hera destroyed my prefs

I just got the beta of hera and drag dropped the single player tutorial to have a go. I soon got bored with the level but now when I run ares and choose start new game the normal screen appears ready to start level 13 but the start and level select buttons are greyed out. Please help because I don't want to do the first 13 levels again and this might happen again.


When you go dizzy you've got to stop playing

That's my problem. No solution but to go back to a previous prefs file has been found. It also might mean you can't use any plugs without getting someone else's prefs file or doing some resedit work. Please post your specs to see if I can identify the common element between you and me.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

Make a plug with Hera, called "Ares." Don't change anything in the data. When you want to play standard Ares, drag it onto Ares.

"I think I have discovered the problem with humans. It is not entirely stupidity, as I once thought. It is their pigheaded and baseless philosophy: "If it isn't me, then it's opinions, feelings, and life do not matter, and it was meant to serve me." They also have this ability for creating excuses that are pointless, but they get others to believe it. A few examples: "It's only some savages. It's only five acres of rain forest. It's only one semi-truck. It's only fifty gallons of toxic waste..." After this realization, I marvelled at how humans, and the rest of the planet, have survived for so very long."
- Me

I just realized something. This is a symptom of using v1.1.1 - stop. Only use it for multiplayer against the beta-less.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

are you using 1.2b5. 'Cause this happened to me when i had it. If you want to play the factory scenarios, simply drag the factory scenarios on to ares and tah dah, it works.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 8