Lots of new screenshots

First, the link: (url="http://"http://darkrising.free.fr/")http://darkrising.free.fr/(/url)
Okay... we discussed it a bit in a previous topic with ell' and Dampeople... and they both agree on the fact that they want a lot of screenshots... Alright... my site contained some 20 screenshots until now... I added 21... so I more or less doubled the number of screenshots... And I didn't take screenshots just because they asked either, I DID have new things to show too, so those new screens are not completely useless or repetitions of the one already existing...
I also added a new section called Artwork... just because my graphist drew some pictures that I think rocks... pictures which are modified, resized, colored to fit in the game... but they were as good (maybe sometimes better) in B&W...; and fortunately I kept them... so I posted them on the site... I think this is what we can call artworks... 🙂
and if you could comment a bit those artworks... First this would help him drawind even better and second, good comments will definitely be good for his moral and I DO need him to be motivated :)))

God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu
My RPG's homepage: (url="http://"http://darkrising.free.fr/")http://darkrising.free.fr/(/url)

(This message has been edited by KamaShin (edited 03-22-2003).)

Cool artwork. I love the new screenshots. How did you make the clouds for your world map? Is it a seperate semitransparent layer above the hero? I like the background screens for the battles. How are things moving along story wise?

Keep up the good work.

Pedrith 🙂



Visit my site: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/smodis13/Faceless.html")http://www.geocities...3/Faceless.html(/url)

pretty cool specially the new desert and artwork. for the artwork, id multiply the layer in photoshop and use the same beige color underneath it so it looks together on screen. that way you still keep the cool inks but kinda make it look like it was drawn on parchment paper. i dig the running around in overworld map too. good stuff.

Morvera ner Morden

thanks for the advices, I'll definitely take them into account... As for the clouds it's a bit tricky..; well, the Coldstone part is simple... just create an AboveAll layer containing the clouds... the clouds themselves are a bit more difficult to make... Here is how I did them quickly:
- First, find a good texture cloud in Bryce (in the clouds/fog categorie) and apply it to an infinite plane facing the camera
- Then adjust the size of it so that you've got a 640480 screen filled up with a cloud (be sure your cloud is contained in the screen... if it goes beyond you'll see the cut when using it in Coldstone)
- then render your cloud with no anti-aliasing and with a black background...
- The rendered picture is not used as the cloud itself... the cloud itself is a 640
480 png picture with a flat grey (well I made some grey, some beige, some very light grey/blue)... then you put your rendered cloud as an alpha channel to this picture... (for this part I recommend you use graphic Converter... he's really easier than Photoshop for just copy/paste the alpha channel...)
this is it, you've got a cloud... 🙂
well... the next step is to animate it... use only one picture (your cloud) in the animation editor in Coldstone... I then duplicate this picture in the animation (not on the desktop, this would be far too big) to have a average 500 frames animation... this allow you to make your cloud move slowly but on a great distance over the worldmap... this prevent clouds from suddenly disappearing becaus of the "cycling" animation 🙂
if you've got more questions, feel free to reply or use my mail... (don't think you'll get a perfect looking cloud at first try... I made my first cloud siw times before being satisfied... it's nbot easy 🙂 )
I may even make a small tutorial on that 🙂 cloud/fog creation 🙂
if you follow strictly what I told, the main thing you'll have to worry really about is choosing the good cloud texture in Bryce that will give you a correct looking transparency for your fog/cloud 🙂
the rest is easy... takes a bit of time but easy... and seeing the clouds moving on your worldmap is really nice :))

God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu
My RPG's homepage: (url="http://"http://darkrising.free.fr/")http://darkrising.free.fr/(/url)


Originally posted by DJ:
**pretty cool specially the new desert and artwork. for the artwork, id multiply the layer in photoshop and use the same beige color underneath it so it looks together on screen. that way you still keep the cool inks but kinda make it look like it was drawn on parchment paper. i dig the running around in overworld map too. good stuff.


I heard a jaguar will give birth to a panther underneath the apple tree in Late June at the San Diego Zoo (url="http://"http://developer.apple.com/wwdc")... ... ...(/url)will you be attending the baptism Posted Image
inventory screen:
streng ht --->streng th



knock out the black in the loops of the letters;
not on the scrolls, just the text graphics.

cough easter eggs cough

i most definitely enjoy rooting and looting;
chests,trunks,dressers,cabinets,nightstands,beds,closets,armoires,chifferobes,loose floor panels,trap doors,cellars,basements,vaults,dumb waiters,light fixtures,musical instruments,book cases,desks,wagons,attics,wine cellars,granaries,water mills,grain silos,wind mills,mausoleums,crypts,shelves,sarcophagi,bushes,trees,hollowed out coconuts attached to trees,roof shingles,chimnies, objects strapped to the underside of any of the above and or course searching down and injured opponents...
i can't tell you how dissapointing 'Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening' was...dressers bookcases everywhere and not a one to pilfer, always"checked the dresser. Wow, what a nice bookcase."...the rage i felt seared with the heat of a thousand microwaved jelly donut fillings ::hulking out::
lol, sigh....but, seriously...

just giving everyone a good list of places to stash essential and non essetial items,
its a good idea to cram the non essential goodies on the last leg of development.

Other than that i really like the graphical style...and the beerBottle player portrait had me laFFing.

i draw in the negative as well (cloud graphic/the alpha channel)

and i know i said something to the effect of not splicing the new turnbased method with the old, however this snippett may be useful:

" **
I refer to the Player Turn and the NPCs turn, singular, this is because, despite efforts to delay each NPCs attack based on their attack delay they will attack within milliseconds of each other.
Which visually makes it appear as they go all at once.

