Is possible to make a Map with only a Pic?

Hi, i want to make a map with only a picture. Is possible?


It is possible, yes. But without layers, the Player will not be able to walk "in back" of anything.

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions


Originally posted by psicotyx:
Hi, i want to make a map with only a picture. Is possible?

As Debra said, yes it is possible. You will need at least one layer, the Player layer, else the map will not be useable(it will crash when run).

Also, a single picture is fairly memory intensive and will slow down many machines. It is best to break the picture up into tiles, but a single picture is possible.

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How i make possible? thanks


Make your picture.
Create a new map.
Create a new layer(which auto-creates the player layer).
Insert your picture as a layer all its own that is above the player layer in the list.
Save the map.
Create a location.
Return to the map and generate a map preview(assuming you want one).
Save and close both.

You're done.

PS. In the picture's background layer, by "above" I mean the following layer structure:
<picture layer>

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How to insert the pict in the layer? Sorry, but iŤm principiant



Originally posted by psicotyx:
How to insert the pict in the layer? Sorry, but iŤm principiant

  • Create your new map.
  • Select layers
  • Create a new layer
  • Select the new layer
  • Locate your picture from the tile browser
  • Select your picture from the tile browser
  • Move the cursor to the blank map
  • Click the mouse on the blank map to place your picture where you want it

Make sense?

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