Strange problem - cant quit

I have made a game, and I have a strange problem with it. The strangest problem I have ever seen actually. I only have two locations in the game - MainMenu and QuitGame. I also only have two events in the game - StartGame and QuitGame. In the StartGame event there is just one action - Teleport to MainMenu. In the QuitGame event there is also only one action - Engine Call: Quit. So, when I try my game I get to the MainMenu and now I want to quit, so I press the "Quit" button. This colourful little nasty wheel comes up and rolls, I just wait, and wait, and WAIT! Nothing happens! After about 2 minutes it quits and says that it did for an unknown reason. What the h**l is happening here? It cant be that I dont have enough memory, I have set it to 50000 KB. Do anybody have an idea?


(url="http://"")Ledorax Land(/url)


Originally posted by Ledorax:
I have made a game, and I have a strange problem with it. The strangest problem I have ever seen actually. I only have two locations in the game - MainMenu and QuitGame. I also only have two events in the game - StartGame and QuitGame. In the StartGame event there is just one action - Teleport to MainMenu. In the QuitGame event there is also only one action - Engine Call: Quit. So, when I try my game I get to the MainMenu and now I want to quit, so I press the "Quit" button. This colourful little nasty wheel comes up and rolls, I just wait, and wait, and WAIT! Nothing happens! After about 2 minutes it quits and says that it did for an unknown reason. What the h
l is happening here? It cant be that I dont have enough memory, I have set it to 50000 KB. Do anybody have an idea?



I can think of several things that can cause this. But the most likely: You may not have called "New game" as an Engine call. The second is you may not have identified the quit button as quit game (though it sounds like you may have), Also. Try hitting the mac standard CMD-Q and see if that helps. It isn't a memory problem (OS9 right), so changing the memory in finder won't help. It's one of the events that is causing the problem. I am assuming you created a game with the medieval set and then copied the "startgame.cet" to your game and changed the values inside, right?
By the way, what are the sizes of your start-up graphics, and in the locations, have you made them both as "Main"?

- - - - - - - - - -
Just trying...

It seems to me that you need to read and follow the tutorial. I see a truckload of problems with the way you're doing things. I think you need to start over and follow the tutorial. :frown:

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions

Sorry, pilky fixed it for me. I had just used a reserved event name :redface:. Thanks anyway, somebody could delete this topic now if they wanted :redface:.

(url="http://"")Ledorax Land(/url)

(quote)Originally posted by Ledorax:
**Sorry, pilky fixed it for me. I had just used a reserved event name:D

- - - - - - - - - -
Just trying...

It is often easier to ask than to read the manual. Especially when you would have to open up the pdf and then look through it for the relevant thing.
To tell you the truth, I wouldn't have figured out what was wrong if Ledorax hadn't of sent me the file

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Cheesiest film line of all time "Flash I love you but we only have 14 hours to save the earth" from Flash Gorden


Originally posted by Pilky:
**It is often easier to ask than to read the manual. Especially when you would have to open up the pdf and then look through it for the relevant thing.

That's why I printed it (and the tutorial and a lot of other things on the addon page and Stark's tip page) out, punched holes in it, put it in a binder, and placed it where I can easily get it. Sometimes we learn more effectively the harder way.

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions


Originally posted by Debra:
**That's why I printed it (and the tutorial and a lot of other things on the addon page and Stark's tip page) out, punched holes in it, put it in a binder, and placed it where I can easily get it. Sometimes we learn more effectively the harder way.


Yeah, even if you have 7 copies of the manual like me :p.

-The Zerowarrior

(This message has been edited by zerowarrior150 (edited 10-29-2003).)