
my rating of the newly realeased plug: EVnet

while i have never played against someone on the net i managed to change it into a single player senario pack to test out the missions and ships. I have not tried the net format, but tyrael and darkk have (so post!!)

Graphics: 9.5 exelent graphics all acording to size and even zooming in on the biggest ships it is still hard to see much pixalation, obvoiusy it took time to make these ships. The ships are taken from EV and given that "ares touch" to them, This adds flavor to the ships. The planets and stars were very different and very good. the Cruiser is scary

Gameplay: 8.0 from the single player senarios i do not get much but from what i have seen in hera had played as single player it is very good. now that i have some one has tested net capabilities they say it is good but not great.

Ship stats: 7.5 I have to give this a lower rating because of a little problem. The fighters seem to over power even the big ships with their speed and agility. The bigger ships can make up with turrets but the turrets often dont hit the target. Fighters are better in this one while in EV they suck(the really do). I havent seen a missle recharge yet and with only 10 i would like to see them do so, even if they cant in EV. The cruiser might look good but the bigger ships have a strange tendency to suck. (tyrael killed 3 destroyers with a hawk...)

known bugs: when the shuttle lands it sunddenly grows big and stays like that for a few seconds before shrinking again, i find this annoying. I think it would be hard to fix as you have to make youre own landing sequence(am i correct here?).

final verdict: 8.0 (this is not done by calculation by the way) feel free to download this plug, it is still very good. It could be better if some changes were made though.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 7

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 12-07-2000).)

I like it! It has a nice balence than EV just doesn't have, a fighter can't take on a cruiser in EV, but in this plug, it's entirely possible, making fighters still worty ships as long as you pilot them, this certinly is nice, have you considered making rebel/confed mission set conversions yet?

"Just because I'm evil doesn't mean I'm not nice."
--Charlie Fulton

I hate it. The cruisers are useless, and the monty python becomes overpowered.
Taking out 2 healthy confed frigates with a destroyer is WRONG.
As for the shuttle, what I saw was it continually overshoot the planet while my forces heh shoot it.
As for the "fighters overpowered" thing, I'd say that they're fine. In EV, my Kestral was nuked by rapiers constantly, so a human player in a hawk should kick SOME rear.

I don't like it.

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
Error: target is locally exceeding c
Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit


Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
**I hate it. The cruisers are useless, and the monty python becomes overpowered.
Taking out 2 healthy confed frigates with a destroyer is WRONG.


I took out 5 frigs before with a destroyer in EV before but oh well, um pyro how can you change it to single, i tried before but i dont think i did everything i should of.

insert famous line from either StarWars, Myth 2, Marathon Trilogy, Ares, StarCraft, Ultima Online, or from Ender's Quartet here

open it with hera and tinker around

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 7


Originally posted by Cotton Mouse:
**I like it! It has a nice balence than EV just doesn't have, a fighter can't take on a cruiser in EV, but in this plug, it's entirely possible, making fighters still worty ships as long as you pilot them, this certinly is nice, have you considered making rebel/confed mission set conversions yet?

As a fanatic and defender of EV, I must disagree with you, Cotton Mouse. EV, in my opinion is more balanced than Ares. In Ares you can come to a complete stop, something impossible in real space. In EV you can't stop unless you either board a ship or take off. While Ares has strategy and EV doesn't, in Ares you can't outfit your ship, land on planets, or hail anything except for sending messages to someone else. EV is more expandable and has many more options than Ares. In EV you can have fun and you don't always have to obey certain objectives (unless you are in a mission), however in Ares you always have a specific goal (unless you are in a multi-player). Ares is also limited, EV is not. EV keeps on going and going, while Ares stops, and does not continue to go on. Net Games are always a bit different and always exciting, but still they are limited.

I don't want to start an Ares vs. EV thing here. Too many Ares fans. All I am trying to do is just defend EV a bit, not start a controversy.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
**I hate it. The cruisers are useless, and the monty python becomes overpowered.
Taking out 2 healthy confed frigates with a destroyer is WRONG.

I disagree. As DeathVal said:


Originally posted by DeathVal:
**I took out 5 frigs before with a destroyer in EV before but oh well, um pyro how can you change it to single, i tried before but i dont think i did everything i should of.

As you see, Darkk, taking out two frigates in a destroyer is completely believable. I took out 4 Crescent Warships in 1 Voinian cruiser before in EVO.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


"Oi, oi, oi, me got a hurt n here
Oi, oi, oi, me smell a ting is near
Me gonna bosh and me gonna nosh
An da hurt'll dissapear"


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**As you see, Darkk, taking out two frigates in a destroyer is completely believable. I took out 4 Crescent Warships in 1 Voinian cruiser before in EVO.

Were both of them human piloted? He was monty pythoning, but both our weapons were hitting as far as I could tell. Either Pyro's a really great pilot, or something's f***ed. As my shots were hitting, I'd say the latter. I'm not the greatest in the universe at EV in the first place.

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
Error: target is locally exceeding c
Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit

Looking at the ships with i see nothing that would be they were jibed, cuase he is just a damn good pilot, and are you positive that ALL your shots were hitting?

and how do you get to convert it into a single player missoins, it jsut keeps saying there are no single player scenarios.

insert famous line from either StarWars, Myth 2, Marathon Trilogy, Ares, StarCraft, Ultima Online, or from Ender's Quartet here

To make it singleplayer, change one player in each level to "single human" and the other to "computer." Then set their races to whatever you wish. Then you need to change the victory sequences to lead to the next scenario.

"Oi, oi, oi, me got a hurt n here
Oi, oi, oi, me smell a ting is near
Me gonna bosh and me gonna nosh
An da hurt'll dissapear"

I tried that and it works all fine and dandy unitl it finishes loading and i jsut get a black screen and nothing happens, i can only move the mouse and press esc.

insert famous line from either StarWars, Myth 2, Marathon Trilogy, Ares, StarCraft, Ultima Online, or from Ender's Quartet here

Well, nice to see EVNet is getting some attention. Any way...the shuttle, my official word is "its not my fault," hopefully when Ares 1.2 final is out this will be fixed, it is the simple result of what is called "underflowing." As some may have noticed that the fighters are larger in Fighter Duel, to accommodate this the fighters and shuttle in regular play are scaled down, the land effect built into the game cannot accommodate for this and when a ship is half way landed its scale goes from the smallest possible to the largest possible.

I am aware of the inaccuracy of the turrets on the Cruisers, and Kestrel, this is the result of having to work around Ares inability for turrets to independently track, and resisted fixing by any means, the only real method to stop this effect on my part would be to have all shots originate from dead center on the ship, and give them longer range to make up for the bulk of the ship. All in all I wager the gain in how it looks out weighs the loss in function. Besides if you think its to easy to get take out by fighters in EVNet you probably haven't played that much EV.

Further more EVNet is in no way an attempt to replace EV, because simply put its two very different kinds of games. Ares is strategy action, while EV has more of the role-playing element. I also have no present interest in doing a campaign single player mode, however I welcome any one else to do so, so long as they give me credit where due.



- Here is hoping that one day we get the real thing.

(This message has been edited by KMQ (edited 12-12-2000).)