Could someone take a look at this prodject for me PLEASE???

I have gone through the Bare Minimum Game Structure and have RTFM. After a few days of frustration, I would really like for someone to take a look at my prodject and tell me where i'm going wrong. What is happening is that when the game runs, it opens the opening screen then when you click "New Game" it trys to load, then quits instead of going to the main map where the character can walk around.

You can download my prodject from: ---> my documents ---> HelpMe.sea

Thanks a million for everyones help..... now and later 🙂


tryed but no file was there.


Coldstone_Dev Resource: (url="http://"")Coldstone_Dev Resource(/url)

See Coldstone_Tips at: (url="http://"")CGE_Tips(/url)


Originally posted by Keith:
**I have gone through the Bare Minimum Game Structure and have RTFM. After a few days of frustration, I would really like for someone to take a look at my prodject and tell me where i'm going wrong. What is happening is that when the game runs, it opens the opening screen then when you click "New Game" it trys to load, then quits instead of going to the main map where the character can walk around.

You can download my prodject from: ---> my documents ---> HelpMe.sea

Thanks a million for everyones help..... now and later 🙂

OK, from what you've said you hit 'New Game' and it comes up with the load bar... and then quits? Does it give an error message when it does so? If so, I think I know what the problem is.

In the map editor, open up your map that is being called. Check in the layers box to make sure you have at least two layers, one called 'Player' the other named anything at all (custom names). If this box is blank, then you need to create a new layer. Call it anything you want, it really doesn't matter. This layer could be called 'Ground' for example, where you paint grass tiles. It could be 'trees' for a layer of forest stamps. At any rate, you require at least two layers, and I highly recommend against having drawn tiles in the 'Player' layer. It can really cause problems. And, of course, make sure that the 'Player' layer is below (above by sort) the other layer, otherwise the player will be hidden.

Once you've created the new layer, check the load calls are all correct, save, and then rebuild the game (rather than relauch it, as this can be somewhat flaky). Try clicking new game now. It should work fine.

If that's not the cause, please give a more detailed step by step of what happens when the game quits... and incidentally, stray is right. The folder 'My Documents' and the folder 'Help Me' are both empty.


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

(This message has been edited by Tarnćlion Andiyarus (edited 04-01-2003).)

Stray walked me through it.... The problem was the layer issue. When I added a new layer to the prodject it worked great.

Thanks everyone,
