New Chronicle 8/2

Well, I suppose it's getting to be a bit more regular now. I have more material, so I'll try to be more regular with chronicle updates. At any rate, this tale is brought to us by Bryce, and is the first part in his story, Travels of the Starfire: Insidae. YOu can read this story (url="http://";=49")here(/url).

Enjoy! 🙂


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

Bryce: Have read (for enjoyment phase), will post soon after completing the critical read.

To the rest of you: (url="http://"")this(/url) link gives a very accurate depiction of the status enjoyed by those who do not comment on chronicles. Ignore at your peril.

A tomb now suffices for him for whom the world was not enough.