
..must every single new person who comes to ares start off by asking for cheats? 😕

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


-bah, just when I think I found a loophole around the confused smiley.

(This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 10-27-2000).)

it makes me think that the new ares communtiy will be something like the "diablo community" (Boba fett trainer)


Sucks doesn't it.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.
Stop Exploding you cowards!


It seems to be a recent thing. And it DOES suck! They spam the boards for weeks asking for cheats, and when they get them, they leave! It sucks!


Maybe it's EVers who tried Ares, 'cause they're similar, and liked it, and, since Hera is in public beta and the major bugs are out, decided to join our boards...

Possible Cures:

Mabye the moderators could make some policy about it or something...

Or a part of the Ares website could have them...

Maybe if we just ignore them, like they weren't there...

I dunno!

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

Or someone could create another board, a "Cheating, losing all self respect and screwing the game for yourself room" or something.


I'll do this bit later.

Or we all give the same advice Sargatanus gave that crk111 guy, "you have to hold down control+command+power."


I suppose I could delete the topics as they come up, and have a little announcement at the top leading to one topic containing all the cheats...

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy


Originally posted by Sundered Angel:
**I suppose I could delete the topics as they come up, and have a little announcement at the top leading to one topic containing all the cheats...

might work...but still. We wouldn't be flooded with "cheater" topics, but all the new people will be addicted to cheating. How about we just say there aren't any or something?


We could just release a file on the add-ons section that lists all the cheats...

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.
Stop Exploding you cowards!


Originally posted by Laguna:
**We could just release a file on the add-ons section that lists all the cheats...


I suppose. But I doubt that anyone stupid enough to need cheats would have the intelligence to look there.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Good point. Guess we'll just have to keep deleting the topics then.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.
Stop Exploding you cowards!


Originally posted by Laguna:
**Good point. Guess we'll just have to keep deleting the topics then.

Don't complain, it gives you hand exercise! 😉

Actually, we could just have the moderators post saying that Ares doesn't have any (in an attempt to stop the e-mail flows from reaching Mr. Lamont) and then have them close the topic. Eventually, the message will get out.


Either way is good.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.
Stop Exploding you cowards!

Dont give them the cheats. That will ensure our doom. simply ignore them. Dont tell them the wrong thing or else thell just post it again. Just dont tell them anything.


we could give them the cheats. But when they come on GR dont play them in cheat battles. Just kick their butts in no cheat games. Also just delete any cheats topics. dont give them the cheats let them figure them out. I had to accually go through and figure them out (i dont use them though i just like knowing things)

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 10-28-2000).)

You can cheat in Multiplayer battles?

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.
Stop Exploding you cowards!

I think that there is a way to cheat in multiplayer games, if both players type in a certain code. Not enough people know it to use it, though.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy


Originally posted by Sundered Angel:
**Not enough people know it to use it, though.


Hopefully it'll stay that way.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.
Stop Exploding you cowards!

Cheating in multiplayer could be nice, if you were just interested in large battles, and didn't want to wait. It'd suck, though, 'cause whoever could type cheats faster would win.

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

You can cheat in multi player. Yes i have done this but it IS FUN, when your really bored and need a release form normal multi ares games. Im not gonna say how here(dont want "certain" peopl getting a hold of it) but i can email it to anyone that wants it. Only ppl that have beaten the game legit, aka. no newbies :D. I can also type in color. (i know alot about the special things in ares)

btw: why wont andrew turn on html again.....? i never got to use it.....



Originally posted by Pyro:
**You can cheat in multi player. Yes i have done this but it IS FUN, when your really bored and need a release form normal multi ares games. Im not gonna say how here(dont want "certain" peopl getting a hold of it) but i can email it to anyone that wants it. Only ppl that have beaten the game legit, aka. no newbies:D. I can also type in color. (i know alot about the special things in ares)

btw: why wont andrew turn on html again.....? i never got to use it.....

Yah, cheating in MP games cun be as fun as anything sometimes - just picture this: a fleet filled with HVDs and Carriers meets another fleet filled with HVDs and Carriers. Then fun ensues. (repeat until bored)


I'll do this bit later.