
My friend Nick, downloaded the version from here but
when he downloads the little add-ons they don't work.
Is there something wrong? Is it because he has the Demo?
Maby you could tell me to tell or show him how to add
them to the game.

Apple, PC, why fight? It makes me sick! They should combine
powers into one machine. Into one company. One machine that
does it all is most agreeable.

Bolth types of games. Bolth types of enjoyment. Maby even
call it iPC.

One who suffers from pain,
does not suffer from the
reality causing it.


Add-ons do not work on the demo

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

First, they don't work on an unregistered version as Laguna said. Second, they won't work on version 1.1.1 even registered. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you more than that...

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass

Yah you are. Get the beta. From the "Upcoming" page. NOW.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
Your cargo or your life!!!

Another nickel for Pyro 🙂


just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 7

No no no, Pyro, I see you've already updated your signature. Sadly I don't believe you actually ever received that eighth (sp?) nickel. Don't they have to ask YOU in order for you to get a nickel?

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass

Nah, the site has to be posted. Some traitor posted it. We oughta make the people work to get the prize, to prove that they're worthy.

"I think I have discovered the problem with humans. It is not entirely stupidity, as I once thought. It is their pigheaded and baseless philosophy: "If it isn't me, then it's opinions, feelings, and life do not matter, and it was meant to serve me." They also have this ability for creating excuses that are pointless, but they get others to believe it. A few examples: "It's only some savages. It's only five acres of rain forest. It's only one semi-truck. It's only fifty gallons of toxic waste..." After this realization, I marvelled at how humans, and the rest of the planet, have survived for so very long."
- Me

bah ill do as i see fit 😛

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 8

I see what you're doing Pyro... you're EATING the nickels so we can't get them back!! You bastard!!! :mad: 😉

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass

Hey! I dl'd the Beta, and it asks for a Password when I try to unstuff it! :frown:
Now all the plugs that I see don't work. (Actually some plugs DO work with 1.1.1. The Rogue works fine, as does UIECT (Whatever))

We don't go to hell,
memories of us do.
And if you go to hell,
I'll still remember you.


Originally posted by Talon Karrde:
**Hey! I dl'd the Beta, and it asks for a Password when I try to unstuff it!:frown:
Now all the plugs that I see don't work. (Actually some plugs DO work with 1.1.1. The Rogue works fine, as does UIECT (Whatever))


The password is: geephor. When Andrew posted the release of the beta, he posted the password. I don't know where that post is, but I guess you don't need it now that you know the password. (I don't know how I remembered it.) (I also don't know why I can't stop babbling.)

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass


Originally posted by zerke2001:
**Apple, PC, why fight? It makes me sick! They should combine
powers into one machine. Into one company. One machine that
does it all is most agreeable.


I don't agree. Besides Apple getting contaminated by the incorporation of PC's 😛 ;), there should be competition in every business, computer hardware included. Without competition, the computer companies will just slack off and make crappy products.

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass