Loading crash


I'm pretty new to Coldstone. I did the tutorial, and skimmed through the manual. What I want to know is if I make a game from scratch (Empty), what all do I need to do to make it go to a map? I made the StartGame.cet, and the map's location, but is there some game setting I need to change or something? It crashes as soon as the loading bar is done.



Hi Mikaco --

I highly suggest that you DO NOT begin with empty but with the medieval game. If you don't want the graphics, then you can change or delete them. It's my experience that starting with empty and creating my own beginning events, even when I copy them exactly, they have problems working. Look at the startnew game and main.cet. If you begin with the medieval game, it works.

Welcome to the boards!! 🙂

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions


He who would cross the Sea if Fate must answer me these questions twenty-eight.
-Terry Gilliam