Level 12: Yo Ho Ho?

I have been stuck on level 13 for almost a week now. The first group of enemies is a cinch to beat, but after collecting the six escape pods, that 2nd cruiser and it's fleet always kill and/or horribly maims me. I even sunk low enough to use...(gasp) the invisbility cheat to get past. But then the guilt crept up on me and I refused to continue on with the game until I finished this level legit...

P.S. I know that the title of this topic is level 13 not 12. It was a typo.

"And you can be the dumpy teenager that stays backstage and cries because no one finds her attractive"

-Stewie Griffon/Family Guy

(This message has been edited by A silent watcher (edited 10-28-2000).)

After I posted this topic, by sheer luck I managed to destroy all remaining enemy ships thereby saving the tug and the liner :D. I already finished the level legit but if anyone will lend some tips on how to beat those carriers it might prove usefull.

"And you can be the dumpy teenager that stays backstage and cries because no one finds her attractive" -Stewie Griffon/Family Guy

(This message has been edited by A silent watcher (edited 10-28-2000).)

Don't be afraid. As long as you keep moving and firing at it, it's toast. If you get intimidated by it, you'll probably lose.

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

The main problem I had with that level was it or one of it's minions always managed to destroy the tug or the liner. It would always come out of warp directly in front of the tug and obliterate it before I could get a shot off. Thanks for the input though 🙂

"And you can be the dumpy teenager that stays backstage and cries because no one finds her attractive" -Stewie Griffon/Family Guy

i beat it by sheer luck too. Ive only beat it twice but ill never need to do it again unless of course when i have to do it again.....


Ok, here's a "cheating" way to do it...

All you have to do is determine the direction the disabled liner is drifting. If it's traveling towards the jump gate, great. Destroy the Gaitori fleet. Then go and collect 5 of the 6 escape pods. Wait for a long time (or use the speed up FKEY) until the liner is right next to the jump gate. Grab the 6th pod, and, with luck, the tug will pull the liner through before the other fleet even gets close. Or at least you won't have to hold them off for very long.

If it's traveling away from the gate, just restart the level. The liner drifts in a different direction each time. 🆒

"In times of stress, be
bold and valiant".

Put that smilie away! Cheaters don't have enough honor to use that!

But, still, it's an easy level. Just keep pounding the carrier, and don't get scared of it.

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

Cheater? ME? I contend that anyone who has beaten the game legitimately (such as myself) has the right to use "shortcuts" (<-- Not rationalization or a euphemism, because I'm not referring to codes) to help them get to the fun levels. "And It Feels So Good" Is my FAVORITE level, hands down, and I'm willing to be a little "shady" to get there ASAP. 😉

Still, Mag, I agree with you. Carriers may seem intimidating because of their size (and whatnot) but if you're consistent you can take them out in no time. Unless they're Sal Carriers, which I seem to get decimated by more often than not, lol.

"In times of stress, be bold and valiant".

How would it take too much time to get to a level you've already completed? I mean, a few extra clicks is all it takes!


I'll do this bit later.

It wouldn't think you'd completed it if your prefs got screwed up, but you should just make a plug with only that level...

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

Well you could just go into res-edit and to the changing the levels thingy. Like the same one where you get SRTM.


can't see too far. can't see too well.
it's all the ending and you're in hell.

For beating Sal carriers in general: "Orbit" them, so that you are only in their lightning bolt for a short time, as opposes to going head-on and being hit by their bolt for the entire time that it is there. Does anybody have any advice for beating Sal fighters? They are so annoying, because they are tough (as fighters go) and they are so danged small and invisable! I have tried going to 1:16 view to see them as little triangles, but then you still have to hit them with a big gun a couple times, which is hard to do, espacially if you have ten of them floating around you, trying to kill you. Advice?

"Then enemy gate is down"
-Ender, "Ender's Game"

Practice long-range shooting of small objects or use lepton beams, and practice looking for hard-to-see stuff.

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone


Originally posted by nobody:
**Does anybody have any advice for beating Sal fighters?

Make sure your Heavy Cruisers are escorting you. As far as the fighters go, they're the last bit of fighting you have to do in the level so feel free to use up all your remaining ammo and hose down the area with fullerene. 🙂

Those who make up the rules, do not play the game. We, however, do.
-Imperial Captain Alexi Darvonsal

For beating Salrilian and Audemedon Carriers, I have only one word: Fullerenes. With the right technique, it should be easy in a Heavy Destroyer. Stay barely out of range of the autotargeting beam, and shoot as long as you can with Fullerenes and (for support) missiles. The fullerenes run out fast, but this is what they're good at (their only other specialty is Salrilian fighters.) This is much easier with an Aud. carrier b/c its beam has a much shorter range. Still possible w/ a Salrilian carrier though. Hopefully those Magno Pulses won't get to you...

The Joolzman