Two players?

I wish to create a game with two players. I don't necessarily have to have them at the same location at the same time, but I wish to be able to switch players everytime I go to a new location. Would that be possible? My idea is to create a game where two persons can play the same game on the same computer by switching the keyboard between them everytime a player completes a location. I don't mind scripting or doing some "hacks".

Since I'm a total newbe to Coldstone I also wonder if Coldstone supports alfa channel, especially on characters and players (for realistic shadows, hair etc).

Best regards



you can't really have 2 players in your game, but you can definitely make the player think there are 2 players though, by cheating a bit... I havnt tested what I m going to describe so I m not sure, but there is no reason for i not to work:
to have 2 players, you only need 2 kind of graphics, I mean 2 animations... create an animation called NPC_hero1 and a second called NPC_hero2... you'll then switch from NPC_hero1 to the second when the player each the appropriate location by launching an event containing a "player map icon"... this will give 2 different appearances, one for each player... however, the stats of each character won t change since changing the appearance doesn t change the character in itself... you still have only ONE player... if you want your players to have there own stats and evolution, here is another "cheat":
create global variables... one for each caracteristic of the players (strengh1, life1, dexterity1... strengh2, life2, dexterity2...)
when switching animation for the players (ie player1 -> player2), record every stats of player in strengh1, life1... and restore the player2's stats (if you don t know how to do so, read the documentation about events carefully... look for "change globals" "change stats")... then, let player2 play... when player 1 should get control back, store players 2 stats in his globals and restore player1 stats... and don t forget each time to have also a global that stores in witch map player1 stopped and 2 globals for his coordinates, and same thing for player2...
hope you understand everything 🙂 and hope it works too 🙂

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(This message has been edited by KamaShin (edited 02-27-2003).)

Thanx, I'll try your sollution!




Originally posted by Farre:
I wish to create a game with two players. I don't necessarily have to have them at the same location at the same time, but I wish to be able to switch players everytime I go to a new location. Would that be possible? My idea is to create a game where two persons can play the same game on the same computer by switching the keyboard between them everytime a player completes a location. I don't mind scripting or doing some "hacks".

Yes, you should be able to do this; KamaShin's suggestion looks like a good way to go about it.


Since I'm a total newbe to Coldstone I also wonder if Coldstone supports alfa channel, especially on characters and players (for realistic shadows, hair etc).

Sure does. Take a look at the fire in (url="http://"")this screenshot(/url) and the spiderwebs in (url="http://"")this screenshot(/url) for some examples.

I don't know what I'm talking about.
Oh no, here comes another learning experience.
Oderint dum metuant?