down with blissful ignorance, up with painful reality™

Im starting the obish escort argument back up again. I know im right so im arguing it to the death (or until friday because i have to leave for 5 days...). I will now state my dillusional point i made up in PE class today.

Point 1: Advantages. The ishamn advandtage is 2.15. The obish advantage is um... 1.75 i believe. As we all know the advantages rate the races so you cant tell how hard the race is on a multiplayer plug and also to equalize races on battles where you want it to be actually fair (wow if only...). So, according to all these people that think the obish escort is the equivilant of a cruiser, i give you this. 6 cruiesrs multiplyed by there adv (2.15) is roughly 12. Now if you match this number (12) and divide the advatage of the obish to find the number of obish escorts the other player revieves. He receives 7. I can tell you right here and now that the obish WILL win. This is not what should happen. It schould be a tie or a close win. This either says that nathan lamont is wrong, or they are wrong.

Point 2: (much MUCH smaller point) In hera there is a pict for an ishamn escort. Which says that there must be an obish cruiser in exestence.

um... thats all i can remember right now

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 9

The Escort is not a cruiser, because an escort is an endureance patrol vessel, it carries bunks and stuff. a cruiser is literally just an overgrown fighter with ftl.

The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Pyro, you're in no position to dispute the Obish advantage number, seeing as the escort is their only warship you have seen.

Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.

So, what exactly IS an Escort type vessel? The Ishiman Escort looks just like a really heavy fighter, but the Obish Escort looks more like a heavy or maybe even super cruiser. There seems to be a large gap between the Ishiman and Obish escort. Is this just because the Obish created a heavy cruiser, but classified it as an escort? Or do the Ishimans just have really wussy escort ships?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Well, Obish Escorts are Escort Cruisers, and we have no information on what kind of ship Ishiman Escorts are based off of, except that they have a Fighter's cockpit. Maybe both races also have Escort Carriers and Destroyers and such, it's just that we only see the Obish Escort Cruiser and what appears to be the Ishiman Escort Fighter.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

Ahhh... So, the Obish Escort is technically an Escort Cruiser , and an Ishiman Escort is technically an Escort Fighter. Did I get it right?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 02-14-2001).)

Well, we don't have any hard evidence that it's an Escort Fighter, but it would appear to be so.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

I would venture that the escort ships are long ranged, and have bunks and the like, while regular cruisers are short ranged ships. Of course, this is pretty much baseless.

The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!