Turn-Based Style???

How do you make your game Turn-based...

This is basically a watered down version of what I asked a few posts below, but I didn't get any answers that helped... just idiots...

It's a bird! It's a plane!
Splat!!!!! Well, it's
roadkill now...

First off, there was no need to create an entire new topic when the previous one on the matter lies not four lines from the top of the topic list. Second off, I would strongly encourage you to use the "Search" feature in the upper right corner of the topic list - it's probably the quickest way for you to find out such information as is known about faking turn-based systems in Coldstone. Third off, if you want help, it's probably not a terrifically great idea to refer to those who post responses to your topics as "idiots". 🙂

I don't know what I'm talking about.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/glennfield/ColdstoneBugs.html")Coldstone 1.0.1 Bug List(/url) - last update 10/10/2002


Originally posted by Mad_Crad:
This is basically a watered down version of what I asked a few posts below, but I didn't get any answers that helped... just idiots...

Please, oh great non-idiotic genius, explain where your new question appears here:


Originally posted by Mad_Crad:
I've heard that you can make this game into an RPG... is there a certain plug-in that you need?? Do you have to input something?? I would very much like it if someone would answer my question...

Since you're not an idiot, surely you know that RPG stands for role-playing game and not tuRn-based rPG or something...

And to answer your question(just because I'm nice...) you can fake it with event scripting, for example:
1. check player xy see if it is colliding with the Bad Guy
2. if so, transport player to battle map
3. use events to simulate combat ( pick attacks from dialogs for instance.)

look! its a signature!

::being as vague as possible::

use the engine call action freeze/defreeze this is where your answer lies
