My new plug, called The Fall of Darkness, (formerly The Canthran Legacy)

Sorry about starting another thread, (mods can delete the old one now if they want 2)
but I have decided to change so many things, that essentially it is a new plug from CL.

A progress report on my new plug, I will use this thread to post updates and you can use it to post feedback when the beta is released.

Due to hera corrupting my files so much, and me having to start comepetely afresh several times, my progress is slow (thanks a lot hera), but steady.
The plug has gone through many name changes, from
Canthran Comeback (initally)
Canthran Legacy (after hera corrupted the first one)
The Fall of Darkness (now, and finally)
I will abbreviate my plug to FOB, cause The Fall of Darkness is a long title.
Annyway I take lots and lots of backups now, and it seems to be working.
Beta version should be out on the 30th Jan.

These are the ships I have made so far:

Ishman: 6 new ships
Schooner (fast, light offensive ship, good for distracting enemy, however also has pointed tip to ram enemy if needed, armed with light laser)
Schooner Carrier (inproved carrier, armed also with schooner bay)
Escort (long range ship, VERY dangerous, slow and expensive, but deadly if used properly)
Defense ship (very slow, huge capital ship takes out enemy like flies, capapable of taking out multiple enemy carriers in short order!)
Combat drone (like defense drone, but much faster and less well armed. cheap, and used in defensive/escort role, no warp capability)
Generator (huge ship, no weapons, very slow and weakly sheilded, as well as expensive, but it generates a much resources as a planet. Prime target for enemy tho, so watch out! when it explodes it takes any ships near it with it!)
Gateship (special weapons and lots of bays, nore more clues yet...)
<1/3 more ships planned>

Canthran: 2 new ships
Transport(special abilities, like the ability to go into warp and come out on top of an ememy planet, great for surprise attacks!)
Warship (deadly capital ship, stay out of its line of fire!)
<2/3 more ships planned>

Gatori: 1 new ship
Battleship (uses prototype gatori firepower, vast inprovement over normal gatori ships, expect to see this one take on sal ships on even ground!)
<2/3 more ships planned>

Salrilian: 2 new ships:
Spy ship (possibly the most dangerous attack, ALWAYS CLOAKED, very nasty, likes to sneak up to the enemy planet, then let rip, destroying, say, 5 cruisers in one attack!)
Prototype carrier (like normal carrier, but more so, better weapons, sheilds, etc)
<3/4 more ships planned>

<not sure, may make new ships if need arises, but probably not>

<1/2 new ships planned>
<planned ship, aud battleship, upgrade of carrier>
Bear in mind that the plug is about half-finished, so expect to see a lot more ships than this in the final version.

I currently have 5 all new levels, with breifs, messages etc.
<5-8 more new levels planned, with 2 additional net levels, which offer more tatical oppertunities, and let you build all the new ships!>

I have made things like shipyards that orbil your planet and can produce my advanced ships, but CAN be blown up, so protect them.
I have also made special ships, like the generator, a huge very bulky ship, but it produces resources!

I have got about 3/4 of the game's storyline sorted out.

Now, be aware that I desperately need new graphics for my plug, annyone that can contribute please get in contact, PLEASE! I REALLY NEED GRAPHICS!
You will get recognition in the plug if you contribute.

Thanks for listening.

If you stare too long
into the abyss the abyss
stares back at you.

I have an Ishiman sprite that you could use. The link to look at it is: (dead)


This post has been edited by Patrick : 25 September 2007 - 02:52 PM

Well, you could just make your own graphics. If you're interested, go to this topic:

There, Nathan Lamont (Admiral Grammaticus) says which 3D rendering program he used to make the ships in Ares, and provides a link to where you can download it.

"I think I have discovered the problem with humans. It is not entirely stupidity, as I once thought. It is their pigheaded and baseless philosophy: "If it isn't me, then it's opinions, feelings, and life do not matter, and it was meant to serve me." They also have this ability for creating excuses that are pointless, but they get others to believe it. A few examples: "It's only some savages. It's only five acres of rain forest. It's only one semi-truck. It's only fifty gallons of toxic waste..." After this realization, I marvelled at how humans, and the rest of the planet, have survived for so very long."
- Me