Map Problem

For the Golden Sun game which I decided just to make for the fun of it anyway, when it does a portal to the first map, all you see is blackness except about half an inch wide and like a quarter of an inch high at the very top middle of the map, and I can see the map in that little section not the whole thing, just a little bit like the black is still covering it up

I might take a screenshot if you don't understand, which might take a while considering I would have to transfer the file to like 4 different computers.

Leddy told me it might be the fact I don't have a main interface, but now when I startup the game it loads and then nothing happens, whereas is works on my other computer. I have 3 laptops and 1 desktop if your wondering about why i am sayin all these computers sorry to confuse you So there a couple bugs needing to be worked out.

When you first enter a map, all you can see is about ten movement tiles in each direction. As the player moves around the map, more and more gets "exposed." This is called the "fog of war." You can turn off the fog of war if you want the player to see the whole map when he enters it.


Leddy told me it might be the fact I don't have a main interface

Leddy tells you it IS the fact that you don't have a main interface. You have to drag the "game area" square all over the screen (or at least all over the part where the player walk around).

Yep. Main interface. Gotta have it. Sometimes you really DO need to listen and put in the effort if you seek advice. :rolleyes: Go into options, first tab I think. Edit your main interface to define your game area. You also need a main interface mask. Studying the medieval game that comes with Coldstone really helps.

I know.... But I just wanted to make sure, it seems that there might be another problem, fog of war, but I guess we'll see. (I was going to see, but then any suggestions on why I can't play it on my laptop?)