coldstone for 2 years and have found how fast and easy it is to make games. But like everyone else, it doesn't work on Panther. The newest update, 1.0.1, says on the splash screen that coldstone was made in realbasic. With this information I have found out how coldstone works, from the gui, to the coding it's self. I noticed that you don't need the classic version because the OS X version already works on both 9 and X. This is where I think the problem began. This same problem has effected many programs. So it seems coldstone was made on realbasic 3 or 4, and the only thing to do is to open it up in realbasic 5 and build it as a
Mach-O file(OSX native). Now this is just a guess, for it not working.
I have heard that coldstone is going to have many more features, so that could be another reason.
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Unfortunately, it's not as simple as just recompiling with RealBasic 5. I believe this has already been tried (although I'd need to dig through my list email archives to see) and that CS simple breaks when that happens, for a variety of reasons. As such, the actual engine as well as the GUI need to be fixed - as the GUI itself is in RealBasic, but the engine is in C++.
I'll have to dispell the notion of extra features right now though - as far as I'm aware, it's solely a bugfixing and compatability patch for now. Frankly, the OSX using contingent among us, such as myself, will be happy enough to have CS working in OSX. It never really has done so properly, so having that will be a nice bonus, especially if most if not all of the bugs are ironed away as well.
Hopefully we'll see some progress soon. Fingers crossed.
Tarnฤlion Andiyarus, on Mar 20 2005, 11:38 AM, said:
Hopefully we'll see some progress soon. Fingers crossed.
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careful, your fingers might cramp like that. methinks it might be a while...
The only reason I'm interested in a Panther fix for CS is so that I can buy the thing, as weel as a registration code for PoG. I won't even be using it in Panther. As far as new features go, I'd rather have a fix soon that lets me purchase it, than a fix leter that lets me purchase it with a bunch of extra features. Although, I'm not as anxious as I was when I started this topic, as I've gotten over my withdrawal symptoms :), heh, but I'm sure I could pick them up again if I started up PoG only to find that the best thing I can do is sit in a cave, killing mindhunters, because I can't get at anything more powerful. But I better stop talking about it, or I'll be tempted to do it.
I'll probably hit my head on the ceiling when I see Coldstone and PoG updates on the Upcoming list.
Llythiumn, on Mar 21 2005, 10:38 PM, said:
I'll probably hit my head on the ceiling when I see Coldstone and PoG updates on the Upcoming list.
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Hm... it's not on the upcoming list, but it ain't on the "games" or "utilities" lis neither...