Coldstone Chronicles Bug.

To Stark, or Ben, whoever gets here first. The Chron page has a bug in it. It thinks we have 66 chrons when we only have 64. Because of that, the main forum page sends you to the basic chron frame, but with no story inside. This problem may require Andrew's help to fix, though.

Also, there's a problem with Bryce's newes cron, Insidae Part 2. The 'Post comments' link is broken, evidently. It takes you to a Page not Found error. This one could be solved by simply having Bryce repost the chron, or doing it for him (mods can do that on cron boards, right?). That's it for now, thankfully.

A tomb now suffices for him for whom the world was not enough.


Originally posted by Celchu:
To Stark, or Ben, whoever gets here first. The Chron page has a bug in it. It thinks we have 66 chrons when we only have 64. Because of that, the main forum page sends you to the basic chron frame, but with no story inside. This problem may require Andrew's help to fix, though.

I could be wrong, but it might be counting the chrons waiting to be approved. Ie, there are 64 chrons on the page and 3 pending. Thus 67. (the post comments link for the front page is for the 67th chron).

Goofy, but this may be what is happening.


Also, there's a problem with Bryce's newes cron, Insidae Part 2. The 'Post comments' link is broken, evidently. It takes you to a Page not Found error. This one could be solved by simply having Bryce repost the chron, or doing it for him (mods can do that on cron boards, right?). That's it for now, thankfully.

That's fubar.

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Oh, and I'll let Tarn fix it. He's happy when he's reviewing/approving chrons. If I mucked around in there he'd probably get angry, and then I'd have to stick him back in his cage for a while til he cooled down. And I don't want to do that. ๐Ÿ™‚

Besides, I haven't got the foggiest idea how to fix it, other than approve a pending (which, in theory, would move it to the chron directory and make it the featured article) which I'd rather let Tarn take care of.

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OK, relatively easy to explain but very difficult to fix. The reason it counts there being more chronicles than there are is because in the past I've deleted one or two chronicle threads (yes, I had reasons ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) and it doesn't reset the count. It just continues on, unlike the standard forum response.

As for Bryce's chronicle, that's a different problem. When I edited and hit the 'move' button with that chronicle, my dialup connection fired up, started to do it's thing... then Chimera died on me. I shrugged and thought I'd do it again, went back to the pending chronicles hidey hole... and Bryce's chronicle had gone. I went by the Coldstone Chronicles board, and found out the same problem as you'd noticed, Robert. It seems the transition didn't complete itself, unfortunately. And since the chronicle has no thread, I can't easily delete it and repost it (if I even can!). It seems that Bryce's latest chronicle simply doesn't have a discussion thread or a proper reference on the forum listing. This will of course be fixed by a new chronicle being properly released, but I can't do anything about the discussion thread. If you like, feel free to start a discussion thread here to talk about it... but I can't link to it via the Chronicles thread. Sigh.

Since i'll be posting a new story either today or tomorrow (time depending for an edit) it should be right in the next 24 hours. I hope. ๐Ÿ™‚

(Edit)Oh, and incidentally, the forum main page being screwed up is caused by the same reason as Bryce's chronicle not being there ie: broken transfer. It should also go away when a new one is released. I think. ๐Ÿ™‚ (/Edit)


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

(This message has been edited by Tarnฤ‡lion Andiyarus (edited 03-02-2003).)