QT and MP3 problem update

I reported a bug that is so serious that it destroys the cross platform nature of your product.

Read my message and read your reply. I do not understand what the exact reason was to send me this message?

My reason for sending it to as many email addresses I can find is that there is no reply on my very serious complaint: I want to know when and if you are going to fix this, but I get no answer. And I know this is a complaint of the other Coldstone users as well: They get no reply on their questions.

Keeping me informed is keeping me happy. Recently I have waited for about half a year for a driver update but I did so with a smile on my face because they kept me informed. So tell me what I can expect from you and I'm happy.

Until now I have send various emails and only some of them have been answered and I heard various stories. Among them was that you were working with Real Basic on the problem, thereby suggesting it is a Real Basic bug. However: there is no mention of this bug in the Real Basic bug database. But you have been working with Real Basic on a compile problem and Real Basic has solved it for you some time ago. Doing a simple recompile using a newer version of Real Basic may solve all my problems, but you did not give me a date, although you have promised to give me one.

If for what ever reason you are not going to release a fix for the bug I reported, just tell me. I will no longer bother you. I will then probably demand a refund because I seriously need the program to be working as was advertised and as is described in the tutorial that comes with the trial and full versions of your product. I will then use the money to buy a second hand version of Director on ebay.

So please tell me: what is it going to be?

Jeroen Goulooze

on 30-07-2003 15:50, Ambrosia Software at reception@ambrosiasw.com wrote:

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On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 05:04 AM, Jeroen Goulooze wrote:

This is the third time a resend this.

I am waiting for a reply.

Jeroen Goulooze

Dear David,

I did send you this mail some time ago and you replied you would
inform me
about the timeframe of the developers. I would really like to know.

Since I agreed to do a production based on the coldstone engine and
production has to be finished on august the 24th, this does not leave
time for you to deliver an update for the product to make it working
the way
it was advertised.


Jeroen Goulooze


Dear David,

According to the people at Real Basic the compiling problems you
while recompiling Coldstone using RB 5.1 should be fixed in release
5.2. I
can understand that it is hard to give a precise date when the QT
could be fixed. But both Chris Gilliford and I would like to know when
were planning on testing a newly compiled Coldstone engine.

We trust you are working as hard as possible to make Coldstone the
crossplatform engine it is supposed to be. And being able to play QT
and MP3 files is one of the features we would really like to see
(for me it was one of the reasons to buy the product).


Jeroen Goulooze, Chris Gilliford isthaq@earthlink.net

No news as of yet I'm afraid.

On Tuesday, July 1, 2003, at 02:23 AM, Jeroen Goulooze wrote:

There is a 5.2 released? No luck there?

Please include text from previous emails in your reply.

David Dunham, Technical Support Ambrosia Software, Inc.
-- -----+




Charlene Poletto
Ambrosia Software Inc.
PO BOX 23410
Rochester, NY 14608

"Everytime they make something idiot proof, nature has shown the amazing ability to come up with a better idiot"


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