noiise bug (I think)

I ve made 2 maps so far... those 2 maps are connected with teleporters... my second map is a test for a world map and here are its carac:
width: 100 height: 100
movement tiles:
width: 32 height: 32
ground tiles dimensions:
width: 32 height: 32
nothing special... all the tiles I used for this map are 3232 (cause the 9696 gave bug appearances so I resized some of them to be 32*32 just for this map)
the thing that annoys me is when I teleport from the 1st map to this world map, during and loading time and some 2 or 3 seconds after that, there is a creeping noise (the same music should be playing the whole time... it s an mp3... but it s as if it momentarily had some pbms with it, completely distorting the sound to give a Scrgzeeeeeeee...)... after 2 or 3 seconds after the loading, everything goes all right again... I m not even sure it s the music that causes this... stranger is the fact that when I teleport from the world map to the 1st one, everything works fine... then I come to the world map again... same bugging noise...
anyone got that pbm already? what did I wrong?

God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu

HEHEH..; I m answering my own topic... but this is 'cause I figured out what was the pbm... and I thought I should just tell what was causing it so that others won t do the same mistake... which is not a simple one 🙂
on the 1st map, i ve got a custom ambient sound that plays with a 100% frequency on the map... the pbm comes from the fact that this sound is quite long (more than 5 seconds)... so if I change map (teleporting to the my worldmap) while the sound is just at the beginning, the end of this sound is completely crushed, resulting in a creeping buzzer GZZZEEEEEE...
still, I want this sound for my map so I m trying to find a way of having iit be played constantly bu stopping before a teleport event... damn...

God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu

If you're going to have the sound played continually at regular intervals, have you considered taking a sound editor and splicing it in as part of the music file for the map?

I don't know what I'm talking about.
Oh no, here comes another learning experience.

I thought to it but this raise another pbm... the music used in the map is used for other maps for which my annoying sound doesn t fit at all... bu I ve found another solution... not really good but it wotks well... thanks for the idea though :))

God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu