good/bad storyline/game idea?

Ok, I just wanted to know if this would be an interesting story line for a rpg that people would be interested in playing.

It starts out with a girl who was engineered (no one knows it) by the government in a post-america world where there is one "dictator" country that basically bosses around the other 4 or 5 countries, and the girl goes missing one day. Naturally her family goes in search of her, after they cant find her they start organizing people in the neighborhood to help search... this is where you come in: you sign up to help in the search and basically decide what type of character you are. So everyone commences searching and word gets to the government about it, the government decides to take it into their hands and stars closing off sections of town and whatnot. so you are only able to go into the forest, the further you go into the forest the more strange things get. The change is very subtle at first, like the bark on the trees being slightly the wrong color but gradually increases so trees are no longer recognizable as trees. When you get close to the end you can see that after the trees is an expansive world with the closest thing being a enormous stone labarynthe stretching into the horizon every way but backwards, interrupted every once in a while be a field in the middle of it. you decide to turn back and come again the next day. When the govt' sees that you take a supply of stuff with you they follow you into the forest and start trying to take over there.

basically you have to fight through the govt' and search for the girl in the labarynthe and the world beyond it. finding out things from the "natives" & the "dictated" countries to help find the girl and figure out why she was kidnaped.

please tell me if this is the type of game you would be interested in. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


It sounds like a great game. One catch. You'd have to make it 🙂 What you described seems to me that it would take a lot of work and a key part would be GREAT graphics, so you would have your work cut out for you. If you put out a good product, that would be a storyline I would play. If the game itself is good...

(url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

i was with you till the labyrinth. just the thought of going into a labyrinth that leads to a mystery world? seems kinda cheesy visually. i like the mystery, then the government comes piling in which is confirmation to a cover up or keeping things quiet. getting away through the forest was kinda cool, i can see hiding and running around, then just seeing a labyrinth that you cant go round etc and that the gov didnt know was there seems kinda odd. the whole labyrinth deal is so old and dead i just visually hate it. its been in mythology, batman, d&d;, magic the gathering and a bunch of kiddy card games, pokemon, digimon, its just like something everyone throws in when they run out of good ideas. then its like, run the gamut! plus i spent so much damn time in the secret of the silver blades in endless mazes im quite sick of them.

Morvera ner Morden

Yeah, the whole thing seemed slightly cliché when I wrote it. when i was first thinking of a game idea i was thinking about a mmorpg and a labarynthe would be a good place for newbies to run into eachother and get help so they form more "relationships" online, but it is completely optional. But then I rememberd coldstone and thought it would be cool to turn into a one player game.

As for graphics thes probly the one thing I'd need help with =P

Also, if coldstone sturns out too overwhelming then I may do it as a wc3 campaign (although, admitedly i already have one on hold b/c my computer is too slow)

(edit)aparently my "K" key dosnt like to work so well (/edit)


(This message has been edited by Frozendevil (edited 04-08-2003).)

Labyrinths aggrivate đme and turn me into a vicious player killer;
paranoid, insanely over developed characters, cold and calculating seething with rage stalking the others, unsuspecting trapped in the depths...etc.đ

naw but seriously mazes are depressing its better to have more buildings which are mazes of sort but are logically planned out for entrance and exit, đthat way the player doesn't become a trapped snarling idle vengeful beast snapping up the harmless weak and unrprotected in their jaws...đ

Keep the mazes out of it, being lost and exploring aree two separate things....otherwise the story sounds like a winner.

note: literary hyperbole have been denoted with đ.


... That staples it.