In many games the NPCs distinctively attacking one after the other is purely aesthetic in others the order of attack may actually change from time to time. This is a situation of aesthetics...in order to make the NPCs appear to distinctively take turns, you will need to “pad” the animations. Let’s say you have a series of 6 identical NPCs lined up and you don’t want the next NPC to attack until the first NPC has reached its 4th frame. For padding duplicate the initial frame of the animation, that way the NPC will appear stationary, when in fact it is animating.
NPC 1: no delay
NPC 2: 3 duplicate frames of the initial frame
NPC 3: 6 “ ”
NPC 4: 9 “ ”
NPC 5: 12 “ ”
NPC 6: 15 “ ”


... That staples it.


I heard a jaguar will give birth to a panther underneath the apple tree in Late June at the San Diego Zoo ... ... ...will you be attending the baptism ?""

Actually i never thought about it, i was there, what was it, last year, the year before when the san diego zoo "re-opened". i was like 8-10th person in line. got my free t-shirt etc. met eyes with one of the cute "genius animal handlers". anyway i might show up. right now im not a big enough fan of jaguars and panthers as i dont have the income to feed one of them. i can only afford supporting a dog right now even though im fond of him, he is getting old so well see what will be happening around june. actually the game will be finished before/by june so who knows i might try adopting a panther round then. i hear kim basinger is fond of animals as well. dont know if she has any jaguars or panthers though.

Morvera ner Morden


Originally posted by DJ:
**...well see what will be happening around june. actually the game will be finished before/by june so who knows i might try adopting a panther round then. i hear kim basinger is fond of animals as well. dont know if she has any jaguars or panthers though.


Well if'n ya do go the reason they delayed the conference is because they wanted to hand out software that embodied panther...this freaking update better be free...or all will suffer.


... That staples it.

(This message has been edited by ellrx (edited 03-23-2003).)

The text in the GUI on the main screen looks very pixellated and rough.

Most of the static art looks pretty good. But the character sprites look extremely pixellated in some shots, and you seem to have two very different styles of graphics going on....

Are you trying for a certain level of silliness in this game?

What's with the jawa portrait? And I didn't realize the first portrait was a beer bottle until I'd read the comment here. Some of the artwork shown for the portraits is very good, but with the lack of consistency of style, I don't see a logical progression from one to the next, or even a relation between some of the different levels.

In the big status screen, you have two numbers for hit points, with no divider between them... Also, the corner parchment needs to be large enough to hold the full damage value; right now it's too narrow.

Eh, more when my brain is working better...

Yelled at the almost-dead monsters:
Hey! Come back here with my experience points!

alright... this is a misunderstanding... 🙂
let me explain... in my game you're the bad guy... and the game is not very serious... however the first portrait is not a beer bottle. We've got here in France (I didn't know wether it was known or not eleswhere but apparently not) something called Orangina... It's something like Coca-Cola but with orange flavour... and there was a big advertisement where one could see a man disguised as a giant Orangina bottle, called "bloody orangina" because of its color and since he was bloody looking he was supposed to be 'mean'... the ad was a comic remake of a horror film with this Orangina who could only hurt himself... and his very well known sentence (the only one he ever said in all those ads) was "Orangina... but why is he so mean?" and he answered "BECAUUUUUUUUUSE"... so that's why in my rpg, being the bad guy, when you're in your first levels (1 to 9) you're only a poor Orangina...
As for the character you see on the map, he IS pixellate... not that's it's on purpose, but it's a rip from Tales of Eternia... a temp character since I'm waiting for the true ones, drawn by my graphist...
and concerning the coherency of the graphisms, we're only two working on them, and for the project I've got in mind, having two (maybe more) styles of graphics is almost anavoidable... sorry for that... My rpg will be nothing like diablo or else... We do our best with our spare-times and little knowledge so we'll work more on the story itself and the comic aspect of the game than on astonishing graphisms :))

God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu
My RPG's homepage: (url="http://"http://darkrising.free.fr/")http://darkrising.free.fr/(/url)

Orangina? that sounds like a STD. a fruity one at that.

Morvera ner Morden

Yeah i paid a visit to the CGE image gallery, at which point i recognized that he was indeed a softdrink (toting a really serated blade) and not hard liquor...

It kinda reminds me of the Colon Cancer Polyp Character, or the old Eclipse gum ads where lightening kept striking bad breath causing foods; garlic,onions,bratswurst,hot sauce etc...

Fun stuff...however since i'm a level junkie i'll be at level 20 before you know it and i will reminisce and long for the days of innocent Orangina.

Maybe funny death animations for the main character consider this;
the orangina phase char, falls to his knees, you hear a snapple cap pop, he falls face forward and you see/hear the refreshing sound of pop pour out of him...that and maybe funny last words "BECAUUUUUUUUUSE...ugh--* sputter flounder flip"


... That staples it.

(This message has been edited by ellrx (edited 03-24-2003).)

AHAHAHAHAHA... MEGA-LOL... THAT'S REALLY A GREAT IDEA... the cap-pop sound with the last "BECAAAAAAAUUUUUSE" is really a great idea... still laughing :))) re-LOL...
thanks ellr'x... I'll give you credit in the game just for this idea... MEGA ROFL :)))

God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu
My RPG's homepage: (url="http://"http://darkrising.free.fr/")http://darkrising.free.fr/(/url)

I'd like to thank the academy


... That staples it.

How did you make that boat/ship ?